ムランジェ山塊とは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2022/04/30 14:00 UTC 版)

ムランジェ山(Mount Mulanje)またはムランジェ山塊(Mulanje Massif)は、マラウイ南部州に位置する巨大な残丘である。およそ640km²の面積を擁する[2]とともに、最も海抜の高いサピータピーク(Sapitwa Peak)地点は標高3002m[3]を誇る。なお、ムランジェ山はマラウイ国内および中央アフリカ地域における最高峰である[4][5]

  1. ^ Mount Mulanje, Malawi”. NASA Earth Observatory. 2010年1月12日閲覧。
  2. ^ Eastwood, F., 1979. Guide to the Mulanje Massif. Lorton Communications, Johannesburg 1-147.
  4. ^ a b c J S Beard, Geography, environment and flora of Mt Mulanje, Central Africa, Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 80(3), September 19 - P189
  5. ^ Mount Mulanje Land Cover Time Series Analysis”. Ioana Bouvier Spatial Planning Specialist. 2010年1月12日閲覧。 4 page
  6. ^ Dragonflies (Odonata) of Mulanje, Malawi”. IDF-Report 6 (2004): 23-29. 2010年1月12日閲覧。
  7. ^ http://whc.unesco.org/en/tentativelists/1419/ Mulanje Mountain Biosphere Reserve
  8. ^ Shaw, 1985 P. Shaw, Late Quaternary landforms and environmental change in northwest Botswana: the evidence of Lake Ngami and the Mababe Depression, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 10 (3) (1985), pp. 333–346.
  9. ^ Crossley et al., 1984 R. Crossley, S. Davison-Hirschmann, R.B. Owen and P.A. Shaw, Lake level fluctuations during the last 2000 years in Malawi. In: J. Vogel, Editor, Late Cainozoic Palaeoclimates of the Southern Hemisphere, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam (1984), pp. 305–316.
  10. ^ David S.G. Thomasa, b, Richard Baileya, Paul A. Shawd, Julie A. Durcanc and Joy S., SingarayerQuaternary Science Reviews, Volume 28, Issues 5-6, March 2009, Pages 526-539.
  11. ^ Mulanje Mountain Conservation Trust - Introduction
  12. ^ Mount Mulanje Land Cover Time Series Analysis”. Ioana Bouvier Spatial Planning Specialist. 2010年1月12日閲覧。 19 page
  13. ^ http://web02.affrc.go.jp/kankoubutsu/report/57/25-36.pdf 河野尚由、坂上潤一、西アフリカにおけるイネの冠水害 、国際農業研究情報No.57、P25-36 、第26ページ
  14. ^ a b F. Dowsett-Lemaire, The Forest Vegetation of Mt Mulanje (Malawi): A Floristic and Chorological Study along an Altitudinal Gradient (650-1950 m), National Botanic Garden of Belgium., 1988, 58, 77-107
  15. ^ a b Climate change and adaptation strategies: a case study of the Mulanje Mountain Forest Reserve and its surroundings Malawi”. International Institute for Environment and Development. 2010年1月12日閲覧。
  16. ^ J S Beard, Geography, environment and flora of Mt Mulanje, Central Africa, Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 80(3), September 19 - P190
  17. ^ South Malawi Mount Mulanje
  18. ^ I. Edwards, Conservation of plants on Mulanje Mountain Malawi, Oryx. Vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 86-90. 1985.
  19. ^ Agreement between the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Government of the Republic of Malawi and Mulanje Mountain Conservation Trust regarding development cooperation concerning support to Mulanje Mountain Biodiversity Conservation Project”. Government of Republic of Malawi. 2010年1月12日閲覧。


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