1994年のフェアチャイルド空軍基地でのB-52機の墜落事故とは? わかりやすく解説

Weblio 辞書 > 辞書・百科事典 > 百科事典 > 1994年のフェアチャイルド空軍基地でのB-52機の墜落事故の意味・解説 


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/01/30 11:06 UTC 版)

1994年のフェアチャイルド空軍基地でのB-52機の墜落事故は、1994年6月24日アメリカ合衆国ワシントン州フェアチャイルド空軍基地で発生したボーイング B-52爆撃機の墜落事故。

  1. ^ a b c d Diehl, Silent Knights, p. 125, Thompson, Way, Way Off in the Wild Blue Yonder, USAF, AFR 110-14, pp. 2–3, and Kern, Darker Shades of Blue.
  2. ^ Thompson, Way, Way Off in the Wild Blue Yonder, Kern, Darker Shades of Blue, and USAF, AFR 110-14, pp. 2–3. Holland, as chief of standardization and evaluation, was responsible for the knowledge and enforcement of academic and in-flight standards for the bomb wing's flying operations.
  3. ^ Piper, Chain of Events, p. 136, Kern, Darker Shades of Blue, and USAF, AFR 110-14, pp. 2–3.
  4. ^ a b c d Kern, Darker Shades of Blue.
  5. ^ Diehl, Silent Knights, p. 125.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g USAF, AFR 110-14, all.
  7. ^ Air Force Link, Brigadier General Orin L. Godsey, and USAF, AFR 110-14, pp. 2–3.
  8. ^ a b c USAF, AFR 110-14, pp. 3–4, and Kern, Darker Shades of Blue.
  9. ^ Diehl, Silent Knights, p. 125, Thompson, Way, Way Off in the Wild Blue Yonder, and USAF, AFR 110-14, pp. 3–4. Holland also regularly and illegally parked his car in a "no parking" zone near the base headquarters building.
  10. ^ Diehl, Silent Knights, p. 125, Kern, Darker Shades of Blue. The article does not state whether this DO was Colonel Capotosti or a new DO, Colonel William E. Pellerin.
  11. ^ Air Force Link, Brigidier General James M. Richards USAF biography, Thompson, Way, Way Off in the Wild Blue Yonder, and Kern, Darker Shades of Blue.
  12. ^ Thompson, Way, Way Off in the Wild Blue Yonder, Kern, Darker Shades of Blue, and USAF, AFR 110-14, pp. 3–4.
  13. ^ Lou Holtz/Upper Ohio Valley Hall of Fame, Lt. Col. Mark C. McGeehan.
  14. ^ Diehl, Silent Knights, p. 126, Thompson, Way, Way Off in the Wild Blue Yonder, Kern, Darker Shades of Blue.
  15. ^ Stephen Trimble (2010年12月17日). “C-17 crash report exposes cracks in USAF safety culture”. Flightglobal. Reed Business Information. 2011年3月5日閲覧。
  16. ^ Check-Six.com, The Crash of Czar 52.


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