アメリカ合衆国の共和主義とは? わかりやすく解説

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  1. ^ Robert E. Shalhope, "Toward a Republican Synthesis: The Emergence of an Understanding of Republicanism in American Historiography," William and Mary Quarterly, 29 (January 1972), 49–80
  2. ^ Richard Buel, Securing the Revolution: Ideology in American Politics, 1789–1815 (1972)
  3. ^ Becker et al (2002), ch 1
  4. ^ Gordon S. Wood, The Radicalism of the American Revolution: How a Revolution Transformed a Monarchical Society into a Democratic One Unlike Any That Had Ever Existed (1992).
  5. ^ John Phillip Reid, Constitutional History of the American Revolution (2003) p 76
  6. ^ Kyle G. Volk, "The Perils of 'Pure Democracy': Minority Rights, Liquor Politics, and Popular Sovereignty in Antebellum America," Journal of the Early Republic Volume 29, Number 4, Winter 2009 DOI: 10.1353/jer.0.0113
  7. ^ Hart, (2002), ch 1
  8. ^ Robert Williams, Horace Greeley: champion of American freedom (2006) p 175-6
  9. ^ Kenneth R. Bowling "A Capital before a Capitol: Republican Visions," in Donald R. Kennon ed. A Republic for the Ages: The United States Capitol and the Political Culture of the Early Republic (1999)
  10. ^ Trevor Colbourn, The Lamp of Experience: Whig History and the Intellectual Origins of the American Revolution (1965) online version
  11. ^ H. T. Dickinson, ed., A companion to eighteenth-century Britain (2002) p. 300
  12. ^ Mortimer N. S. Sellers, American republicanism (1994) p. 3
  13. ^ Robert Kelley, "Ideology and Political Culture from Jefferson to Nixon," American Historical Review, 82 (June 1977), 536
  14. ^ J.G.A. Pocock, The Machiavellian Moment p 507
  15. ^ Wood, Gordon (2011). The Idea of America. New York: The Penguin Press. pp. 325 
  16. ^ Bernard, Bailyn. The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution. Cambridge, Mass: The Belknap Press 
  17. ^ Bailyn, Bernard. The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution (1967)
  18. ^ Thomas S. Kidd, God of Liberty: A Religious History of the American Revolution p. 9
  19. ^ Kidd, God of Liberty, p 8
  20. ^ Bernard Bailyn, The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution p 525
  21. ^ Gordon Wood, "Introduction" in Idea of America: Reflections on the Birth of the United States (2011) online.
  22. ^ Bernard Bailyn, The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution p 92
  23. ^ Robert E. Shalhope, "Toward a Republican Synthesis," William and Mary Quarterly, 29 (January 1972), pp 49–80
  24. ^ Thomas Jefferson to John Taylor, May 28, 1816”. 2006年10月31日閲覧。 See also: James Madison on Majority Government
  25. ^ Republican Government. Retrieved on 2006-12-14.
  26. ^ J.G.A. Pocock, "Virtue and Commerce in the Eighteenth Century," Journal of Interdisciplinary History 3#1 (1972), 119–34.
  27. ^ Adams quoted in Paul A. Rahe, Republics Ancient and Modern: Classical Republicanism and the American Revolution. Volume: 2 (1994) P. 23.
  28. ^ Adams 1776 quoted in Rahe, Republics Ancient and Modern 2:23.
  29. ^ "Rousseau, whose romantic and egalitarian tenets had practically no influence on the course of Jefferson's, or indeed any American, thought." Nathan Schachner, Thomas Jefferson: A Biography. (1957). p. 47.
  30. ^ Gordon S. Wood, "Rhetoric and Reality in the American Revolution," William and Mary Quarterly 23#1 (1966), pp. 3-32 in JSTOR
  31. ^ Rodgers (1992)
  32. ^ Gordon S. Wood, Empire of liberty: a history of the early Republic, 1789-1815 (2009) p. 214
  33. ^ Mark B. Brown, Science in democracy: expertise, institutions, and representation (2009) p 83
  34. ^ 憲法制定会議でアレクサンダー・ハミルトンは州の権力を劇的に小さくするよう提案したが、支持が得られず、その考えを捨てた
  35. ^ Alexander Keyssar, The Right to Vote: The Contested History of Democracy in the United States (2001)
  36. ^ Fawn Brodie, Thomas Jefferson (1974) p. 267
  37. ^ quoted in John C. Miller, Alexander Hamilton: Portrait in Paradox (1959) p. 320; online edition of Webster p. 332
  38. ^ Dublin, Strike of 1830
  39. ^ Richard J. Ellis and Michael Nelson, Debating the presidency (2009) p. 211
  40. ^ Paul F. Bourke, "The Pluralist Reading of James Madison's Tenth Federalist," Perspectives in American History (1975) 9:271-299
  41. ^ David Tucker, Enlightened republicanism: a study of Jefferson's Notes on the State if Virginia (2008) p. 109
  42. ^ George Washington to James McHenry, September 30, 1798”. 2007年1月8日閲覧。 Transcript.
  43. ^ Paul S. Boyer, et al. The Enduring Vision (2010) vol 1 p 191
  44. ^ Recently Martin has argued that Madison showed his commitment to the popular element of popular government in the "Memorial and Remonstrance against Religious Assessments" (1785); Robert W. T. Martin, "James Madison and Popular Government: The Neglected Case of the 'Memorial'" Polity, Apr 2010, Vol. 42 Issue 2, pp 185–209
  45. ^ Garrett Ward Sheldon and C. William Hill Jr., The Liberal Republicanism of John Taylor of Caroline (2008)
  46. ^ David Brion Davis, Antebellum American culture (1997) pp 14-15
  47. ^ Kermit L. Hall and Kevin T. McGuire, eds. Institutions of American Democracy: The Judicial Branch (2005) p 404
  48. ^ R. Kent Newmyer, Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story: Statesman of the Old Republic (1985)
  49. ^ Stephen B. Presser, "Resurrecting the Conservative Tradition in American Legal History," Reviews in American History, Vol. 13#4 (Dec., 1985), pp. 526-533 in JSTOR
  50. ^ Randolph quoted in Banning (1978) p. 262. See Lawrence D. Cress, "Republican Liberty and National Security: American Military Policy as an Ideological Problem, 1783 to 1789." William and Mary Quarterly (1981) 38(1): 73–96. ISSN 0043-5597 Fulltext at Jstor
  51. ^ Samuel F. Scott, "Foreign Mercenaries, Revolutionary War, and Citizen-soldiers in the Late Eighteenth Century." War & Society 1984 2(2): 41–58. ISSN 0729-2473
  52. ^ Ricardo A. Herrera, "Self-governance and the American Citizen as Soldier, 1775–1861." Journal of Military History 2001 65(1): 21–52. ISSN 0899-3718 Fulltext in SwetsWise and Jstor
  53. ^ Bruce Clayton, ed. The Mind of the South: fifty years later (1992) p 70-71
  54. ^ Wood 1995
  55. ^ Thornton, Politics and Power in a Slave Society: Alabama, 1800–1860 (1981)
  56. ^ McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom (1988) quote p 126
  57. ^ Lewis L. Gould, Grand Old Party (2003) p 14
  58. ^ Richard Jensen, "Democracy, Republicanism and Efficiency: The Values of American Politics, 1885–1930," in Byron Shafer and Anthony Badger, eds, Contesting Democracy: Substance and Structure in American Political History, 1775–2000 (U of Kansas Press, 2001) pp 149–180.online version
  59. ^ Alyn Brodsky, Grover Cleveland: a study in character (2000) p. 96
  60. ^ John Whiteclay II Chambers,To Raise An Army: The Draft Comes to Modern America (1987)
  61. ^ Gary Hart, Restoration of the Republic: The Jeffersonian Ideal in 21st-Century America (2002) p. 7; Michael Tomasky, "Party in Search of a Notion," The American Prospect (May 2006) online at [1] . James Patterson, "Modern Era" in Byron Shafer and Anthony Badger, eds, Contesting Democracy: Substance and Structure in American Political History, 1775–2000 (U of Kansas Press, 2001)
  62. ^ D. Michael Shafer, The Vietnam-Era Draft in Shafer, ed. The Legacy: The Vietnam War in the American Imagination (1990), 57–79.
  63. ^ Elizabeth Bumiller and David M. Halbfinger, "Military Service Becomes Issue in Bush-Kerry Race," New York Times, February 4, 2004
  64. ^ Alec M. Gallup and Frank Newport, The Gallup poll: public opinion 2004(2006) p. 83
  65. ^ Marvin Kalb and Deborah Kalb, Haunting Legacy: Vietnam and the American Presidency from Ford to Obama (2011) p. 220
  66. ^ 139 U.S. 449, (1891)
  67. ^ Herman Belz, Abraham Lincoln, constitutionalism, and equal rights in the Civil War Era (1998) p. 86
  68. ^ 高木八尺他、「リンカーン演説集」、第一次大統領就任演説、p101、岩波文庫、1957年
  69. ^ William Safire, Safire's Political Dictionary (2008) p 175-6
  70. ^ Yonatan Eyal, The Young America Movement and the Transformation of the Democratic Party, 1828-1861 (2007) p. 27
  71. ^ Charles O. Lerche, Jr., "Congressional Interpretations of the Guarantee of a Republican Form of Government during Reconstruction," Journal of Southern History (1949), 15:192-211 in JSTOR
  72. ^ "Suffrage" in Paul S. Boyer and Melvyn Dubofsky, The Oxford companion to United States history (2001) p. 754

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