_FieldInfo.IsFamilyOrAssemblyとは? わかりやすく解説

FieldInfo.IsFamilyOrAssembly プロパティ

このフィールドに、FamilyOrAssembly レベル参照可能範囲設定されているかどうかを示す値を取得します

名前空間: System.Reflection
アセンブリ: mscorlib (mscorlib.dll 内)

Dim instance As FieldInfo
Dim value As Boolean

value = instance.IsFamilyOrAssembly
public bool IsFamilyOrAssembly { get;
virtual property bool IsFamilyOrAssembly {
    bool get () sealed;
/** @property */
public final boolean get_IsFamilyOrAssembly ()
public final function get
 IsFamilyOrAssembly () : boolean

フィールドFamORAssem 属性設定されている場合trueそれ以外場合false


フィールドFamilyOrAssembly レベル参照可能範囲設定されている場合、そのフィールド派生クラスすべてのメンバ、または同じアセンブリ内の任意のメンバから呼び出せますが、他の型からは呼び出せません。

IsFamilyOrAssembly プロパティは、FieldAttributes.FamORAssem 属性設定されたときに設定されます。


2 つフィールド作成する例を次に示します2 番目のフィールドである Myfieldb は、最初フィールド Myfielda から派生してます。Myfielda.field は protected internal (Visual Basic の場合Friend Protected) であるため、Myfieldb.field を派生できます。Myfielda.field がプライベート フィールド場合は、Myfieldb.field を派生できません。

Imports System
Imports System.Reflection
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

' Make two fields.
Public Class Myfielda
    ' Note that if the private line below is uncommented
    ' and the protected internal line below is commented out,
    ' this will not compile, because Myfielda.field is inaccessible.

    ' private string field = "A private field";

    Protected Friend field As
 String = "A private field"

    Public Property MyField() As
            Return field
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Value As
            If field <> value Then
                field = value
            End If
        End Set
    End Property
End Class 'Myfielda
' Myfieldb is derived from Myfielda.
' The protected internal string field allows
' the IsFamilyOrAssembly flag to be set and allows
' the field to be visible from a derived class.
Public Class Myfieldb
    Inherits Myfielda

    Public Shadows Property
 MyField() As String
            Return field
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Value As
            If field <> value Then
                field = value
            End If
        End Set
    End Property
End Class 'Myfieldb

Public Class Myfieldinfo

    Public Shared Function
 Main() As Integer
        Dim Myfielda As New
        Dim Myfieldb As New

        ' Get the Type and FieldInfo.
        Dim MyTypea As Type = GetType(Myfielda)
        Dim Myfieldinfoa As FieldInfo = MyTypea.GetField("field",
 BindingFlags.NonPublic Or BindingFlags.Instance)
        Dim MyTypeb As Type = GetType(Myfieldb)
        Dim Myfieldinfob As FieldInfo = MyTypeb.GetField("field",
 BindingFlags.NonPublic Or BindingFlags.Instance)

        ' For the first field, get and display the Name, field, and
        ' IsFamilyOrAssembly.
        Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", MyTypea.FullName,
        Console.WriteLine("IsFamilyOrAssembly = {0}",
        If Myfieldinfoa.IsFamilyOrAssembly Then
            Console.WriteLine("Field has limited accessibility")
        End If
        ' For the second field, get and display the name and field.
        Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", MyTypeb.FullName,
        Return 0
    End Function 'Main
End Class 'Myfieldinfo
using System;
using System.Reflection;

 //Make two fields.
public class Myfielda
    // Note that if the private line below is uncommented
    // and the protected internal line below is commented out,
    // this will not compile, because Myfielda.field is inaccessible.
    // private string field = "A private field";
    protected internal string field = "A
 private field";
    public string Field
        get{return field;}
        set{if(field!=value) {field=value;}}

 // Myfieldb is derived from Myfielda.
 // The protected internal string field allows
 // the IsFamilyOrAssembly flag to be set and allows
 // the field to be visible from a derived class.
public class Myfieldb:Myfielda
    new public string Field
        get{return field;}
public class Myfieldinfo
    public static int Main()
        Myfielda Myfielda = new Myfielda();
        Myfieldb Myfieldb = new Myfieldb();
        // Get the Type and FieldInfo.
        Type MyTypea = typeof(Myfielda);
        FieldInfo Myfieldinfoa = MyTypea.GetField("field",
        Type MyTypeb = typeof(Myfieldb);
        FieldInfo Myfieldinfob = MyTypeb.GetField("field",
        // For the first field, get and display the Name, field, and
        // IsFamilyOrAssembly.
        Console.WriteLine("\n{0} - ", MyTypea.FullName);
        Console.WriteLine("{0};", Myfieldinfoa.GetValue(Myfielda));
        Console.WriteLine("IsFamilyOrAssembly = {0};",
        if (Myfieldinfoa.IsFamilyOrAssembly )
            Console.WriteLine("Field has limited accessibility");
        // For the second field, get and display the name and field.
        Console.WriteLine("\n{0} - ", MyTypeb.FullName);
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", Myfieldinfob.GetValue(Myfieldb));
        return 0;
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;

//Make two fields.
// Note that if the private: line below is uncommented
// and the public protected: line below is commented out,
// this will not compile, because Myfielda.field is inaccessible.
public ref class Myfielda
public protected:

   // private:
   String^ field;

      : field( "A private field" )

   property String^ Field 
      String^ get()
         return field;

      void set( String^ value )
         if ( field != value )
            field = value;



// Myfieldb is derived from Myfielda.
// The protected internal string field allows
// the IsFamilyOrAssembly flag to be set and allows
// the field to be visible from a derived class.
public ref class Myfieldb: public

   property String^ Field 
      String^ get()
         return field;

      void set( String^ value )
         if ( field != value )
            field = value;



int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "\nReflection.FieldInfo" );
   Myfielda^ myfielda = gcnew Myfielda;
   Myfieldb^ myfieldb = gcnew Myfieldb;
   // Get the Type and FieldInfo.
   Type^ MyTypea = Type::GetType( "Myfielda" );
   FieldInfo^ Myfieldinfoa = MyTypea->GetField( "field", static_cast<BindingFlags>(BindingFlags::NonPublic
 | BindingFlags::Instance) );
   Type^ MyTypeb = Type::GetType( "Myfieldb" );
   FieldInfo^ Myfieldinfob = MyTypeb->GetField( "field", static_cast<BindingFlags>(BindingFlags::NonPublic
 | BindingFlags::Instance) );
   // For the first field, get and display the Name, field, and
   // IsFamilyOrAssembly.
   Console::WriteLine( "\n{0} - ", MyTypea->FullName );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0};", Myfieldinfoa->GetValue( myfielda ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IsFamilyOrAssembly = {0};", Myfieldinfoa->IsFamilyOrAssembly
   if ( Myfieldinfoa->IsFamilyOrAssembly )
      Console::WriteLine( "Field has limited accessibility" );

   // For the second field, get and display the name and field.
   Console::WriteLine( "\n{0} - ", MyTypeb->FullName );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0}", Myfieldinfob->GetValue( myfieldb ) );
   return 0;

import System.*;
import System.Reflection.*;

//Make two fields.
public class MyFieldA
    // Note that if the private line below is uncommented
    // and the protected internal line below is commented out,
    // this will not compile, because MyFieldA.field is inaccessible.
    // private string field = "A private field";
    protected String field = "A private

    /** @property 
    public String get_Field()
        return field;
    } //get_Field

    /** @property 
    public void set_Field(String value)
        if (field != value) {
            field = value;
    } //set_Field
} //MyFieldA

// MyFieldB is derived from MyFieldA.
// The protected internal string field allows
// the IsFamilyOrAssembly flag to be set and allows
// the field to be visible from a derived class.
public class MyFieldB extends MyFieldA
    /** @property 
    public String get_Field()
        return field;
    } //get_Field

    /** @property 
    public void set_Field(String value)
        if (field != value) {
            field = value;
    } //set_Field
} //MyFieldB

public class MyFieldInfo
    public static void main(String[]
        MyFieldA myFieldA = new MyFieldA();
        MyFieldB myFieldB = new MyFieldB();

        // Get the Type and FieldInfo.
        Type myTypeA = Type.GetType("MyFieldA");
        FieldInfo myFieldInfoA = myTypeA.GetField("field", 
            BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
        Type myTypeB = Type.GetType("MyFieldB");
        FieldInfo myFieldInfoB = myTypeB.GetField("field", 
            BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

        // For the first field, get and display the Name, field, and
        // IsFamilyOrAssembly.
        Console.WriteLine("\n{0} - ", myTypeA.get_FullName());
        Console.WriteLine("{0};", myFieldInfoA.GetValue(myFieldA));
        Console.WriteLine("IsFamilyOrAssembly = {0};", 
        if (myFieldInfoA.get_IsFamilyOrAssembly()) {
            Console.WriteLine("Field has limited accessibility");

        // For the second field, get and display the name and field.
        Console.WriteLine("\n{0} - ", myTypeB.get_FullName());
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", myFieldInfoB.GetValue(myFieldB));
    } //main
} //MyFieldInfo
//Make two fields.
public class Myfielda
   //Note that if the private line below is uncommented
   //and the protected internal line below is commented out,
   //this will not compile as Myfielda.field is inaccessible.
   //private string field = "A private field";
   protected internal var
 field : String = "A private field";

//Myfieldb is derived from Myfielda.
//The protected internal string field allows
//the IsFamilyOrAssembly flag to be set and allows
//the field to be visible from a derived class.
public class Myfieldb extends
   public function get Field()
 : String {
       return field;
   public function set Field(value
 : String) {    
       if(field!=value) field=value;

public class Myfieldinfo
   public static function
 Main() : void
      var myfielda : Myfielda = new Myfielda();
      var myfieldb : Myfieldb = new Myfieldb();
      //Get the Type and FieldInfo.
      var MyTypea : Type = Type.GetType("Myfielda");
      var Myfieldinfoa : FieldInfo = MyTypea.GetField("field"
      var MyTypeb : Type = Type.GetType("Myfieldb");
      var Myfieldinfob : FieldInfo = MyTypeb.GetField("field"
      //For the first field, get and display the Name, field, and
      Console.Write("\n{0} - ", MyTypea.FullName);
      Console.Write("{0};", Myfieldinfoa.GetValue(myfielda));
      Console.Write("\n   IsFamilyOrAssembly = {0};",
      if (Myfieldinfoa.IsFamilyOrAssembly )
         Console.Write("Field has limited accessibility");
      //For the second field, get and display the name and field.
      Console.Write("\n{0} - ", MyTypeb.FullName);
      Console.Write("{0}; ", Myfieldinfob.GetValue(myfieldb));

_FieldInfo.IsFamilyOrAssembly プロパティ

メモ : このプロパティは、.NET Framework version 2.0新しく追加されたものです。

COM オブジェクトに、IsFamilyOrAssembly プロパティへのバージョン依存しないアクセス用意されています。


名前空間: System.Runtime.InteropServices
アセンブリ: mscorlib (mscorlib.dll 内)

ReadOnly Property IsFamilyOrAssembly As
Dim instance As _FieldInfo
Dim value As Boolean

value = instance.IsFamilyOrAssembly
bool IsFamilyOrAssembly { get; }
property bool IsFamilyOrAssembly {
    bool get ();
/** @property */
boolean get_IsFamilyOrAssembly ()
function get IsFamilyOrAssembly () : boolean

フィールドFamORAssem 属性設定されている場合trueそれ以外場合false


このプロパティは、アンマネージ コードからマネージ クラスアクセスするためのプロパティであるため、マネージ コードからは呼び出さないください

IsFamilyOrAssembly プロパティは、このフィールドFamilyOrAssembly レベル参照範囲設定されているかどうかを示す値を取得します

_FieldInfo インターフェイス
_FieldInfo メンバ
System.Runtime.InteropServices 名前空間

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