CompareInfo.LCID プロパティとは? わかりやすく解説

Weblio 辞書 > コンピュータ > .NET Framework クラス ライブラリ リファレンス > CompareInfo.LCID プロパティの意味・解説 

CompareInfo.LCID プロパティ

現在の CompareInfo に対して適切に書式指定されたカルチャ識別子取得します

名前空間: System.Globalization
アセンブリ: mscorlib (mscorlib.dll 内)


LCID プロパティコード例次に示します

Imports System
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Globalization

NotInheritable Public Class
    Shared Sub Main(ByVal
 args() As String) 
        Dim sign() As String
 = {"<", "=", ">"}
        ' The code below demonstrates how strings compare 
        ' differently for different cultures.
        Dim s1 As String
 = "Coté"
        Dim s2 As String
 = "coté"
        Dim s3 As String
 = "côte"
        ' Set sort order of strings for French in France.
        Dim ci As CompareInfo = New
        Console.WriteLine("The LCID for {0} is {1}.",
 ci.Name, ci.LCID)
        ' Display the result using fr-FR Compare of Coté = coté.
        Console.WriteLine("fr-FR Compare: {0} {2} {1}",
                          s1, s2, sign((ci.Compare(s1, s2, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase)
 + 1)))
        ' Display the result using fr-FR Compare of coté > côte.
        Console.WriteLine("fr-FR Compare: {0} {2} {1}",
                          s2, s3, sign((ci.Compare(s2, s3, CompareOptions.None) +
        ' Set sort order of strings for Japanese as spoken in Japan.
        ci = New CultureInfo("ja-JP").CompareInfo
        Console.WriteLine("The LCID for {0} is {1}.",
 ci.Name, ci.LCID)
        ' Display the result using ja-JP Compare of coté < côte.
        Console.WriteLine("ja-JP Compare: {0} {2} {1}",
                          s2, s3, sign((ci.Compare(s2, s3) + 1)))
    End Sub 'Main
End Class 'App

' This code produces the following output.
' The LCID for fr-FR is 1036.
' fr-FR Compare: Coté = coté
' fr-FR Compare: coté > côte
' The LCID for ja-JP is 1041.
' ja-JP Compare: coté < côte
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Globalization;

public sealed class App
    static void Main(string[]
        String[] sign = new String[] { "<", "=",
 ">" };

        // The code below demonstrates how strings compare 
        // differently for different cultures.
        String s1 = "Coté", s2 = "coté", s3 = "côte";

        // Set sort order of strings for French in France.
        CompareInfo ci = new CultureInfo("fr-FR").CompareInfo;
        Console.WriteLine("The LCID for {0} is {1}.",
 ci.Name, ci.LCID);
        // Display the result using fr-FR Compare of Coté = coté.
        Console.WriteLine("fr-FR Compare: {0} {2} {1}",
            s1, s2, sign[ci.Compare(s1, s2, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) + 1]);

        // Display the result using fr-FR Compare of coté >
        Console.WriteLine("fr-FR Compare: {0} {2} {1}",
            s2, s3, sign[ci.Compare(s2, s3, CompareOptions.None) + 1]);

        // Set sort order of strings for Japanese as spoken in Japan.
        ci = new CultureInfo("ja-JP").CompareInfo;
        Console.WriteLine("The LCID for {0} is {1}.",
 ci.Name, ci.LCID);

        // Display the result using ja-JP Compare of coté <
        Console.WriteLine("ja-JP Compare: {0} {2} {1}",
            s2, s3, sign[ci.Compare(s2, s3) + 1]);

// This code produces the following output.
// The LCID for fr-FR is 1036.
// fr-FR Compare: Coté = coté
// fr-FR Compare: coté > côte
// The LCID for ja-JP is 1041.
// ja-JP Compare: coté < côte
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Text;
using namespace System::Globalization;

int main()
    array<String^>^ sign = gcnew array<String^> { "<", "=",
 ">" };

    // The code below demonstrates how strings compare
    // differently for different cultures.
    String^ s1 = "Coté"; 
    String^ s2 = "coté";
    String^ s3 = "côte";

    // Set sort order of strings for French in France.
    CompareInfo^ ci = (gcnew CultureInfo("fr-FR"))->CompareInfo;
    Console::WriteLine(L"The LCID for {0} is {1}.",
 ci->Name, ci->LCID);

    // Display the result using fr-FR Compare of Coté = coté.
    Console::WriteLine(L"fr-FR Compare: {0} {2} {1}",
        s1, s2, sign[ci->Compare(s1, s2, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase) + 1]);

    // Display the result using fr-FR Compare of coté > côte.
    Console::WriteLine(L"fr-FR Compare: {0} {2} {1}",
        s2, s3, sign[ci->Compare(s2, s3, CompareOptions::None) + 1]);

    // Set sort order of strings for Japanese as spoken in Japan.
    ci = (gcnew CultureInfo("ja-JP"))->CompareInfo;
    Console::WriteLine(L"The LCID for {0} is {1}.",
 ci->Name, ci->LCID);

    // Display the result using ja-JP Compare of coté < côte.
    Console::WriteLine("ja-JP Compare: {0} {2} {1}",
        s2, s3, sign[ci->Compare(s2, s3) + 1]);

// This code produces the following output.
// The LCID for fr-FR is 1036.
// fr-FR Compare: Coté = coté
// fr-FR Compare: coté > côte
// The LCID for ja-JP is 1041.
// ja-JP Compare: coté < côte

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CompareInfo.LCID プロパティのお隣キーワード



CompareInfo.LCID プロパティのページの著作権
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