ラッパタケとは? わかりやすく解説

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ラッパタケGomphus clavatus)は、担子菌門ハラタケ綱スッポンタケ亜綱ラッパタケ目英語版に属し、ラッパタケ科ラッパタケ属に分類されるキノコの1種である。

  1. ^ M Villegas,; J Cifuentes,; AE Torres (2005). “Sporal characters in Gomphales and their significance for phylogenetics”. Fungal Divers 18: 157-175. http://www.fungaldiversity.org/fdp/sfdp/18-12.pdf#search=%27Gomphus++Mycologia%27. 
  2. ^ a b c Alexander H. Smith; Elizabeth E. Morse (1947). “The Genus Cantharellus In The Western United States”. Mycologia (Taylor & Francis) 39 (5): 497-534. doi:10.1080/00275514.1947.12017631. https://doi.org/10.1080/00275514.1947.12017631. 
  3. ^ Agerer, R., Beenken, L., and J. Christian, 1998. Gomphus clavatus (Per.: Fr.) S. F. Gray + Picea abies (L.) Karst. Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae 3: 25-29.
  4. ^ Pantidou, M. E., 1980. Macrofungi in forests of Abies cephalonica in Greece. Nova Hedwigia 32: 709-723.
  5. ^ Bigelow, H. E., 1978. "The cantharelloid fungi of New England and adjacent areas." Mycologia 70: 707-756 + 1 pl, doi:10.1080/00275514.1978.12020280.
  6. ^ a b c 今関六也・本郷次雄(編)、1989.原色日本新菌類図鑑 (II).保育社、大阪.ISBN 4-586-30076-0.
  7. ^ Han, S.-K., Park, Y.-J., Choi, S.-K., Lee, J.-O., Choi, J.-H.,and J.-M. Sung, 2006. "Some Unrecorded Higher Fungi of the Seoraksan and Odaesan National Parks." Mycrobiology 34: 56-60.
  8. ^ David Pilz; Lorelei Norvell; Eric Danell; Randy. Molina (2003). Ecology and management of commercially harvested chanterelle mushrooms (Report). U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. doi:10.2737/pnw-gtr-576
  9. ^ Dahlberg, A., and H. Croneborg, 2003. 33 threatened fungi in Europe: complementary and revised information on candidates for listing in appendix I of the Bern convention.]
  10. ^ Ing, B., 1993. Towards a Red List of Endangered European Macrofungi. in Pegler, D. N., Boddy, L., Ing, B., and P. M. Kirk(ed.), 1993. Fungi of Europe, Investigation, Recording and Conservation. The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  11. ^ Kluzák, Z., 1994. Gomphus clavatus. A seriously endangered species in the Czech Republic". Zeitschrift für Mykologie. 60: 113–16.
  12. ^ Kasom, G., and N. Miličković, 2006. Protected species of Macromycete in the Republic of Montenegro. Institute for the Protection of Nature of Montenegro.
  13. ^ Wojewoda, W., and Ławrynowicz, M., 2006. Red list of the Macrofungi in Poland. Czerwona lista grzybow wielkoowocnikowych w Polsce. in Mirek, Z., ZAarzycki, K., Wojewoda, W., Szeląg, Z., (eds.) Red list of plants and fungi in Poland. Czerwona lista roślin i grzybow Polski. W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow: 53-70.
  14. ^ Dahlberg, A., and H. Croneborg, 2006. The 33 Threatened Fungi in Europe (Nature and Environment). Council of Europe. Strasbourg, Germany. 131 pp. ISBN 978-92-871-5928-1.
  15. ^ Gianchini, A. J., and A. M. Castellano, 2011. "A new taxonomic classification for species in Gomphus sensu lato." Mycotaxon 115: 183-201, doi:10.5248/115.183..
  16. ^ a b 岩出亥之助、「日本産菌蕈類の研究(第1報)数種の新種並稀種菌蕈類」『東京帝國大學農學部演習林報告』 1944年 33巻 p.49-64, NAID 120001093553, 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林.
  17. ^ a b 南川幸, 塩谷つね子, 平野年明, 「日本産キノコ類ヒダナシタケ目Aphyllophorales肉質キノコ類の成分に関する研究(VI) : アンズダケ科のエリゴステリン」『名古屋女子大学紀要』 19巻 1973年 p.21-34, NCID AN00179986
  18. ^ 安藤洋子, 長澤栄史, 前川二太郎、「Gomphus purpurascens (オオムラサキアンズタケ)の系統分類」『日本菌学会大会講演要旨集』 日本菌学会第57回大会 セッションID: A19 , 日本菌学会
  19. ^ Petersen, Ronald H. (1969-01). “Notes on cantharelloid fungi—II. Some new taxa, and notes on Pseudocraterellus”. Persoonia - Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 5 (3): 211-223. https://repository.naturalis.nl/pub/532328. 
  20. ^ a b 安田篤、「1908 菌類雑記(一)」『植物学雑誌』 22巻 261号 1908年p.356-374(p.372), doi:10.15281/jplantres1887.22.261_356, 日本植物学会。
  21. ^ Phillips, R., 2010. Mushrooms and Other Fungi of North America. 384 pp., Firefly Books Ltd., Richmond Hill, Canada. ISBN 978-1554076512.
  22. ^ a b Ding, X., Hou, Y., Zhu, Y., Wang, P., Fu, L., Zhu, H., Zhang, N., Qin, H., Qu,W., Wang, F., and W. Hou, 2015. "Structure elucidation, anticancer and antioxidant activities of a novel polysaccharide from Gomphus clavatus Gray." Oncology Reports 33: 3162-3170, doi:10.3892/or.2015.3921.
  23. ^ Liddell, H. J., and R. Scott, 1980. Greek-English Lexicon(Abridged Edition). Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. .
  24. ^ 今関六也・本郷次雄・椿啓介、1970. 標準原色図鑑全集14 菌類(きのこ・かび). 保育社、東京. ISBN 978-4-58632-014-1.
  25. ^ Breitenbach, J., and F Kränzlin, 1986. Fungi of Switzerland Volume 2. Non Gilled Fungi: Heterobasidiomycetes, Aphyllophorales, Gastromycetes. 412 pp., Verlag Mykologia, Lucerne. .


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