VFR_(観光)とは? わかりやすく解説

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VFR (観光)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2023/05/09 06:08 UTC 版)

VFR(Visiting friends and relatives)は、旅行目的の分類の一つである。友人親族の訪問を目的とした旅行を指す。

  1. ^ Jackson, R. (1990). VFR Tourism: Is It Underestimated? The Journal of Tourism Studies, 1(2), 10-17.
  2. ^ Backer, E. (2009). "Opportunities for Commercial accommodation in VFR travel." International Journal of Travel Research
  3. ^ Backer, E. (2007). "VFR Travel - an examination of the expenditures of VFR travelers and their hosts." Current Issues in Tourism, 10 (4), p.369
  4. ^ McKercher, B. (1995). An examination of host involvement in VFR travel. Proceedings from the National Tourism and Hospitality Conference 1995. Council for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education, 246-255.
  5. ^ Seaton, A. & Palmer, C. (1997). Understanding VFR Tourism behaviour: the first five years of the United Kingdom tourism survey. Tourism Management, 18(6), 345-355.
  6. ^ Morrison, A., Verginis, C., & O’Leary, J. (2000). Reaching the unwanted and unreachable: An analysis of the outbound, long haul German and British Visiting Friends and Relatives Market. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 2(3), 214-231.
  7. ^ 黒須宏志 (2013年2月8日). “VFRがひらくツーリズムの未来”. 日本交通公社. 2019年2月7日閲覧。
  8. ^ 濱田篤郎「渡航医学と感染症」『日本内科学会雑誌』第105巻第8号、日本内科学会、2016年、1455-1462頁、doi:10.2169/naika.105.1455 

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