密度汎関数法とは? わかりやすく解説

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密度汎関数理論(みつどはんかんすうりろん、: density functional theory、略称: DFT)は電子系のエネルギーなどの物性を電子密度から計算することが可能であるとする理論である。また密度汎関数法(みつどはんかんすうほう)は密度汎関数理論に基づく電子状態計算法である。

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  5. ^ Burke, Kieron; Wagner, Lucas O. (2013). “DFT in a nutshell”. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 113 (2): 96. doi:10.1002/qua.24259. 
  6. ^ Perdew, John P.; Ruzsinszky, Adrienn; Tao, Jianmin; Staroverov, Viktor N.; Scuseria, Gustavo; Csonka, Gábor I. (2005). “Prescriptions for the design and selection of density functional approximations: More constraint satisfaction with fewer fits”. Journal of Chemical Physics 123 (6): 062201. Bibcode2005JChPh.123f2201P. doi:10.1063/1.1904565. PMID 16122287. 
  7. ^ Chachiyo, Teepanis (2016). “Communication: Simple and accurate uniform electron gas correlation energy for the full range of densities”. Journal of Chemical Physics 145 (2): 021101. Bibcode2016JChPh.145b1101C. doi:10.1063/1.4958669. PMID 27421388. 
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  10. ^ Becke, Axel D. (2014-05-14). “Perspective: Fifty years of density-functional theory in chemical physics”. The Journal of Chemical Physics 140 (18): A301. Bibcode2014JChPh.140rA301B. doi:10.1063/1.4869598. ISSN 0021-9606. PMID 24832308. 
  11. ^ Perdew, John P.; Chevary, J. A.; Vosko, S. H.; Jackson, Koblar A.; Pederson, Mark R.; Singh, D. J.; Fiolhais, Carlos (1992). “Atoms, molecules, solids, and surfaces: Applications of the generalized gradient approximation for exchange and correlation”. Physical Review B 46 (11): 6671–6687. Bibcode1992PhRvB..46.6671P. doi:10.1103/physrevb.46.6671. hdl:10316/2535. PMID 10002368. 
  12. ^ Becke, Axel D. (1988). “Density-functional exchange-energy approximation with correct asymptotic behavior”. Physical Review A 38 (6): 3098–3100. Bibcode1988PhRvA..38.3098B. doi:10.1103/physreva.38.3098. PMID 9900728. 
  13. ^ Langreth, David C.; Mehl, M. J. (1983). “Beyond the local-density approximation in calculations of ground-state electronic properties”. Physical Review B 28 (4): 1809. Bibcode1983PhRvB..28.1809L. doi:10.1103/physrevb.28.1809. 
  14. ^ Tao, Jianmin; Perdew, John P.; Staroverov, Viktor N.; Scuseria, Gustavo E. (2003). “Climbing the Density Functional Ladder: Nonempirical Meta–Generalized Gradient Approximation Designed for Molecules and Solids”. Physical Review Letters 91 (14). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.146401. PMID 14611541. 

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