PrintPreviewControl コンストラクタとは? わかりやすく解説

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PrintPreviewControl コンストラクタ

PrintPreviewControl クラス新しインスタンス初期化します。

名前空間: System.Windows.Forms
アセンブリ: System.Windows.Forms ( 内)

Dim instance As New PrintPreviewControl
public PrintPreviewControl ()
PrintPreviewControl ()
public PrintPreviewControl ()
public function PrintPreviewControl ()

PrintPreviewControlDocument、UseAntiAlias、Zoom の各プロパティ使ったコード例次に示します。この例を実行するには、次のコードフォーム配置しフォームコンストラクタまたは Load イベント処理メソッドInitializePrintPreviewControl メソッド呼び出します。

'Declare the PrintPreviewControl object and the PrintDocument object.
Friend WithEvents PrintPreviewControl1 As
Private WithEvents docToPrint As
 New Printing.PrintDocument

Private Sub InitializePrintPreviewControl()

    ' Construct the PrintPreviewControl.
    Me.PrintPreviewControl1 = New PrintPreviewControl

    ' Set location, name, and dock style for PrintPreviewControl1.
    Me.PrintPreviewControl1.Location = New
 Point(88, 80)
    Me.PrintPreviewControl1.Name = "PrintPreviewControl1"
    Me.PrintPreviewControl1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill

    ' Set the Document property to the PrintDocument 
    ' for which the PrintPage event has been handled.
    Me.PrintPreviewControl1.Document = docToPrint

    ' Set the zoom to 25 percent.
    Me.PrintPreviewControl1.Zoom = 0.25

    ' Set the document name. This will show be displayed when 
    ' the document is loading into the control.
    Me.PrintPreviewControl1.Document.DocumentName = "c:\someFile"

    ' Set the UseAntiAlias property to true so fonts are smoothed
    ' by the operating system.
    Me.PrintPreviewControl1.UseAntiAlias = True

    ' Add the control to the form.
End Sub

' The PrintPreviewControl will display the document
' by handling the documents PrintPage event
Private Sub docToPrint_PrintPage(ByVal
 sender As Object, _
   ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs)
       Handles docToPrint.PrintPage

    ' Insert code to render the page here.
    ' This code will be called when the control is drawn.

    ' The following code will render a simple
    ' message on the document in the control.
    Dim text As String =
 "In docToPrint_PrintPage method."
    Dim printFont As New
 Font _
        ("Arial", 35, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular)

    e.Graphics.DrawString(text, printFont, _
        System.Drawing.Brushes.Black, 10, 10)
End Sub
// Declare the PrintPreviewControl object and the 
// PrintDocument object.
internal PrintPreviewControl PrintPreviewControl1;
private System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument docToPrint = 
    new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument();

private void InitializePrintPreviewControl()

    // Construct the PrintPreviewControl.
    this.PrintPreviewControl1 = new PrintPreviewControl();

    // Set location, name, and dock style for PrintPreviewControl1.
    this.PrintPreviewControl1.Location = new
 Point(88, 80);
    this.PrintPreviewControl1.Name = "PrintPreviewControl1";
    this.PrintPreviewControl1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

    // Set the Document property to the PrintDocument 
    // for which the PrintPage event has been handled.
    this.PrintPreviewControl1.Document = docToPrint;

    // Set the zoom to 25 percent.
    this.PrintPreviewControl1.Zoom = 0.25;

    // Set the document name. This will show be displayed when 
    // the document is loading into the control.
    this.PrintPreviewControl1.Document.DocumentName = "c:\\someFile";

    // Set the UseAntiAlias property to true so fonts are smoothed
    // by the operating system.
    this.PrintPreviewControl1.UseAntiAlias = true;

    // Add the control to the form.
    // Associate the event-handling method with the
    // document's PrintPage event.
    this.docToPrint.PrintPage += 
        new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventHandler(

// The PrintPreviewControl will display the document
// by handling the documents PrintPage event
private void docToPrint_PrintPage(
    object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e)

    // Insert code to render the page here.
    // This code will be called when the control is drawn.

    // The following code will render a simple
    // message on the document in the control.
    string text = "In docToPrint_PrintPage method.";
    System.Drawing.Font printFont = 
        new Font("Arial", 35, FontStyle.Regular);

    e.Graphics.DrawString(text, printFont,
        Brushes.Black, 10, 10);
   // Declare the PrintPreviewControl object and the 
   // PrintDocument object.
   PrintPreviewControl^ PrintPreviewControl1;

   System::Drawing::Printing::PrintDocument^ docToPrint;
   void InitializePrintPreviewControl()
      // Construct the PrintPreviewControl.
      this->PrintPreviewControl1 = gcnew PrintPreviewControl;
      // Set location, name, and dock style for PrintPreviewControl1.
      this->PrintPreviewControl1->Location = Point(88,80);
      this->PrintPreviewControl1->Name = "PrintPreviewControl1";
      this->PrintPreviewControl1->Dock = DockStyle::Fill;
      // Set the Document property to the PrintDocument 
      // for which the PrintPage event has been handled.
      this->PrintPreviewControl1->Document = docToPrint;
      // Set the zoom to 25 percent.
      this->PrintPreviewControl1->Zoom = 0.25;
      // Set the document name. This will show be displayed when 
      // the document is loading into the control.
 = "c:\\someFile";
      // Set the UseAntiAlias property to true so fonts are smoothed
      // by the operating system.
      this->PrintPreviewControl1->UseAntiAlias = true;
      // Add the control to the form.
      this->Controls->Add( this->PrintPreviewControl1
      // Associate the event-handling method with the
      // document's PrintPage event.
      this->docToPrint->PrintPage += gcnew System::Drawing::Printing::PrintPageEventHandler(
 this, &Form1::docToPrint_PrintPage );

   // The PrintPreviewControl will display the document
   // by handling the documents PrintPage event
   void docToPrint_PrintPage( Object^ /*sender*/, System::Drawing::Printing::PrintPageEventArgs^
 e )
      // Insert code to render the page here.
      // This code will be called when the control is drawn.
      // The following code will render a simple
      // message on the document in the control.
      String^ text = "In docToPrint_PrintPage method.";
      System::Drawing::Font^ printFont = gcnew System::Drawing::Font( "Arial",35,FontStyle::Regular
      e->Graphics->DrawString( text, printFont, Brushes::Black, 10, 10 );
// Declare the PrintPreviewControl object and the 
// PrintDocument object.
PrintPreviewControl printPreviewControl1;
private System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument docToPrint =
    new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument();

private void InitializePrintPreviewControl()
    // Construct the PrintPreviewControl.
    this.printPreviewControl1 = new PrintPreviewControl();
    // Set location, name, and dock style for PrintPreviewControl1.
 Point(88, 80));
    // Set the Document property to the PrintDocument 
    // for which the PrintPage event has been handled.
    // Set the zoom to 25 percent.
    // Set the document name. This will show be displayed when 
    // the document is loading into the control.
    // Set the UseAntiAlias property to true so fonts are smoothed
    // by the operating system.
    // Add the control to the form.
    // Associate the event-handling method with the
    // document's PrintPage event.
        new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventHandler(
} //InitializePrintPreviewControl

// The PrintPreviewControl will display the document
// by handling the documents PrintPage event
private void docToPrint_PrintPage(Object sender
    System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e)
    // Insert code to render the page here.
    // This code will be called when the control is drawn.
    // The following code will render a simple
    // message on the document in the control.
    String text = "In docToPrint_PrintPage method.";
    System.Drawing.Font printFont = new Font("Arial",
 35, FontStyle.Regular);

    e.get_Graphics().DrawString(text, printFont, Brushes.get_Black(), 10, 10);
} //docToPrint_PrintPage
PrintPreviewControl クラス
PrintPreviewControl メンバ
System.Windows.Forms 名前空間

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「PrintPreviewControl コンストラクタ」の関連用語

PrintPreviewControl コンストラクタのお隣キーワード



PrintPreviewControl コンストラクタのページの著作権
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