フラボノリグナンとは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2012/02/22 06:44 UTC 版)

フラボノリグナン (flavonolignan) 類は、フラボノイド部とリグナン部からなる天然フェノール類である。

  1. ^ Tůmová L, Řimáková J, Tůma J, Dušek J (2006). Silybum marianum in vitro-flavonolignan production”. Plant, Soil and Environment 52 (10): 454–8. http://www.cazv.cz/userfiles/File/PSE%2052_454-458.pdf. 
  2. ^ Alikaridis F, Papadakis D, Pantelia K, Kephalas T (August 2000). “Flavonolignan production from Silybum marianum transformed and untransformed root cultures”. Fitoterapia 71 (4): 379–84. doi:10.1016/S0367-326X(00)00134-9. PMID 10925007. 
  3. ^ Sarris, Jerome; Seaton, Kylie (2007). “Silyamandin: A New Flavonolignan”. Australian Journal of Medical Herbalism 19 (4): 187. http://search.informit.com.au/documentSummary%3Bdn=002024714890175%3Bres=IELHEA. 
  4. ^ MacKinnon SL, Hodder M, Craft C, Simmons-Boyce J (September 2007). “Silyamandin, a new flavonolignan isolated from milk thistle tinctures”. Planta Medica 73 (11): 1214–6. doi:10.1055/s-2007-981595. PMID 17823870. 
  5. ^ Cardona, M; Garcia, B; Pedro, J; Sinisterra, J (1990). “Flavonoids, flavonolignans and a phenylpropanoid from Onopordon corymbosum”. Phytochemistry 29 (2): 629. doi:10.1016/0031-9422(90)85131-X. 
  6. ^ Guz NR, Stermitz FR (August 2000). “Synthesis and structures of regioisomeric hydnocarpin-type flavonolignans”. Journal of Natural Products 63 (8): 1140–5. doi:10.1021/np000166d. PMID 10978213. 
  7. ^ Kikuchi Y, Miyaichi Y, Tomimori T (August 1991). “[Total synthesis of flavonolignans, scutellaprostins A, B, C, D, E and F]” (Japanese). Yakugaku Zasshi 111 (8): 424–35. PMID 1665511. 
  8. ^ PubChem 6438705
  9. ^ Wenzig, Eva; Kunert, Olaf; Ferreira, Daneel; Schmid, Martin; Schühly, Wolfgang; Bauer, Rudolf; Hiermann, Alois (2005). “Flavonolignans from Avena sativa”. J. Nat. Prod. 68 (2): 289–92. doi:10.1021/np049636k. PMID 15730266. 
  10. ^ Pettit, George R.; Meng, Yanhui; Stevenson, Clare A.; Doubek, Dennis L.; Knight, John C.; Cichacz, Zbigniew; Pettit, Robin K.; Chapuis, Jean-Charles et al. (2003). “Isolation and Structure of Palstatin from the Amazon TreeHymeneaepalustris1”. J. Nat. Prod. 66 (2): 259–62. doi:10.1021/np020231e. PMID 12608861. 
  11. ^ Syrchina, A. I.; Gorshkov, A. G.; Shcherbakov, V. V.; Zinchenko, S. V.; Vereshchagin, A. L.; Zaikov, K. L.; Semenov, A. A. (1992). “Flavonolignans of Salsola collina”. Chem. Nat. Compound. 28 (2): 155. doi:10.1007/BF00630164. 
  12. ^ Zapesochnaya, G. G.; Kurkin, V. A. (1983). “The flavonoids of the rhizomes of Rhodiola rosea. II. A flavonolignan and glycosides of herbacetin”. Chem. Nat. Compound. 19: 21. doi:10.1007/BF00579955. 
  13. ^ Bouaziz M, Veitch NC, Grayer RJ, Simmonds MS, Damak M (July 2002). “Flavonolignans from Hyparrhenia hirta”. Phytochemistry 60 (5): 515–20. doi:10.1016/S0031-9422(02)00145-0. PMID 12052518. 


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