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pitch accent日本語などにみられる音の高低を主としたアクセント高低アクセント。→強さアクセント


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高低アクセント(こうていアクセント、: pitch-accent)またはピッチアクセントとは、アクセント(すなわちあるいは形態素の中の1音節が他の音節よりも卓立していること)の一種で、アクセントの置かれた音節が、音の特定の高低配置により指定されるものを言う。強勢や長短によるアクセントとは異なる。高さアクセント[1][2]あるいは高アクセント[3]とも。

  1. ^ 高さアクセント. コトバンクより2020年8月9日閲覧
  2. ^ 高さアクセント. コトバンクより2020年8月9日閲覧
  3. ^ 高アクセント. コトバンクより2020年8月9日閲覧
  4. ^ Hualde, José Ignacio (1986). “Tone and Stress in Basque: A Preliminary Survey”. Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca Julio de Urquijo: International journal of basque linguistics and philology 20 (3): 867–896. doi:10.1387/asju.22420. ISSN 0582-6152. https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=2782523. 
  5. ^ Demers, Richard; Escalante, Fernando; Jelinik, Eloise (1999). “Prominence in Yaqui Words”. International Journal of American Linguistics 65 (1): 40–55. doi:10.1086/466375. JSTOR 1265972. 
  6. ^ Chen, Matthew Y. (2000). Tone Sandhi: Patterns across Chinese Dialects. Cambridge University Press. p. 223. ISBN 9781139431491 
  7. ^ a b c d e Levi, Susannah V. (2005-06). “Acoustic correlates of lexical accent in Turkish” (英語). Journal of the International Phonetic Association 35 (1): 73–97. doi:10.1017/S0025100305001921. ISSN 1475-3502. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-the-international-phonetic-association/article/abs/acoustic-correlates-of-lexical-accent-in-turkish/8D9860DB459EF275238D64B946009294. 
  8. ^ Hyman, Larry M. (2006-08). “Word-prosodic typology” (英語). Phonology 23 (02): 225–257. doi:10.1017/S0952675706000893. ISSN 0952-6757. http://www.journals.cambridge.org/abstract_S0952675706000893. 
  9. ^ Gordon, Matthew (2014). “Part I - The phenomenon of stress”. In van der Hulst, Harry. Disentangling stress and pitch-accent: a typology of prominence at different prosodic levels. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 83–118. doi:10.1017/cbo9781139600408.005. ISBN 978-1-107-03951-3. https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/word-stress/disentangling-stress-and-pitchaccent-a-typology-of-prominence-at-different-prosodic-levels/8FD79CB1FE16A12903AD0F19F27D3B8B 
  10. ^ Zanten, Ellen van & Philomena Dol (2010). "Word stress and pitch accent in Papuan languages. In: Hulst, Harry van der, Rob Goedemans & Ellen van Zanten (eds) (2010). A survey of word accentual patterns in the languages of the world. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, p. 120.
  11. ^ Downing, Laura (2010). "Accent in African languages". In Harry van der Hulst, Rob Goedemans, Ellen van Zanten (eds.) A Survey of Word Accentual Patterns in the Languages of the World, p. 411.
  12. ^ Hayes, Bruce (1995) Metrical stress theory: Principles and case studies. University of Chicago Press; p. 50.
  13. ^ Köhnlein, Björn (2013), "Optimizing the relation between tone and prominence: Evidence from Franconian, Scandinavian, and Serbo-Croatian tone accent systems". Lingua 131 (2013) 1-28
  14. ^ Beckman, Mary, (1986). Stress and Non-stress Accent. Dordrecht: Foris.
  15. ^ Hyman, L.M. (2012). "Do all languages have word-accent?" UC Berkeley Phonology Lab Annual Report (2012), p. 35.
  16. ^ Downing, L.R.; Mtenje, A.D. (2017), The Phonology of Chichewa, p. 133.
  17. ^ Downing, Laura (2010). "Accent in African languages". In Harry van der Hulst, Rob Goedemans, Ellen van Zanten (eds.) A Survey of Word Accentual Patterns in the Languages of the World, p. 382.
  18. ^ Larry Hyman, "How (not) to do phonological typology: the case of pitch-accent", Language Sciences (2009), 31: 213-238
  19. ^ Hyman, L. (2000), "Privative Tone in Bantu".
  20. ^ Nash, J.A. (1994), "Underlying Low Tones in Ruwund". Studies in African Linguistics Volume 23, Number 3,1992-1994.
  21. ^ Zec, D., & Zsiga, E. (2010). "Interaction of Tone and Stress in Standard Serbian" (Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics 18, 535–555. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Michigan Slavic Publications.)
  22. ^ Whitney, William Dwight (1879), Sanskrit Grammar ch. 2, §§81–3.
  23. ^ Allen, W. Sidney (1987), Vox Graeca (3rd edition), p. 121.
  24. ^ Tomas Riad "Scandinavian accent typology". Sprachtypol. Univ. Forsch. (STUF), Berlin 59 (2006) 1, 36–55; pp. 38–9.
  25. ^ Cooper, S.E. (2015). Bangor University PhD thesis."Intonation in Anglesey Welsh", p. 165.
  26. ^ Louw, Johan K. (1987). Pang'onopang'ono ndi Mtolo: Chichewa: A Practical Course. UNISA Press, vol. 3, p. 22, 60.
  27. ^ a b Downing, L.M. & Mtenje, A.D. (2017), The Phonology of Chichewa, p. 119.
  28. ^ Cf. Hyman, L.M. (2007) "Tone: Is it different?". UC Berkeley Phonology Lab Annual Report (2007), p. 500.
  29. ^ Yip, Moira (2002) Tone, pp. 8–9.
  30. ^ Beguš, Gašper (2016) "The Phonetics of the Independent Svarita in Vedic". in Stephanie W. Jamison, H. Craig Melchert, and Brent Vine (eds.). 2016. Proceedings of the 26th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference. Bremen: Hempen. 1–12.
  31. ^ Kamoga, F.K. & Stevick (1968). Luganda Basic Course., pp. ix–x.
  32. ^ Dutcher, Katharine & Mary Paster (2008), "Contour Tone Distribution in Luganda" Proceedings of the 27th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, ed. Natasha Abner and Jason Bishop, 123-131. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
  33. ^ a b Smyth, H.W. (1920) Greek Grammar, §169.
  34. ^ Inkelas, Sharon & Draga Zec (1988). "Serbo-Croatian pitch accent". Language 64.227–248, pp. 230–1, quoted in Hyman, L.M. (2007) "Tone: Is it different?". UC Berkeley Phonology Lab Annual Report (2007).
  35. ^ Seikilos epitaph line 4. See also: Devine, A.M.; Stephens, Laurence D. (1991). "Dionysius of Halicarnassus, De Compositione Verborum XI: Reconstructing the Phonetics of the Greek Accent". Transactions of the American Philological Association. 121: 229–286; pages 272, 283.
  36. ^ Hyman, L.M. (2007) "Tone: Is it different?". UC Berkeley Phonology Lab Annual Report (2007), p. 498.
  37. ^ Hagberg, Larry (2008). "An Acoustic Analysis of Yaqui Stress". Friends of Uto-Aztecan, October 3, 2008, University of Arizona.
  38. ^ Kamoga, F.K. & Earl Stevick (1968). Luganda Basic Course. Foreign Service Institute, Washington, pp. 105, 29.
  39. ^ Downing, L.J. & Mtenje, A.D. (2017) The Phonology of Chichewa, p. 122.
  40. ^ Hualde, J.I. (2006). "Remarks on Word-Prosodic Typology". BLS 32, No 1 2006. DOI (published by the Berkeley Linguistics Society and the Linguistic Society of America), p. 161.
  41. ^ Kamoga, F.K. & Stevick (1968). Luganda Basic Course. Foreign Service Institute, Washington; p. xviii.
  42. ^ a b c Hyman, Larry M. (2009). "How (not) to do phonological typology: the case of pitch-accent". Language Sciences 31, 213–238.
  43. ^ Jesse Lundquist & Anthony Yates, (2015). "The Morphology of Proto-Indo-European", University of California, Los Angeles.
  44. ^ Hualde, J.I. (2006). "Remarks on Word-Prosodic Typology". BLS 32, No 1 2006. DOI (published by the Berkeley Linguistics Society and the Linguistic Society of America), p. 159.
  45. ^ Abolhasanizadeh, Vahideh; Bijankhan, Mahmood; Gussenhoven, Carlos (2012). “The Persian pitch accent and its retention after the focus”. Lingua 122 (13): 1380–1394. doi:10.1016/j.lingua.2012.06.002. 
  46. ^ Sadat-Tehrani, Nima (21 September 2007). The intonational grammar of Persian. hdl:1993/2839. 
  47. ^ Hosseini, Seyed Ayat (2014) "The Phonology and Phonetics of Prosodic Prominence in Persian" Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Tokyo, p.22f for a review of the literature; also p.35.
  48. ^ Hyman, Larry M. & Francis X. Katamba (1993). "A new approach to tone in Luganda", in Language. 69. 1. pp. 33–67; see pp. 36, 45.




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高低アクセント デジタル大辞泉
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強さアクセント デジタル大辞泉
90% |||||

声調 デジタル大辞泉
70% |||||

アクセント デジタル大辞泉
54% |||||

0% |||||




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