偽善・偽善者とは? わかりやすく解説

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偽善(ぎぜん、: hypocrisy)とは、特に宗教や道徳的信念に関し、真の性格・性向を隠す一方で、美徳または善といった見せかけの外観をつくることを言う。したがって、一般的な意味において偽善には「心や行いが正しいように見せかけること」、「見せかけの善行」[1]の意味を持ち、または「まやかし」の意味が含まれることがある。偽善的な行動とは、他を批判するのと同じ行動を自らも行っていることを指す。道徳心理学においては、自ら表明する道徳的な規則や原則に従わないことを指している[2]

  1. ^ 『明鏡』大修館書店、第2版。 
  2. ^ Lammers, Joris (2011), “Power increases infidelity among men and women”, Psychological Science 22 (9): 1191–97, doi:10.1177/0956797611416252, PMID 21771963 
  3. ^ David Runciman (2010). Political Hypocrisy: The Mask of Power, from Hobbes to Orwell and Beyond. Princeton UP. p. 8. ISBN 978-0691148151. https://books.google.com/books?id=vqaPj0SbXsoC&pg=PA8 
  4. ^ Michael Gerson, "Trump's hypocrisy is good for America" Washington Post Nov. 29, 2016
  5. ^ 『ブリタニカ国際大百科事典』ブリタニカ・ジャパン、2016年。 
  6. ^ Pocket Oxford Classical Greek Dictionary, ed Morwood and Taylor, OUP 2002
  7. ^ Online Etymology Dictionary: "hypocrisy"”. Etymonline.com. 2013年3月28日閲覧。
  8. ^ Bryan Garsten, "Looking for an honest man." Modern Intellectual History 8#3 (2011): 697–708.
  9. ^ Jones Clyve (2011). “'Too Wild to Succeed': The Occasional Conformity Bills and the Attempts by the House of Lords to Outlaw the Tack in the Reign of Anne”. Parliamentary History 30 (3): 414–27. doi:10.1111/j.1750-0206.2011.00276.x. 
  10. ^ Knights Mark (2005). “Occasional conformity and the representation of dissent: hypocrisy, sincerity, moderation and zeal”. Parliamentary History 24 (1): 41–57. doi:10.1111/j.1750-0206.2005.tb00401.x. 
  11. ^ Luban Daniel (2015). “Bernard Mandeville as Moralist and Materialist”. History of European Ideas 41 (7): 831–57. doi:10.1080/01916599.2015.1010777. 
  12. ^ Miller James (2014). “Rousseau and Montaigne”. Raritan 33 (4): 158–66. 
  13. ^ L.G. Mitchell, "The Whigs, the People, and Reform," Proceedings of the British Academy (1999), Vol. 85, pp. 25–41
  14. ^ Paul Langford, "The English as Reformers: Foreign Visitors' Impressions, 1750–1850" Proceedings of the British Academy (1999), Vol. 85, pp. 101–19.
  15. ^ Mizuno Takeya (2013). “An Enemy's Talk of 'Justice'”. Journalism History 39 (2): 94. 
  16. ^ Thomas P. Kasulis, "Hypocrisy in the Self-Understanding of Religions." in Inter-Religious Models and Criteria (Palgrave Macmillan, 1993) pp. 151–65.
  17. ^ Gospel of Luke 11:37–54 and Gospel of Matthew 23:1–36
  18. ^ Steve Mason, "Pharisaic Dominance Before 70 CE and the Gospels' Hypocrisy Charge (Matt 23: 2–3)." Harvard Theological Review 83#4 (1990): 363–81.
  19. ^ "What is the use of platted hair, O fool! what of the raiment of goat-skins? Within thee there is ravening, but the outside thou makest clean. The man who wears dirty raiments, who is emaciated and covered with veins, who lives alone in the forest, and meditates, him I call indeed a Brâhmana. I do not call a man a Brâhmana because of his origin or of his mother. He is indeed arrogant, and he is wealthy: but the poor, who is free from all attachments, him I call indeed a Brâhmana. Dhammapada 394–96, Translated from the Pâli by F. Max Müller
  20. ^ Christine Huda Dodge (2009). The Everything Understanding Islam Book: A complete guide to Muslim beliefs, practices, and culture. p. 96. ISBN 9781605507248. https://books.google.com/books?id=Hd5vHqdvp5kC&pg=PT96 
  21. ^ "And of mankind are some who say, 'We believe in God and the Last Day,' when they believe not. They think to beguile God and those who believe, and they beguile none save themselves; but they perceive not. In their hearts is a disease, and God increases their disease. A painful doom is theirs because they lie. And when it is said to them, 'Make not mischief on the earth,' they say, 'We are only peacemakers.' Behold they are indeed the mischief-makers but they perceive not." Al-Baqara 8–12
  22. ^ Jung, 1966:5
  23. ^ Jung, 1966: par. 28
  24. ^ Alicke, M., E. Gordon, & D. Rose (2013). "Hypocrisy: What Counts?", Philosophical Psychology, 26(5), 673-701.
  25. ^ Fried, C.B. (1998). "Hypocrisy and Identification With Transgressions: A Case of Undetected Dissonance", 'Basic and Applied Social Psychology', 20(2), 145-154.
  26. ^ Stone, J., E. Aronson, A.L. Crain, M.P. Winslow, & C.B. Fried (1994). "Inducing Hypocrisy as a Means of Encouraging Young Adults to Use Condoms, 'Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin', 20(1), 116-128.
  27. ^ J.J. Jordan, R. Sommers, P. Bloom, & D.G. Rand (2017). "Why Do We Hate Hypocrites? Evidence for a Theory of False Signaling", 'Psychological Science' (28(3), 356-368.
  28. ^ Daryl Glaser (2006). “Does Hypocrisy Matter? The Case of U.S. Foreign Policy”. Review of International Studies 32 (2): 251–268. doi:10.1017/S0260210506007017. http://journals.cambridge.org/abstract_S0260210506007017. 
  29. ^ R. Jay Wallace (2010). “Hypocrisy, Moral Address, and the Equal Standing of Persons”. Philosophy & Public Affairs 38 (4): 307–341. doi:10.1111/j.1088-4963.2010.01195.x. JSTOR 40926873. 
  30. ^ Eva Feder Kittay (1982). “On Hypocrisy”. Metaphilosophy 13 (3 & 4): 277–289. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9973.1982.tb00685.x. JSTOR 24435495. 
  31. ^ Ryle, Gilbert. The Concept of Mind. London: Hutchinson 1949, 173.
  32. ^ Dan Turner (1990). “Hypocrisy”. Metaphilosophy 21 (3): 262–269. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9973.1990.tb00528.x. 
  33. ^ Tillyris Demetris (2016). “The virtue of vice: a defence of hypocrisy in democratic politics”. Contemporary Politics 22 (1): 1–19. doi:10.1080/13569775.2015.1112958. http://create.canterbury.ac.uk/14938/1/14938.pdf. 
  34. ^ Gerson, "Trump's hypocrisy is good for America" (2016)
  35. ^ 『広辞苑』岩波書店、2018年。 

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