通商禁止法 (1807年)とは? わかりやすく解説

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通商禁止法 (1807年)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2018/03/04 01:54 UTC 版)

通商禁止法(つうしょうきんしほう、: Embargo Act of 1807)は、1807年アメリカ合衆国で成立した法律であり[1]ナポレオン戦争を戦っているイギリスフランスに対抗してアメリカ合衆国の貿易を禁止したものだった[2]

  1. ^ a b Kaplan, 1958, p. 345
  2. ^ a b c Perkins, 1968, p. 320
  3. ^ a b Levy, 1975, p. 343
  4. ^ Kaplan, 1958, p. 355
  5. ^ Perkins, 1968, p. 317
  6. ^ Kaplan, 1958, p. 346
  7. ^ Perkins, 1968, p. 316-317
  8. ^ Perkins, 1968, p. 317-318
  9. ^ Kaplan, 1958, p. 347-348
  10. ^ Perkins, 1968, p. 323
  11. ^ Hofstadter, 1948, p. 279
  12. ^ a b Kaplan, 1958, p. 347
  13. ^ Hofstadter, 1948, 279
  14. ^ a b Perkins, 1968, p. 331
  15. ^ Perkins, 1968, p. 328-329
  16. ^ Levy, 1975, p. 314-315
  17. ^ a b Perkins, 1968, p. 330
  18. ^ Perkins, 1968, p. 348
  19. ^ Perkins, 1968, p. 324
  20. ^ Levy, 1975, p. 315
  21. ^ Perkins, 1968, p. 326
  22. ^ Perkins, 1968, p. 336
  23. ^ He returned for 100 days in 1815 but that had no bearing on the U.S.
  24. ^ Brian DeToy, "The Impressment of American Seamen during the Napoleonic Wars," Consortium on Revolutionary Europe 1750-1850: Selected Papers, 1998 (1988) pp 492-501
  25. ^ Paul A. Gilje, "'Free Trade and Sailors' Rights': The Rhetoric of the War of 1812," Journal of the Early Republic, Spring 2010, Vol. 30 Issue 1, pp 1-23
  26. ^ Spencer Tucker, Injured Honor: The Chesapeake-Leopard Affair (2006).
  27. ^ Carl Benn, The War of 1812 (2002) p. 4
  28. ^ 2 Stat. 451 (1807) Library of Congress, U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates, 1774–1875
  29. ^ 2 Stat. 379 (1806) Library of Congress, U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates, 1774–1875
  30. ^ Malone, Dumas (1974). Jefferson the President: The Second Term. Boston: Brown-Little. 
  31. ^ Harvey Strum, "Rhode Island and the Embargo of 1807." Rhode Island History 1994 52(2): 58-67
  32. ^ H. Nicholas Muller, "Smuggling into Canada: How the Champlain Valley Defied Jefferson's Embargo." Vermont History 1970 38(1): 5-21
  33. ^ Glenn Stine Gordinier, "Versatility in Crisis: The Merchants of the New London Customs District Respond to the Embargo of 1807-1809." PhD dissertation U. of Connecticut 2001. 333 pp. DAI 2001 62(2): 739-A. DA3004842
  34. ^ Gordinier (2001)
  35. ^ a b c "Gallatin to Jefferson, December 1807" Vol.1, p.368 Adams, Henry (1879). The Writings of Albert Gallatin. Philadelphia: Lippincott. 
  36. ^ 2 Stat. 453 (1808) Library of Congress, U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates, 1774–1875
  37. ^ Robert W. Tucker and David C. Hendrickson, Empire of Liberty: The Statecraft of Thomas Jefferson (1990) ch 20
  38. ^ United States Non-Intercourse Act - March 1, 1809 Rockcastle Karst Conservancy
  39. ^ Merrill, Dennis; Paterson, Thomas (2009-09). Major Problems in American Foreign Relations: To 1920. Cengage Learning. pp. 132–33. ISBN 978-0-547-21824-3. http://books.google.com/books?id=spA88Rt23soC&pg=PA132 2011年12月21日閲覧。. 

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