Capture クラスとは? わかりやすく解説

Capture クラス

単一部分キャプチャ結果表しますCapture は、正常終了した単一キャプチャ取得され1 つ部分文字列表します

名前空間: System.Text.RegularExpressions
アセンブリ: System (system.dll 内)

<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Class Capture
public class Capture
public ref class Capture
/** @attribute SerializableAttribute() */ 
public class Capture
public class Capture
Dim text As String = "One
 fish two fish red fish blue fish"
Dim pat As String = "(?<1>\w+)\s+(?<2>fish)\s*"
' Compile the regular expression.
Dim r As New Regex(pat,
' Match the regular expression pattern against a text string.
Dim m As Match = r.Match(text)        
While m.Success
   ' Display the first match and its capture set.
   System.Console.WriteLine("Match=[" + m.ToString()
 + "]")
   Dim cc As CaptureCollection = m.Captures
   Dim c As Capture
   For Each c In  cc
      System.Console.WriteLine("Capture=[" + c.ToString()
 + "]")
   Next c
   ' Display Group1 and its capture set.
   Dim g1 As Group = m.Groups(1)
   System.Console.WriteLine("Group1=[" + g1.ToString()
 + "]")
   Dim c1 As Capture
   For Each c1 In  g1.Captures
      System.Console.WriteLine("Capture1=[" + c1.ToString()
 + "]")
   Next c1
   ' Display Group2 and its capture set.
   Dim g2 As Group = m.Groups(2)
   System.Console.WriteLine("Group2=[" + g2.ToString()
 + "]")
   Dim c2 As Capture
   For Each c2 In  g2.Captures
      System.Console.WriteLine("Capture2=[" + c2.ToString()
 + "]")
   Next c2
   ' Advance to the next match.
   m = m.NextMatch()
End While
string text = "One car red car blue car";
string pat = @"(?<1>\w+)\s+(?<2>car)\s*";
// Compile the regular expression.
Regex r = new Regex(pat, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
// Match the regular expression pattern against a text string.
Match m = r.Match(text);
while (m.Success) 
   // Display the first match and its capture set.
   System.Console.WriteLine("Match=[" + m + "]");
   CaptureCollection cc = m.Captures;
   foreach (Capture c in cc) 
      System.Console.WriteLine("Capture=[" + c + "]");
   // Display Group1 and its capture set.
   Group g1 = m.Groups[1];
   System.Console.WriteLine("Group1=[" + g1 + "]");
   foreach (Capture c1 in g1.Captures) 
      System.Console.WriteLine("Capture1=[" + c1 + "]");
   // Display Group2 and its capture set.
   Group g2 = m.Groups[2];
   System.Console.WriteLine("Group2=["+ g2 + "]");
   foreach (Capture c2 in g2.Captures) 
      System.Console.WriteLine("Capture2=[" + c2 + "]");
   // Advance to the next match.
   m = m.NextMatch();
String^ text = "One car red car blue car";
String^ pat = "(?<1>\\w+)\\s+(?<2>car)\\s*";

// compile the regular expression.
Regex^ r = gcnew Regex( pat,RegexOptions::IgnoreCase );

// match the regular expression pattern against a text String.
Match^ m = r->Match(text);
while ( m->Success )
   // Display the first match and its capture set.
   Console::WriteLine( "Match=[{0}]", m );
   CaptureCollection^ cc = m->Captures;
   for each (Capture^ c in cc) 
      System::Console::WriteLine("Capture=[" + c + "]");
   // Display Group1 and its capture set.
   Group^ g1 = m->Groups[ 1 ];
   Console::WriteLine( "Group1=[{0}]", g1 );
   for each (Capture^ c1 in g1->Captures)
      System::Console::WriteLine("Capture1=[" + c1 + "]");
   // Display Group2 and its capture set.
   Group^ g2 = m->Groups[ 2 ];
   Console::WriteLine( "Group2=[{0}]", g2 );
   for each (Capture^ c2 in g2->Captures)
      System::Console::WriteLine("Capture2=[" + c2 + "]");
   // Advance to the next match.
   m = m->NextMatch();
String text = "One car red car blue car";
String pat = "(?<1>\\w+)\\s+(?<2>car)\\s*";

// Compile the regular expression.
Regex r = new Regex(pat, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
// Match the regular expression pattern against a text string.
Match m = r.Match(text);

while (m.get_Success()) {
    // Display the first match and its capture set.
    System.Console.WriteLine("Match=[" + m + "]");
    CaptureCollection cc = m.get_Captures();
    for (int iCtr = 0; iCtr < cc.get_Count();
 iCtr++) {
        Capture c = (Capture)cc.get_Item(iCtr);
        System.Console.WriteLine("Capture=[" + c + "]");

    // Display Group1 and its capture set.
    Group g1 = m.get_Groups().get_Item(1);
    System.Console.WriteLine("Group1=[" + g1 + "]");
    for (int iCtr = 0; iCtr < g1.get_Captures().get_Count();
 iCtr++) {
        Capture c1 = (Capture)g1.get_Captures().get_Item(iCtr);
        System.Console.WriteLine("Capture1=[" + c1 + "]");

    // Display Group2 and its capture set.
    Group g2 = m.get_Groups().get_Item(2);
    System.Console.WriteLine("Group2=[" + g2 + "]");
    for (int iCtr = 0; iCtr < g2.get_Captures().get_Count();
 iCtr++) {
        Capture c2 = (Capture)g2.get_Captures().get_Item(iCtr);
        System.Console.WriteLine("Capture2=[" + c2 + "]");

    // Advance to the next match.
    m = m.NextMatch();
var text : String = "One car red car blue car";
var pat : String = "(?<1>\\w+)\\s+(?<2>fish)\\s*";
// Compile the regular expression.
var r : Regex = new Regex(pat, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
// match the regex pattern against a text string
var m : Match = r.Match(text);
while (m.Success) {
    // Display the first match and its capture set.
    System.Console.WriteLine("Match=[" + m + "]");
    var cc : CaptureCollection = m.Captures;
    for (var c : Capture in cc) {
        System.Console.WriteLine("Capture=[" + c + "]");
    // display Group1 and its capture set.
    var g1 : Group = m.Groups[1];
    System.Console.WriteLine("Group1=[" + g1 + "]");
    for (var c1 : Capture in g1.Captures) {
        System.Console.WriteLine("Capture1=[" + c1 + "]");
    // display Group2 and its capture set.
    var g2 : Group = m.Groups[2];
    System.Console.WriteLine("Group2=["+ g2 + "]");
    for (var c2 : Capture in g2.Captures) {
        System.Console.WriteLine("Capture2=[" + c2 + "]");
    // advance to the next match.
    m = m.NextMatch();
スレッド セーフスレッド セーフ
この型の public static (Visual Basic では Shared) メンバはすべて、スレッド セーフです。インスタンス メンバ場合は、スレッド セーフであるとは限りません。
Capture メンバ
System.Text.RegularExpressions 名前空間

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「Capture クラス」の関連用語

Capture クラスのお隣キーワード



Capture クラスのページの著作権
Weblio 辞書 情報提供元は 参加元一覧 にて確認できます。

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