地球寒冷化 外部リンク


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  1. ^ a b c d Peterson, Thomas & Connolley, William. “The Myth of the 1970s Global Cooling Scientific Consensus(1970年代の地球寒冷化の科学的な一致に関する伝説)”. American Meteorological Society. 2008年4月12日閲覧。
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  21. ^ その期間の実際の二酸化炭素増加量は29%である
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  24. ^ World's temperature likely to rise; The Times; 22 June 1976; pg 9; col A
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  26. ^ IPCC Fourth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2007: Working Group I: The Physical Science Basis, Summary for Policymakers, Direct Observations of Recent Climate Change
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  28. ^ J. Jouzel, V. Masson-Delmotte, O. Cattani, G. Dreyfus, S. Falourd, G. Hoffmann, B. Minster, J. Nouet, J. M. Barnola, J. Chappellaz, H. Fischer, J. C. Gallet, S. Johnsen, M. Leuenberger, L. Loulergue, D. Luethi, H. Oerter, F. Parrenin, G. Raisbeck, D. Raynaud, A. Schilt, J. Schwander, E. Selmo, R. Souchez, R. Spahni, B. Stauffer, J. P. Steffensen, B. Stenni, T. F. Stocker, J. L. Tison, M. Werner and E. W. Wolff,Orbital and Millennial Antarctic Climate Variability over the Past 800,000 Years, Science 10 August 2007, Vol. 317 no. 5839 pp. 793-796.
  29. ^ Michael E. Mann, Zhihua Zhang, Malcolm K. Hughes, Raymond S. Bradley, Sonya K. Miller, Scott Rutherford and Fenbiao Ni, Proxy-based reconstructions of hemispheric and global surface temperature variations over the past two millennia, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science(PNAS), September 2, 2008, vol. 105, no. 36, 13252-13257.
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  32. ^ Hansen et al. (2001) 'A closer look at United States and global surface temperature change.' JGR 106:23947–23963.
  33. ^ 世界の年平均気温の偏差の経年変化(気象庁)
  34. ^ Climate Change 2007: Working Group I: The Physical Science Basis, 10.ES, Mean Temperature, IPCC AR4
  35. ^ ココが知りたい温暖化:寒冷期と温暖期の繰り返し地球環境研究センターによる解説)
  36. ^ 世界の年平均気温の偏差の経年変化、気象庁
  37. ^ Peterson, Thomas & Connolley, William & Fleck, John (September 2008). “The Myth of the 1970s Global Cooling Scientific Consensus”. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (American Meteorological Society) 89 (9): 1325–1337. Bibcode2008BAMS...89.1325P. doi:10.1175/2008BAMS2370.1. オリジナルの2012年1月14日時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20120114082810/http://scienceblogs.com/stoat/Myth-1970-Global-Cooling-BAMS-2008.pdf. 
  38. ^ Paul R. Ehrlich(1968)"The Population Bomb"
  39. ^ Mason, B. J.. “QJRMS, 1976, p 473 (Symons Memorial Lecture)”. Was an imminent Ice Age predicted in the '70s? No. 2005年11月17日閲覧。
  40. ^ Weart, Spencer. “The Modern Temperature Trend”. The Discovery of Global Warming. 2005年11月17日閲覧。邦訳、増田耕一・熊井ひろ美「温暖化の“発見”とは何か」(みすず書房)
  41. ^ Emiliani, Cesare (November 1972). “Quaternary hypsithermals”. Quaternary Research 2 (3): 270–3. Bibcode1972QuRes...2..270E. doi:10.1016/0033-5894(72)90047-6. 
  42. ^ Past Climate Cycles: Ice Age Speculations
  43. ^ Weart, Spencer. “Past Cycles: Ice Age Speculations”. The Discovery of Global Warming. 2005年11月17日閲覧。
  44. ^ Kukla GJ, Matthews RK, Mitchell JM (November 1972). “Guest editorial: The end of the present interglacial”. Quaternary Research 2 (3): 261–9. Bibcode1972QuRes...2..261.. doi:10.1016/0033-5894(72)90046-4. [Was an imminent Ice Age predicted in the '70s? No 非専門家向けの内容要旨]. 
  45. ^ Kukla, G.J.; Matthews, R.K. (1972). “When Will the Present Interglacial End?”. Science 178 (4057): 190–202. Bibcode1972Sci...178..190K. doi:10.1126/science.178.4057.190. PMID 17789488. 
  46. ^ SCEP. “The 1970 SCEP report”. Was an imminent Ice Age predicted in the '70s? No. 2005年11月17日閲覧。英題:"Study of Critical Environmental Problems"
  47. ^ Schlesinger, James. “Climate Change: The Science Isn't Settled”. 2008年4月12日閲覧。
  48. ^ U. S. National Academy of Sciences. “The 1975 US National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council Report”. Was an imminent Ice Age predicted in the '70's? No. 2008年4月12日閲覧。
  49. ^ Singer, S. Fred. “Scientists add to heat over global warming”. 2005年11月19日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2008年4月12日閲覧。
  50. ^ http://www.resiliencetv.fr/uploads/newsweek_coolingworld.pdf
  51. ^ Climate Change: Prediction Perils | Newsweek.com
  52. ^ Cosmos: A Personal Voyage, Episode 4, Scene 9 "Change"
  53. ^ Schneider, Stephen (29 December 1977). “Against instant books”. Nature 270 (22): 650. http://stephenschneider.stanford.edu/Publications/PDF_Papers/Schneider1977.pdf. 
  54. ^ World Climate Conference 1979”. Was an imminent Ice Age predicted in the '70's? No. 2008年4月12日閲覧。
  55. ^ williamcalvin.com/1990s/1998AtlanticClimate.htm
  56. ^ アンドリュー・マーシャル国防省総合評価局長(在任1973-2015)作成。
  57. ^ An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and Its Implications for United States National SecurityOctober 2003
  58. ^ Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us | Environment | The Observer
  59. ^ Now the Pentagon Tells Bush: Climate Change Will Destroy Us

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