XKeyscoreとは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2023/02/25 07:43 UTC 版)


  1. ^ Myers, Steven Lee; Kramer, Andrew E. (August 1, 2013). "Defiant Russia Grants Snowden Year's Asylum". ニューヨーク・タイムズ. Retrieved August 6, 2013. "Russia’s decision, which infuriated American officials, ended five weeks of legal limbo for Mr. Snowden, the former intelligence analyst wanted by the United States for leaking details of the National Security Agency’s surveillance programs, and opened a new phase of his legal and political odyssey."
  2. ^ Greenwald, Glenn; Ackerman, Spencer (2013年6月27日). “How the NSA Is Still Harvesting Your Online Data - Files Show Vast Scale of Current NSA Metadata Programs, with One Stream Alone Celebrating 'One Trillion Records Processed'”. ガーディアン. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/27/nsa-online-metadata-collection 2013年8月5日閲覧。 
  3. ^ Layne, Ken (2013年6月18日). “Job Networking Site LinkedIn Filled With Secret NSA Program Names”. 2013年8月6日閲覧。
  4. ^ Greenwald, Glenn; Casado, Roberto Kaz e José (2013年7月13日). “Espionagem dos EUA se espalhou pela América Latina - Depois do Brasil, Colômbia foi o país mais vigiado - Venezuela também entrou na mira de programas americanos” [U.S. Spying Spread Through Latin America - After Brazil, Colombia Was the Country's Most Watched - Venezuela Also Came in the Crosshairs of U.S. Programs] (ポルトガル語). オ・グロボ. 2013年8月5日閲覧。
  5. ^ a b Staff (undated; circa July 2013). “No alvo dos EUA - O big-brother na América Latina e no mundo [The U.S. Targets - Big Brother in Latin America and in the World]” (Portuguese). オ・グロボ. http://oglobo.globo.com/infograficos/big-brother-am-latina/ 2013年8月5日閲覧。 
  6. ^ a b Staff (July 20, 2013). "'Prolific Partner': German Intelligence Used NSA Spy Program". デア・シュピーゲル. Retrieved August 5, 2013.
  7. ^ Nakashima, Ellen (2013年7月31日). “Newly Declassified Documents on Phone Records Program Released”. ワシントン・ポスト. http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/governments-secret-order-to-verizon-to-be-unveiled-at-senate-hearing/2013/07/31/233fdd3a-f9cf-11e2-a369-d1954abcb7e3_story.html 2013年8月6日閲覧。 
  8. ^ Fisher, Max (2013年8月1日). “Is XKeyscore Still Active? Defense Contractor Posted a Job Listing for It 2 weeks Ago”. WorldViews (ワシントン・ポストのブログ). http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2013/08/01/is-xkeyscore-still-active-defense-contractor-posted-a-job-listing-for-it-2-weeks-ago/ 2013年8月6日閲覧。 
  9. ^ Marc Ambinder (2013年7月31日). “What's XKEYSCORE?”. The Compass (ザ・ウィークのブログ). http://theweek.com/article/index/247684/whats-xkeyscore 2013年8月4日閲覧。 
  10. ^ a b Gallagher, Sean (2013年8月1日). “NSA's Internet Taps Can Find Systems to Hack, Track VPNs and Word Docs - X-Keyscore Gives NSA the Ability to Find and Exploit Vulnerable Systems”. Ars Technica. http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2013/08/nsas-internet-taps-can-find-systems-to-hack-track-vpns-and-word-docs/ 2013年8月4日閲覧。 
  11. ^ a b c d Staff (2013年7月31日). “XKeyscore Presentation from 2008 – Read in Full - Training Materials for the XKeyscore Program Detail How Analysts Can Use It and Other Systems to Mine Enormous Agency Databases and Develop Intelligence from the Web - Revealed: NSA Program That Collects 'Nearly Everything a User Does on the Internet'”. ガーディアン. http://www.theguardian.com/world/interactive/2013/jul/31/nsa-xkeyscore-program-full-presentation 2013年8月6日閲覧。 
  12. ^ a b Dorling, Philip (2013年7月8日). “Snowden Reveals Australia's Links to US Spy Web”. シドニー・モーニング・ヘラルド. http://www.smh.com.au/world/snowden-reveals-australias-links-to-us-spy-web-20130708-2plyg.html 2013年8月2日閲覧。 
  13. ^ Greenwald, Glenn; Casado, Roberto Kaz e José (2013年7月6日). “EUA expandem o aparato de vigilância continuamente - Software de vigilância usa mais de 700 servidores espalhados pelo mundo” (ポルトガル語). オ・グロボ. http://oglobo.globo.com/mundo/eua-expandem-aparato-de-vigilancia-continuamente-8941149 2013年8月2日閲覧。 
  14. ^ Greenwald, Glenn (July 31, 2013)."XKeyscore: NSA tool collects 'nearly everything a user does on the internet' - XKeyscore Gives 'Widest-Reaching' Collection of Online Data - NSA Analysts Require No Prior Authorization for Searches - Sweeps Up Emails, Social Media Activity and Browsing History". ガーディアン. Retrieved August 1, 2013.
  15. ^ a b Laura Poitras, Marcel Rosenbach and Holger Stark, Ally and Target: US Intelligence Watches Germany Closely, August 12, 2013.
  16. ^ a b Rea, Kari (2013年7月28日). “Glenn Greenwald: Low-Level NSA Analysts Have 'Powerful and Invasive' Search Tool”. ABCニュース. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2013/07/glenn-greenwald-low-level-nsa-analysts-have-powerful-and-invasive-search-tool/ 2013年8月4日閲覧。 
  17. ^ NSA Press Statement on 30 July 2013
  18. ^ Wills, Amanda (2013年8月1日). “New Snowden Leak: NSA Program Taps All You Do Online”. Mashable (via CNN). 2013年8月4日閲覧。
  19. ^ Top Level Telecommunications, New slides about NSA collection programs, July 16, 2013
  20. ^ 米が日本に諜報機器提供 スノーデン文書で公開 産経新聞
  21. ^ スノーデン文書の中に日本情報 ネットメディアが公開 NHK
  22. ^ スノーデン文書「米が日本にスパイ機器」 ネットで公開 毎日新聞
  23. ^ a b 米NSA、日本にメール監視システム提供か 米報道 朝日新聞


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