クルスス・プブリクスとは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/06/29 03:09 UTC 版)

クルスス・プブリクスラテン語Cursus publicus、「公道」の意。古代ギリシア語: δημόσιος δρόμος, dēmósios drómos)とは、ローマ帝国の国営伝馬制度で、後に東ローマ帝国にも継承された。皇帝アウグストゥスが、イタリア属州間の役人、メッセージ、税金を移動させるために創設した。

  1. ^ a b 日本大百科全書『駅伝制度』 - コトバンク
  2. ^ Secret History 30.1-11
  3. ^ History of cartography, Leo Bagrow, R. A. Skelton
  4. ^ Herodotus, Histories 8.98.
  5. ^ e.g. Trajan to Pliny X 46 Diplomata, quorum praeteritus est dies, non debent esse in usu. Ideo inter prima iniungo mihi, ut per omnes provincias ante mittam nova diplomata, quam desiderari possint.
  6. ^ See: Marcus Aurelius - A biography; Antony Birley; R. T. Batsford, 1966
  7. ^ Encyclopedia of the Roman Empire By Matthew Bunson, 2002, ISBN 1438110278
  8. ^ The post (Cursus Publicus) is evidently an institution of great public utility, tending to the rapid promulgation of our decrees. Care must therefore be taken that the horses are not allowed to get out of condition, lest they break down under their work, and lest the journey, which should be rapid, become tediously slow. Also any lands formerly appropriated to the mutationes which have fallen into private hands must be reclaimed for the public service, the owners being sufficiently indemnified for their loss. Variae I 29
  9. ^ C.W.J.Eliot, New Evidence for the Speed of the Roman Imperial Post. Phoenix 9, 2, 1955, 76ff.


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