共通旅行区域とは? わかりやすく解説

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共通旅行区域(きょうつうりょこうくいき、英語: Common Travel Areaアイルランド語: Comhlimistéar Taistil)はイギリスアイルランドマン島チャンネル諸島で構成される、相互に国境が解放されている領域である。この中にはイギリスの海外領土は含まれていない。法的拘束力のある協定に基づき、共通旅行区域(CTA)内の国境は、最小限の管理しか行っておらず、英国とアイルランドの市民は、一部の例外を除けば最小限の身分証明書を保持していれば通過可能である[1][2]。共通旅行区域の維持のため、イギリスとアイルランド当局は移民関連の事項に関して相応の協力をしている。

  1. ^ 共通旅行区域 between Ireland and the United Kingdom”. Citizens Information Board. 2011年8月12日閲覧。
  2. ^ British and Irish citizens do not have to produce ID or Passport, Minister for Justice, Dail Debates, Tuesday, 27 November 2012”. 2020年7月7日閲覧。
  3. ^ a b c by the Aliens (Amendment) (No. 3) Order 1997 ; M. Wallace, Dáil Debates volume 510 columns 1400–1404 (16 November 1999).
  4. ^ See the decision of the Judicial Committee of the House of Lords in Mark v. Mark [2005] UKHL 42 at para 17.
  5. ^ Pellew, Jill (June 1989). “The Home Office and the Aliens Act, 1905”. The Historical Journal (Cambridge University Press) 32 (2): 369. doi:10.1017/s0018246x00012206. JSTOR 2639607. 
  6. ^ Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland, 1999
  7. ^ MFPP Working Paper No. 2, "The Creation and Consolidation of the Irish Border" by KJ Rankin and published in association with Institute for British-Irish Studies, University College Dublin and Institute for Governance, Queen's University, Belfast (also printed as IBIS working paper no. 48)
  8. ^ See #References and further reading: Ryan, page 857. The agreement was also, albeit indirectly, referred to in a Dàil debate on 4 June 1925 (Dáil Debates volume 12 columns 317–318).
  9. ^ Aliens Order 1923 (UK).
  10. ^ Respectively by the Aliens Order 1925 (Ireland) and the Aliens Order 1925 (UK).
  11. ^ See #References and further reading: Ryan.
  12. ^ by the Aliens Order 1946 (Ireland) .
  13. ^ Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department, Geoffrey de Freitas, House of Commons Debates volume 478 columns 842–849 (28 July 1950).
  14. ^ House of Commons Debates volume 446 columns 1158–1166 (28 January 1948), volume 463 column 543 (24 March 1949), and volume 478 columns 842–849 (28 July 1950).
  15. ^ in the Aliens Order 1953 (UK).
  16. ^ The existence of the 1952 agreement was conceded in an Irish parliamentary question on 3 June 1980 (Dáil Debates volume 321 column 1379) .
  17. ^ In the UK by section 1(3) of the Immigration Act 1971 (as amended) and by Immigration (Control of Entry through the Republic of Ireland) Order 1972 (as amended) and in Ireland by the Aliens Orders 1946 (as amended; in particular by the Aliens (Amendment) Order 1975 ).
  18. ^ #References and further reading: Ryan at p865.
  19. ^ the Aliens (Exemption) Order 1935 (Ireland)
  20. ^ by the Aliens (Exemption) Order 1999 (Ireland), which exempted all (and only) British citizens from immigration control.
  21. ^ Sharrock, David (2007年10月25日). “New border control will abolish free movement between UK and Ireland”. Times Online (London). http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/world/article1732593.ece 2007年12月21日閲覧。 
  22. ^ House of Commons Debates volume 470 Column 1051W (14 January 2008) [1].
  23. ^ Strengthening the 共通旅行区域: a consultation paper”. UK Borders Agency (2008年7月24日). 2014年1月10日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2020年7月7日閲覧。
  24. ^ Ford, Richard (2007年10月25日). “Britain and Ireland agree to tighten border check”. London: The Times. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/travel/news/article4392963.ece 2008年8月29日閲覧。 
  25. ^ Lord Glentoran (1 April 2009). Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Bill (HL). Amendment 54 (Report stage). Hansard of the House of Lords. https://www.theyworkforyou.com/lords/?gid=2009-04-01a.1097.0. 
  26. ^ Public Bill Committee (18 June 2009). Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Bill (Lords): New Clause 3 (共通旅行区域). Hansard of the House of Commons. https://www.theyworkforyou.com/pbc/2008-09/Borders%2C_Citizenship_and_Immigration_Bill/07-0_2009-06-18a.2.0?s=%22Common+travel+area%22#g2.1. 
  27. ^ “UK shelves Irish passport plan”. BBC News. (2009年7月14日). http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8150930.stm 2014年9月17日閲覧。 
  28. ^ Joint Statement by Mr Damian Green, Minister of State for Immigration the United Kingdom's Home Department And Mr. Alan Shatter, Minister for Justice and Equality Ireland's Department of Justice and Equality Regarding Co-Operation on Measures to Secure the External 共通旅行区域 Border signed in duplicate at Dublin, on the 20th December, 2011”. 2015年9月28日閲覧。
  29. ^ Ireland-UK Accord to Further Secure the 共通旅行区域”. Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service. 2020年7月7日閲覧。 “The Joint Statement and the accompanying Memorandum of Understanding on visa data exchange was signed by Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Alan Shatter, T.D. and UK Immigration Minister, Damien Green, M.P., in Dublin today.”
  30. ^ Clause 8 of the Joint Statement.
  31. ^ Clause 5 of the Joint Statement.
  32. ^ Clause 4 of the Joint Statement.
  33. ^ Clause 3 of the Joint Statement.
  34. ^ Smith (2016年7月20日). “Brexit and the history of policing the Irish border”. History & Policy. History & Policy. 2016年7月21日閲覧。
  35. ^ Millar (2017年3月31日). “EU pledges NO hard border in Ireland - but admits "creative" solution needed”. www.express.co.uk. Daily Express. 2019年2月10日閲覧。
  36. ^ “Brexit secretary: no return to 'hard' border in Ireland”. The Telegraph (London). (2016年9月1日). https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/sep/01/brexit-secretary-no-return-to-hard-border-in-ireland 2016年9月28日閲覧。 
  37. ^ “Irish Republic signals support for UK plan to avoid post-Brexit "hard border"”. The Guardian. (2016年10月10日). https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/oct/10/idea-of-uk-border-controls-in-ireland-is-ridiculous-says-irish-mep-matt-carty 2016年10月12日閲覧。 
  38. ^ “Brexit: Ireland has no agreement with UK on use of Irish ports”. The Irish Times. http://www.irishtimes.com/news/politics/oireachtas/brexit-ireland-has-no-agreement-with-uk-on-use-of-irish-ports-1.2844005 2016年12月14日閲覧。 
  39. ^ UK officials at Irish ports ruled out”. Raidió Teilifís Éireann (2017年3月23日). 2017年4月29日閲覧。
  40. ^ Safeguarding the position of EU citizens in the UK and UK nationals in the EU”. GOV.UK (2017年6月26日). 2017年6月26日閲覧。
  41. ^ Memorandum of Understanding between the UK and Ireland on the CTA” (英語). GOV.UK (2019年5月8日). 2019年8月16日閲覧。
  42. ^ Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill 2019-21 — UK Parliament”. parliament.uk. 2020年5月10日閲覧。
  43. ^ Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill, part 1, section 2
  44. ^ New immigration system: what you need to know” (英語). GOV.UK. Home Office and UK Visas and Immigration (2020年4月8日). 2020年5月10日閲覧。
  45. ^ Burne, Louise (2020年3月6日). “British government share draft laws revealing Irish citizens' rights in the UK post-Brexit” (英語). Extra.ie. 2020年5月10日閲覧。
  46. ^ Archived copy”. 2011年7月13日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2012年8月14日閲覧。
  47. ^ Minister of State at the Department of the Environment (Mr. D. Wallace) (1998年2月4日). “Seanad Éireann debate - Wednesday, 4 Feb 1998: Immigration Services: Ministerial response to questions”. oireachtas.ie. 2019年10月21日閲覧。
  48. ^ Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform (Mr. O'Donoghue) (2002年2月12日). “Dáil Éireann debate - Tuesday, 12 Feb 2002: Written Answers. - Illegal Immigrants.”. oireachtas.ie. 2019年10月21日閲覧。
  49. ^ D. Wallace, Seanad Debates volume 154 columns 106 (4 February 1998) .
  50. ^ John O'Donoghue, Dáil Debates volume 548 columns 494 (12 February 2002) .
  51. ^ Immigration in Ireland 2011 – a year-end snapshot – major changes and more to follow”. Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service. 2014年4月17日閲覧。
  52. ^ UK Visa Requirements”. Home Office (2019年7月). 2019年12月2日閲覧。
  53. ^ Immigration in the Isle of Man: Frequently Asked Questions”. Isle of Man Government Website. Chief Secretary's Office (2006年10月). 2018年4月27日閲覧。
  54. ^ Flight destinations and timetables”. Isle of Man Airport Website. Isle of Man Government. 2018年4月27日閲覧。
  55. ^ a b Entering the UK”. 2020年7月7日閲覧。
  56. ^ Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act 1974”. 2020年7月7日閲覧。
  57. ^ Terrorism Act 2000”. 2020年7月7日閲覧。
  58. ^ Legal basis for in-country passenger checks - a Freedom of Information request to Home Office” (2016年7月25日). 2020年7月7日閲覧。
  59. ^ Visas and immigration operational guidance - GOV.UK”. 2020年7月7日閲覧。
  60. ^ Refworld - Baljinder Singh v. Hammond”. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. 2020年7月7日閲覧。
  61. ^ "Minister Fitzgerald and UK Home Secretary launch landmark British-Irish Visa Scheme" (Press release). Dublin: Department of Justice and Equality. 6 October 2014. 2014年10月8日閲覧
  62. ^ Visa Waiver Programme – The Short-stay Visa Waiver Programme”. Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service (2013年). 2014年1月30日閲覧。
  63. ^ Per the provisions of the S.I. No. 97/1999 — Aliens (Exemption) Order, 1999 and Immigration Act 1999.
  64. ^ a b c Residence rights of UK citizens”. 2020年9月15日閲覧。
  65. ^ The only exception being that between 1962 and 1999 those British citizens born outside the United Kingdom were not exempt. See the 1952 agreement
  66. ^ "All the people in Ireland are British subjects, and Ireland under the Constitution is under Dominion Home Rule, and has precisely the same powers as the Dominion of Canada, and can legislate, I understand, on matters affecting rights and treaties." Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies, William Ormsby-Gore, House of Common Debates volume 167 column 24 (23 July 1923)
  67. ^ Hachey, Thomas E.; Hernon, Joseph M.; McCaffrey, Lawrence John (1996). The Irish experience: a concise history (2nd ed.). p. 217. https://archive.org/details/irishexperience00hach. "The effect of the [British Nationality Act 1948] was that citizens of Éire, though no longer British subjects, would, when in Britain, be treated as if they were British subjects." 
  68. ^ See Evans.
  69. ^ Minister of State for Immigration, Citizenship and Nationality, Liam Byrne, House of Lords Debates volume 689 Column WS54 (19 February 2007) . (Hansard)
  70. ^ “Irish exempt from prisoner plans”. British Broadcasting Corporation. (2007年2月19日). http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/northern_ireland/6377037.stm 2014年2月6日閲覧。 
  71. ^ Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice, Jeremy Wright, House of Commons Debates Column 293W (5 February 2014) (Hansard).
  72. ^ https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/870578/HCB104-explanatory-notes-immigration-Bill-2020.pdf
  73. ^ Foreign Secretary, Malcolm Rifkind, House of Commons Debates volume 287 columns 433–434 (12 December 1996) [2].
  74. ^ Minister for Justice, Nora Owen, Dáil Debates volume 450 column 1171 (14 March 1995) [3]; Minister for Justice, John O'Donoghue, Dáil Debates volume 501 column 1506 (9 March 1999)[4]; "Declaration by Ireland on Article 3 of the Protocol on the position of the United Kingdom and Ireland" attached to the Treaty of Amsterdam.


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