エリュクス (古代都市)とは? わかりやすく解説

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エリュクス (古代都市)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2023/07/23 10:27 UTC 版)


  1. ^ ERYX - Sicilian King of Greek Mythology”. www.theoi.com. 2016年12月1日閲覧。
  2. ^ "Mons Eryx", Pliny the Elder iii. 8. s. 14; but "Mons Erycus", Cicero In Verrem ii. 4. 7; Tacitus Ann. iv. 43.
  3. ^ William Henry Smyth, Sicily, p. 242.
  4. ^ Pol. i. 55; Pomponius Mela ii. 7. § 17; Gaius Julius Solinus 5. § 9.
  5. ^ Virgil The Aeneid xii. 701; Val. Flacc. ii. 523.
  6. ^ Strabo, xiii. p. 608: "... and others say that he landed at Aegesta in Sicily with Elymus the Trojan and took possession of Eryx and Lilybaeum, and gave the names Scamander and Simoeis to rivers near Aegesta, ..."; Virg. Aeneid v. 759.
  7. ^ Horace Carm. i. 2. 33; Ovid, Heroid. 15. 57, etc.
  8. ^ Diod. iv. 23, 83; Virgil Aeneid v. 24, 412, &c.; Servius ad loc.
  9. ^ Thucydides vi. 2; Strabo xiii. p. 608.
  10. ^ W. H. Race, Apollonius Rhodius: Argonautica, Loeb Classical Library (2008), 4.912-919, p.402
  11. ^ Diod. xiii. 80.
  12. ^ Id. xiv. 48, 55.
  13. ^ Id. xv. 73.
  14. ^ Diod. xx. 10, Exc. H. p. 498.
  15. ^ Id. xxiv. 1; Pol. i. 55; Zonar. viii. 15.
  16. ^ Pol. i. 58; Diod. xxiv. 8. p. 509; Livy xxi. 10, xxviii. 41.
  17. ^ Strabo VI-2, p. 272: "The last and longest side is not populous either, but still it is fairly well peopled; in fact, Alaesa, Tyndaris, the Emporium of the Aegestes, and Cephaloedis123 are all cities, and Panormus has also a Roman settlement. Aegestaea was founded, it is said, by those who crossed over with Philoctetes to the territory of Croton, as I have stated in my account of Italy; they were sent to Sicily by him along with Aegestes the Trojan"; Cicero, In Verrem ii. 8, 47; Pliny iii. 8. s. 14; Tacitus Ann. iv. 43.)
  18. ^ William Henry Smyth, Sicily, p. 243.
  19. ^ Diod. iv. 83; Dionys. i. 53.
  20. ^ Thucydides vi. 46.
  21. ^ Pol. ii. 7.
  22. ^ Diod. iv. 83; Strabo v. p. 272; Cicero In Verrem ii. 8.
  23. ^ Tacitus Ann. iv. 43; Suetonius Claud. 25.
  24. ^ Strabo v. p. 272.
  25. ^ Joseph Hilarius Eckhel, vol. i. p. 208; Torremuzza, Num. Sic. pl. 30.

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