アッコの陥落とは? わかりやすく解説

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  1. ^ 邦題は複数あるが「エジプトの百姓とその色白き子供たち(岩波文庫)」、「上エジプトの男とフランク人の妻(筑摩書房ちくま文庫)」、「カイロの領主シュジャーウ・アッディーン・ムハンマドと褐色男の物語(平凡社東洋文庫)」など。
  1. ^ Daunou; Émeric-David; Lajard, Félix; Paris, Paulin; Le Clerc, Victor; Fauriel (1842). Didot frères, Firmin; Treuttel; Wurtz. eds (フランス語). Histoire littéraire de la France. 20. Paris: Imprimerie nationale. p. 83. https://books.google.fr/books?id=bmAaAQAAMAAJ 
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h Folda (2005), pp. 485
  3. ^ a b Nicolle (2005), pp. 39
  4. ^ Burgtorf, Jochen (2006). "Acre, Siege of (1291)". In Alan V. Murray (ed.). The Crusades: An Encyclopedia. Vol. 1. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO. pp. 13–14. OCLC 70122512
  5. ^ a b Runciman (1951), pp. 408
  6. ^ a b Michaud, The History of the Crusades, Vol. 3, p. 18 ; available in full at Google Books. Note that in a footnote Michaud claims reliance on "the chronicle of Ibn Ferat" (Michaud, Vol.3, p.22) for much of the information he has concerning the Mussulmans.
  7. ^ Runciman (1951), pp. 409
  8. ^ Runciman (1951), pp. 410-411
  9. ^ a b c d e f Claster (2009), pp. 286
  10. ^ "Because you have been a true man, so we send you advance notice of our intentions, and give you to understand that we are coming into your parts to right the wrongs that have been done. Therefore we do not want the community of Acre to send us any letters or presents (regarding this matter), for we will by no means receive them." —From the letter of Al-Ashraf Khalil to Guillaume de Beaujeu, The Templar of Tyre, Chronicle Gestes des Chiprois, p.104/ part 3
  11. ^ The Templar of Tyre, Gestes des Chiprois, p.104 / part 3
  12. ^ Philip Mainebeuf, who spoke Arabic, was accompanied by a knight named Bartholomew Pisan and a scribe named George. The Templar of Tyre, Gestes des Chiprois, p.104/ part 3
  13. ^ Asili, p.110
  14. ^ The Templar of Tyre, Gestes des Chiprois, p.104/ part 3
  15. ^ There are no reliable figures for the Muslim army, according to some sources it consisted of 60 000 cavalry and 160 000 infantry. Though the numbers seem exaggerated, the army of the Muslim was probably larger than that of the Crusaders. Asili, p.111
  16. ^ Michaud, ibid, pp. 75–76, gives account of 7 emirs leaving in Kalouan's (ie Sultan Qalawun) stead as he was ill; he reports that each emir had 4,000 horse and 20,000 foot at his command – giving about 160,000 men.
  17. ^ Abu al-Fida,p.278/ vol.13. According to Ibn Taghri most of Khalil's troops were volunteers. Ibn Taghri, p.5/ vol. 8
  18. ^ Asili, p. 110. Templar of Tyre, p.105
  19. ^ Rukn ad-Din Baibars al-Dewadar was also a historian. He gave his account about the battle for Acre in his book "Zobdat al-Fikrah Fi Tarikh al-Hijrah ( 11 volumes )".
  20. ^ Asli, p.114
  21. ^ Among these towers were the Tower of the Countess of Blois, the Accursed Tower, the Tower of the Legate, the Tower of the Patriarch, the Tower of St. Nicholas, the English Tower, the Germans Tower, the Tower of Henri II, the Tower of King Hugh and the Tower of St. Lazarus. Asili, p.113. Templar of Tyre, p.106/note2
  22. ^ The English tower was built by Henry I. Asili, p.113
  23. ^ The Tower of the Countess of Blois was built by the Countess of Blois. Asili, p.114
  24. ^ a b c d e f Folda (2005), pp. 486
  25. ^ Al-Maqrizi, p.223/ vol.2. Asili, p.118
  26. ^ Michaud, ibid, p.78
  27. ^ a b c d e f Folda (2005), pp. 487
  28. ^ The Accursed Tower was placed between the Tower of King Henri II and the Tower of the Teutonic Knights. Templar of Tyre, p.106. Asili, p.113
  29. ^ Templar of Tyre, p.113
  30. ^ According to Ludolph of Suchem (which seems exaggeration): "In Acre and the other places nearly a hundred and six thousand men were slain or taken, and more than two hundred thousand escaped from thence. Of the Saracens more than three hundred thousand were slain, as is well known even to this day." —From Ludolph of Suchem, p. 268-272
  31. ^ Asili, p.120-121
  32. ^ Ludolph of Suchem, p.268-272
  33. ^ Templar of Tyre, pp. 104
  34. ^ Ludolphi, Rectoris Ecclesiæ Parochialis in suchem, p.46
  35. ^ Asili, p.123
  36. ^ Ibn Taghri, p.9/ vol.8
  37. ^ 『バートン版 千夜一夜物語10』大場正史 翻訳、筑摩書房、2004年、ISBN 4-480-03850-7、p.432-442。


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