Label.BorderStyle プロパティとは? わかりやすく解説

Weblio 辞書 > コンピュータ > .NET Framework クラス ライブラリ リファレンス > Label.BorderStyle プロパティの意味・解説 

Label.BorderStyle プロパティ


名前空間: System.Windows.Forms
アセンブリ: System.Windows.Forms ( 内)

Public Overridable Property
 BorderStyle As BorderStyle
Dim instance As Label
Dim value As BorderStyle

value = instance.BorderStyle

instance.BorderStyle = value
public virtual BorderStyle BorderStyle { get;
 set; }
virtual property BorderStyle BorderStyle {
    BorderStyle get ();
    void set (BorderStyle value);
/** @property */
public BorderStyle get_BorderStyle ()

/** @property */
public void set_BorderStyle (BorderStyle value)
public function get BorderStyle
 () : BorderStyle

public function set BorderStyle
 (value : BorderStyle)

BorderStyle 値の 1 つ既定値BorderStyle.None です。



代入された値が、BorderStyle 値ではありません。


境界3 次元で、ImageList プロパティおよび ImageIndex プロパティ使用して表示されるイメージを持つ Label コントロール作成方法次のコード例示します。このコントロールには、ニーモニック文字指定したキャプション表示されます。このコードの例では、PreferredHeight プロパティと PreferredWidth プロパティ使用して表示するフォーム上の Label コントロールサイズ適切に設定します。この例では、imageList1 という名前の ImageList作成され2 つイメージ読み込まれている必要がありますまた、このコードフォーム内にあり、そのフォームコードSystem.Drawing 名前空間追加されている必要もあります

Public Sub CreateMyLabel()
    ' Create an instance of a Label.
    Dim label1 As New Label()
    ' Set the border to a three-dimensional border.
    label1.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
    ' Set the ImageList to use for displaying an image.
    label1.ImageList = imageList1
    ' Use the second image in imageList1.
    label1.ImageIndex = 1
    ' Align the image to the top left corner.
    label1.ImageAlign = ContentAlignment.TopLeft
    ' Specify that the text can display mnemonic characters.
    label1.UseMnemonic = True
    ' Set the text of the control and specify a mnemonic character.
    label1.Text = "First &Name:"
    ' Set the size of the control based on the PreferredHeight and PreferredWidth
    label1.Size = New Size(label1.PreferredWidth, label1.PreferredHeight)

    '...Code to add the control to the form...
End Sub

public void CreateMyLabel()
   // Create an instance of a Label.
   Label label1 = new Label();

   // Set the border to a three-dimensional border.
   label1.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
   // Set the ImageList to use for displaying an image.
   label1.ImageList = imageList1;
   // Use the second image in imageList1.
   label1.ImageIndex = 1;
   // Align the image to the top left corner.
   label1.ImageAlign = ContentAlignment.TopLeft;

   // Specify that the text can display mnemonic characters.
   label1.UseMnemonic = true;
   // Set the text of the control and specify a mnemonic character.
   label1.Text = "First &Name:";
   /* Set the size of the control based on the PreferredHeight and PreferredWidth
 values. */
   label1.Size = new Size (label1.PreferredWidth, label1.PreferredHeight);

   //...Code to add the control to the form...

   void CreateMyLabel()
      // Create an instance of a Label.
      Label^ label1 = gcnew Label;
      // Set the border to a three-dimensional border.
      label1->BorderStyle = System::Windows::Forms::BorderStyle::Fixed3D;
      // Set the ImageList to use for displaying an image.
      label1->ImageList = imageList1;
      // Use the second image in imageList1.
      label1->ImageIndex = 1;
      // Align the image to the top left corner.
      label1->ImageAlign = ContentAlignment::TopLeft;
      // Specify that the text can display mnemonic characters.
      label1->UseMnemonic = true;
      // Set the text of the control and specify a mnemonic character.
      label1->Text = "First &Name:";
      /* Set the size of the control based on the PreferredHeight and PreferredWidth
 values. */
      label1->Size = System::Drawing::Size( label1->PreferredWidth, label1->PreferredHeight
      //...Code to add the control to the form...
public void CreateMyLabel()
    // Create an instance of a Label.
    Label label1 = new Label();
    // Set the border to a three-dimensional border.
    // Set the ImageList to use for displaying an image.
    // Use the second image in imageList1.
    // Align the image to the top left corner.
    // Specify that the text can display mnemonic characters.
    // Set the text of the control and specify a mnemonic character.
    label1.set_Text("First &Name:");
    /* Set the size of the control based on the PreferredHeight
       and PreferredWidth values. */
    label1.set_Size(new Size(label1.get_PreferredWidth(), 
    //...Code to add the control to the form...
} //CreateMyLabel 
public function CreateMyLabel()
   // Create an instance of a Label.
   var label1 : Label = new Label();

   // Set the border to a three-dimensional border.
   label1.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
   // Set the ImageList to use for displaying an image.
   label1.ImageList = imageList1;
   // Use the second image in imageList1.
   label1.ImageIndex = 1;
   // Align the image to the top left corner.
   label1.ImageAlign = ContentAlignment.TopLeft;

   // Specify that the text can display mnemonic characters.
   label1.UseMnemonic = true;
   // Set the text of the control and specify a mnemonic character.
   label1.Text = "First &Name:";
   /* Set the size of the control based on the PreferredHeight and PreferredWidth
 values. */
   label1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (label1.PreferredWidth,

   //...Code to add the control to the form...


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「Label.BorderStyle プロパティ」の関連用語

Label.BorderStyle プロパティのお隣キーワード



Label.BorderStyle プロパティのページの著作権
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