土壌呼吸とは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2019/03/17 19:20 UTC 版)


  1. ^ Berg J, Tymoczko J, Stryer L. (2002).
  2. ^ Shibistova O, Lloyd J, Evgrafova S, Savushkina N, Zrazhevskaya G, Arneth A, Knohl A, Kolle O. (2002) Seasonal and spatial variability in soil CO2 efflux rates for a central Siberian Pinus sylvestris forest.
  3. ^ Hutsch B, Augustin J, Merbach W. (2002) Plant rhizodeposition – an important source for carbon turnover in soils.
  4. ^ a b Vance E, Chapin III F. (2001) Substrate limitations to microbial activity in taiga forest floors.
  5. ^ Harrison M. (2005) Peace Talks and Trade Deals.
  6. ^ Klein D, Prescott L, Harley J. (2005).
  7. ^ Chapin III F, Matson P, Mooney H. (2002) Principles of terrestrial ecosystem ecology.
  8. ^ Atkin O, Edwards E, Loveys B. (2000) Response of root respiration to changes in temperature and its relevance to global warming.
  9. ^ Mikan C, Schimel J, Doyle A. (2002) Temperature controls of microbial respiration in Arctic tundra soils above and below freezing.
  10. ^ a b Xu L, Baldocchi D, Tang J. (2004) How soil moisture, rain pulses, and growth alter the response of ecosystem respiration and temperature.
  11. ^ Lambers H, Chapin III F, Pons T. (1998) Plant physiological ecology.
  12. ^ Pate J, Layzell D. (1990) Energetics and biological costs of nitrogen assimilation.
  13. ^ Sinsabaugh R, Carreiro M, Repert D. (2002) Allocation of extracellular enzymatic activity in relation to litter composition, N deposition, and mass loss.
  14. ^ Wayson C, Randolph J, Hanson P, Grimmond P, Schmid H. (2006) Comparison of soil respiration methods in a mid-latitude deciduous forest.
  15. ^ Field C, Ball J, Berry J. (1989) Photosynthesis, Principles and field techniques.
  16. ^ Conen F, and Smith K. (2000) An explanation of linear increases in gas concentration under closed chambers used to measure gas exchange between soil and the atmosphere.
  17. ^ Rochette P, Flanagan L, Gregorich E. (1999) Separating soil respiration into plant and soil components using analysis of natural abundance of carbon-13.
  18. ^ Lipson D, Wilson R, Oechel W. (2005) Effects of Elevated Atmospheric CO2 on Soil Microbial Biomass, Activity, and Diversity in a Chaparral Ecosystem.
  19. ^ King J, Hanson P, Bernhardt E, Deangelis P, Norby R, Pregitzer K. (2004) A multiyear synthesis of soil respiration responses to elevated atmospheric CO2 from four forest FACE experiments.
  20. ^ Oechel W, Vourlitis G, Hastings S. (1995) Change in Arctic CO2 flux over two decades, Effects of climate change at Barrow, Alaska.
  21. ^ Lutze J, Gifford R, Adams H. (2000) Litter quality and decomposition in Danthonia richardsonii swards in response to CO2 and nitrogen supply over four years of growth.
  22. ^ Sabine C, Hemann M, Artaxo P, Bakker D, Chen C, Field C, Gruber N, Le Quere C, Prinn R, Richey J, Romero-Lankao P, Sathaye J, Valentini R. (2003) Current status and past trends of the carbon cycle.
  23. ^ Raich J, and Potter C. (1995) Global patterns of carbon dioxide emissions from soils.
  24. ^ Friedlingstein P, Dufresne J, Cox P. (2003) How positive is the feedback between climate change and the global carbon cycle?
  25. ^ Cox P, Betts R, Jones C, Spall S, Totterdell I. (2000) Acceleration of global warming due to carbon-cycle feedbacks in a coupled climate model.


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