lithium titanateとは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/04/16 08:23 UTC 版)

チタン酸リチウム(チタンさんリチウム、lithium titanate、正確にはメタチタン酸リチウム lithium metatitanate)は、リチウムチタンを含む化合物の一つ。室温では灰白色の粉末としてみられ、化学式Li2TiO3で表わされる。

  1. ^ Laan, J.G; Muis, R.P (1999). “Properties of lithium metatitanate pebbles produced by a wet process”. Journal of Nuclear Materials 271–272: 401–404. doi:10.1016/S0022-3115(98)00794-6. ISSN 0022-3115. 
  2. ^ Lithium Titanate Fact Sheet”. Product Code: LI2TI03. Thermograde. 2010年6月24日閲覧。
  3. ^ Vijayakumar M.; Kerisit, S.; Yang, Z.; Graff, G. L.; Liu, J.; Sears, J. A.; Burton, S. D.; Rosso, K. M.; Hu, J. (2009). “Combined 6,7Li NMR and Molecular Dynamics Study of Li Diffusion in Li2TiO3”. Journal of Physical Chemistry 113: 20108–20116. doi:10.1021/jp9072125. 
  4. ^ Kleykamp, H (2002). “Phase equilibria in the Li–Ti–O system and physical properties of Li2TiO3”. Fusion Engineering and Design. 61: 361–366. 
  5. ^ Laumann, Andreas; Jensen, Ørnsbjerg; Kirsten, Marie; Tyrsted, Christoffer (2011). “In‐situ Synchrotron X‐ray Diffraction Study of the Formation of Cubic Li2TiO3 Under Hydrothermal Conditions”. Eur. J. of Inorg. Chem. 14: 2221–2226. doi:10.1002/ejic.201001133. 
  6. ^ Sahu, BS; Bhatacharyya, BS; Chaudhuri, CP; Mazumder, DR (2010). Synthesis and sintering of nanosize Li2TiO3 ceramic breeder powder prepared by autocombustion technique. hdl:2080/1139. 
  7. ^ "EPO: European Patent" (accessed April 13, 2012).[リンク切れ]
  8. ^ Ehingen, A. P.; Feldkirchen, M. B.; Ulm, B. R.; Plochingen, V. P. Friedrichshafen, DE "Double layer cathode for molten carbonate fuel cells and method for producing the same." US Patent 6,420,062, July 16, 2002
  9. ^ Hanaor, D.A.H.; Kolb, M.H.H.; Gan, Y.; Kamlah, M.; Knitter, R. (2014). “Solution based synthesis of mixed-phase materials in the Li2TiO3-Li4SiO4 system”. Journal of Nuclear Materials 456: 151–161. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2014.09.028. 
  10. ^ Maloney, Ryan P.; Kim, Hyun Joong; Sakamoto, Jeffrey S. (2012). “Lithium Titanate Aerogel for Advanced Lithium-Ion Batteries”. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 4 (5): 2318–2321. doi:10.1021/am3002742. 


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