菅原和孝とは? わかりやすく解説

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菅原 和孝(すがわら かずよし、1949年 - )は、日本の人類学者。京都大学名誉教授

  1. ^ 菅原和孝 (1980). “ニホンザル, ハナレオスの社会的出会いの構造”. 季刊人類学 11-1: 3-70. 
  2. ^ Sugawara, K. (1979). “Sociological Study of a Wild Group of Hybrid Baboons between Papio hamadryas and P. anubis in the Awash Valley, Ethipioa”. Primates 20 (1): 21-56. 
  3. ^ Sugawara, K. (1982). “Sociological Comparison between Two Wild Groups of Anubis-Hamadryas Hybrid Baboons”. African Study Monographs 2: 73-131. 
  4. ^ Sugawara, K. (1988). “Ethological Study of the Social Behavior of Hybrid Baboons between Papio anubis and P. hamadryas in Free-ranging Groups.”. Primates 29 (4): 429-448. 
  5. ^ 菅原和孝 (1984). “狩猟採集民社会における個体間の近接と身体接触−−セントラル・カラハリ・サンの事例から”. 季刊人類学 15 (2): 78-141. 
  6. ^ Sugawara, K. (1984). “Spatial Proximity and Bodily Contact among the Central Kalahari San”. African Study Monographs, Supplementary Issue 3: 1-43. 
  7. ^ Sugawara, K. (1988). “Social Relations and Interactions between Residential Groups among the Central Kalahari San: Hunter-Gatherer Camp as a Micro-Territory”. African Study Monographs 8 (4): 173-211. 
  8. ^ 菅原和孝 (1988). “セントラル・カラハリ・サンにおける訪問者と居住者の社会関係と対面相互行為−!Koi!kom定住地での訪問活動の観察より”. 国立民族学博物館研究報告集 12 (4): 1031-1111. 
  9. ^ Sugawara, K. (1990). “Interactional Aspects of the Body in Co-presence: Observations on the Central Kalahari San”. Senri Ethnological Studies 27: 79-122. 
  10. ^ Sugawara, K. (1991). “The Economics of Social Life among the Central Kalahari San (G||anakhwe and G|wikhwe) in the Sedentary Community at !Koi!kom”. Senri Ethnological Studies 30: 91-116. 
  11. ^ Optimistic Realism or Opportunistic Subordination?: The Interaction of the G/wi and G//ana with Outsiders. Smithonian Institution Press. (2002). pp. 93-126 
  12. ^ Sugawara, K. (1966). “Some Methodological Issues for the Analysis of Everyday Conversation among the |Gui”. African Study Monographs, Supplementary Issue 22: 45-161. 
  13. ^ Sugawara, K. (2009). “Speech Acts, Moves and Meta-communication in Negotiation: Three Cases of Everyday Conversation Observed among the |Gui Former-foragers”. Journal of Pragmatics 41 (1): 93-135. 
  14. ^ Sugawara, K. (2012). “Interactive Significance of Simultaneous Discourse or Overlap in Everyday Conversations among |Gui Former Foragers”. Journal of Pragmatics 44: 577-618. 
  15. ^ Possession, Equality and Gender Relations in |Gui Discourse. IN: T. Widlok & W. Tadesse (eds), Property and Equality Vol. 1: Ritualization, Sharing, Egalitarianism. Berghahn Books. (2004). pp. 105-129 
  16. ^ 菅原和孝 (1997). “記憶装置としての名前−−セントラル・サン(|Gui と||Gana)の個人名の民族誌”. 国立民族学博物館研究報告 22 (1): 1-92. 
  17. ^ Sugawara, K. (2016). “Personal Name as Mnemonic Device or Conversational Resource: An Ethnographic Study on the Naming Practice among the G|ui and G||ana San”. African Study Monographs, Supplementary Issue 52: 77−104. 
  18. ^ Sugawara, K. (2001). “Cognitive Space Concerning Habitual Thought and Practice toward Animals among the Central San (|Gui and ||Gana): Deictic/Indirect Cognition and Prospective/Retrospective Intention”. African Study Monographs, Supplementary Issue 27: 61-98. 
  19. ^ Sugawara, K. (2018). “On the G|ui Experiences of ‘Being Hunted’: Analysis of oral discourses on the man-killing by lions”. Senri Ethnological Studies 99: 65–82. 
  20. ^ Sugawara, Kazuyoshi (2017). “A Theory of ‘Animal Borders’: Thoughts and Practices toward Non-human Animals among the G|ui Hunter-Gatherers”. Social Analysis 61 (2): 100-117. 
  21. ^ 菅原和孝 (2005). “身体資源とはなにか−−特集への序”. 文化人類学 70 (2): 175-181. 
  22. ^ 共著:_____・藤田隆則・細馬宏通 (2005). “民俗芸能の継承における身体資源の再配分−−西浦田楽からの試論”. 文化人類学 70 (2): 182-206. 
  23. ^ 典拠は著書(2015、2017)奥付の執筆者紹介。
  24. ^ “[nrid.nii.ac.jp/ja/nrid/1000080133685 KAKEN––研究者を探す|菅原和孝(80133685)]”. 2021年2月13日閲覧。
  25. ^ 菅原 和孝 (Kazuyoshi Sugawara) - マイポータル - researchmap


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