LRV_(月面車)とは? わかりやすく解説

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LRV (月面車)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/04/11 05:25 UTC 版)

LRV (Lunar Roving Vehicle) は、1971年から1972年に行われた3度のアポロ計画アポロ15号アポロ16号アポロ17号)で使用された四輪電池駆動の月面車である。バギーカーを意味するドゥーン・バギー ("dune buggy") をもじって、ムーン・バギー (moon buggy) として知られる。

  1. ^ Bekker, Mieczyslaw G.; Theory of Land Locomotion, U. Michigan Press, 1956, and The Mechanics of Vehicle Mobility, U. Michigan Press, 1956 and 1962
  2. ^ von Braun, Wernher; “How We’ll Travel on the Moon,” Popular Science, February 1964, pp. 18-26
  3. ^ Young, Anthony; Lunar and planetary rovers: the wheels of Apollo and the quest for Mars; Springer, 2007, pp. 30-57; ISBN 0-387-30774-5
  4. ^ Bekker, Mieczyslaw G., and Ferenc Pavlics; “Lunar Roving Vehicle Concept: A Case Study”; GMDRL Staff Paper SP63-205, May 1963
  5. ^ "Molab," Encyclopedia Astronautics
  6. ^ Courter, Robert; “What It’s Like to Fly the Jet Belt,” Popular Science, Nov. 1969, pp. 55-59, 190
  7. ^ ”Lunar Shelter/Rover Conceptual Design and Evaluation,” NASA CR-61049, Nov. 1964.
  8. ^ ”Brown Builds Concept Of Lunar Vehicle,” BECO Views, Vol. 9, Jan. 1966, p. 1
  9. ^ "Filipino Inventors and Filipino Scientists"
  10. ^ Interviews with Otha H. “Skeet” Vaughan, Jr., MSFC test engineer (retired); also see Vaughan’s "Brief History of NASA Marshall Space Flight Center’s Lunar Mobility Program”;
  11. ^ Wright, Mike and Bob Jaques, Editors, Saverio Morea, Technical Editor; “A Brief History of the Lunar Roving Vehicle,” 3 April 2002, MSFC History Office.
  12. ^ “Lunar Roving Vehicle,” MSFC press release, 29 October 1969; Marshall Star, 3 November 1969
  13. ^ a b Morea, Saverio F.; “The Lunar Roving Vehicle ? Historical Perspective”; Proc. 2nd Conference on Lunar Bases and Space Activities, 5-7 April 1988; NASA Conference Publications 3166, Vol. 1, pp. 619-632.
  14. ^ a b “The Apollo Lunar Roving Vehicle”, NASA Document.
  15. ^ a b Lyons, Pete; “10 Best Ahead-of-Their-Time Machines”, Car and Driver, Jan. 1988, p.78
  16. ^ ”Experimental Operations During Apollo EVAs: Repairs to Experiments,” NASA Document.
  17. ^ ”Moondust and Duct Tape,” NASA Document.
  18. ^ Baker, David; "Lunar Roving Vehicle: Design Report," Spaceflight, Vol. 13, July 1971, pp. 234-240
  19. ^ Kudish, Henry. "The Lunar Rover." Spaceflight. Vol. 12, July 1970, pp. 270-274
  20. ^ "NASA Certificate for Ferenc Pavlics for Inventing the Resilient Wheel" (from Hungarian University of Engineering).
  21. ^ Burkhalter, Bettye B; Sharpe, Mitchell R (1995). “Lunar Roving Vehicle: Historical Origins, Development and Deployment”. Journal of the British Interplanetary Society 48 (5): 199?212. 
  22. ^ a b Lunar Roving Vehicles”. Field Guide to American Spacecraft. 2011年8月8日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2009年8月24日閲覧。
  23. ^ “Blast-Off on Mission: SPACE”. Science and Technical Information, Spinoff (NASA). (2003年). 2009年8月24日閲覧。 

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