線虫捕食菌とは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2021/06/26 08:34 UTC 版)

線虫捕食菌(せんちゅうほしょくきん、Nematophagous Fungi)とは、菌糸をのばし、その上で線虫を捕らえてその栄養を吸収する菌類の一群である。接合菌門担子菌子嚢菌不完全菌など、分類学的には複数のグループに属する。

  1. ^ Barron, G. L., and R. G. Thorn, 1987. Destruction of nematodes by species of Pleurotus. Canadian Journal of Botany 65: 774-778
  2. ^ Thorn, R. G., and G. L Barron, 1986. Nematoctonus and the tribe Respinateae in Ontario, Canada. Mycotaxon 25: 321-453.
  3. ^ Thorn, R. G., Moncalvo, J. M., Reddy, C. A., and R. Vilgalys, 2000. Phylogenetic analyses and the distribution of nematophagy support a monophyletic Pleurotaceae within the polyphyletic Pleurotoid-Lentinoid fungi. Mycologia 92: 241–252.
  4. ^ Hong Luo, Xuan Li, Guohong Li, Yanbo Pan, and Keqin Zhang (2006). “Acanthocytes of Stropharia rugosoannulata Function as a Nematode-Attacking Device”. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72 (4): 2982-2987. doi:10.1128/AEM.72.4.2982-2987.2006.. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1449000. 
  5. ^ Hong Luo, Minghe Mo, Xiaowei Huang, Xuan Li & Keqin Zhang. (2004) Coprinus comatus: A basidiomycete fungus forms novel spiny structures and infects nematode. Mycologia 96: 1218-1224. online
  6. ^ Pfister DH. (1997). Castor, pollux and life histories of fungi. Mycologia 89: 1-23.
  7. ^ Barron, George L. (1977). The Nematode-destroying Fungi. Guelph: Canadian Biological Publications. ISBN 0-920370-00-4 
  8. ^ Drechsler C. (1937). Some Hyphomycetes that prey on free-living terricolous nematodes. Mycologia 29: 447–552.



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