Timeline of discovery of Solar System planets and their moonsとは? わかりやすく解説

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  1. ^ A. Sachs (May 2, 1974), “Babylonian Observational Astronomy”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London (Royal Society of London) 276 (1257): 43-50 [45 & 48-9], http://www.jstor.org/stable/74273 12/03/2010閲覧。 
  2. ^ Galilei, Galileo; Sidereus Nuncius, Thomam Baglionum (Tommaso Baglioni), Venice (March 1610), pp. 17?28 (Sidereus Nuncius)
  3. ^ Drake, Stillman (1981). Galileo at Work. http://books.google.com/books?id=OwOlRPbrZeQC&pg=PA153&source=gbs_selected_pages&cad=5#v=onepage&q=&f=false 
  4. ^ One of the moons may have been recorded by the Chinese astronomer Gan De in 364 BC.
  5. ^ イオとエウロパが初めて分離されて観測された日である。しかしガリレオは両者が重なった姿を1月7日に観測していた。
  6. ^ Huygens, Christiaan; De Saturni luna observatio nova, Adriaan Vlacq, Den Haag, 5 March 1656 (if an error occurs, go to this URL, and click "Scientific work")
  7. ^ Cassini, Giovanni D.; Decouverte de deux nouvelles planetes autour de Saturne Archived 2006年5月13日, at the Wayback Machine., Sebastien Mabre-Cramoisy, Paris, 1673. Translated as A Discovery of two New Planets about Saturn, made in the Royal Parisian Observatory by Signor Cassini, Fellow of both the Royal Societys, of England and France; English't out of French., Philosophical Transactions, Vol. 8 (1673), pp. 5178?5185
  8. ^ Cassini published these two discoveries on April 22, 1686, according to An Extract of the Journal Des Scavans. of April 22 st. N. 1686. Giving an account of two new Satellites of Saturn, discovered lately by Mr. Cassini at the Royal Observatory at Paris., Philosophical Transactions, Vol. 16 (1686?1692), pp. 79-85
  9. ^ Herschel, William; Account of a Comet. By Mr. Herschel, F. R. S.; communicated by Dr. Watson, Jun. of Bath, F. R. S., Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Vol. 71, pp. 492-501
  10. ^ Herschel, William; An Account of the Discovery of Two Satellites revolving round the Georgian Planet, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Vol. 77, pp. 125-129, 1787
  11. ^ Herschel, William; On George's Planet and its satellites, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Vol. 78, pp. 364?378, 1788
  12. ^ Herschel, William; On the Discovery of Four Additional Satellites of the Georgium Sidus. The Retrograde Motion of Its Old Satellites Announced; And the Cause of Their Disappearance at Certain Distances from the Planet Explained, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Vol. 88, pp. 47-79, 1798
  13. ^ Jodra, Serge; Les satellites de Saturne (2004)
  14. ^ Herschel, William; Account of the Discovery of a Sixth and Seventh Satellite of the Planet Saturn; with Remarks on the Construction of its Ring, its Atmosphere, its Rotation on an Axis, and its spheroidical Figure, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Vol. 80, pp. 1-20, 1790 (read November 12, 1789)
  15. ^ パラスが第9惑星、ジュノーが第10惑星、ベスタが第11惑星、アストラエアが第12惑星とされていた。現在はいずれも小惑星。
  16. ^ Airy, George Biddell; Account of some circumstances historically connected with the discovery of the Planet exterior to Uranus, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 7, No. 9 (13 November 1846), pp. 121-152
  17. ^ Account of the Discovery of the Planet of Le Verrier at Berlin, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 7, No. 9 (13 November 1846), pp. 153-157
  18. ^ Lassell, William; Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 7, No. 9 (13 November 1846), reported in Account of the Discovery of the Planet of Le Verrier at Berlin, ibid., pp. 153-157
  19. ^ Discovery of a new Satellite of Saturn, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 9, No. 1 (10 November 1848), pp. 1-2
  20. ^ Discovery of a new Satellite of Saturn, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 8 No. 9 Supplement (undated, some time after 24 September 1848), pp. 195-197
  21. ^ Letter from William Lassell, Esq., to the Editor, Astronomical Journal, Vol. 2, No. 33 (1851), p. 70 (signed 11 November 1851)
  22. ^ Christie, William H. M.; The Satellites of Mars, The Observatory, Vol. 1, No. 6 (20 September 1877), pp. 181-185
  23. ^ Hall, Asaph; Observations of the Satellites of Mars (signed 21 September 1877), Astronomische Nachrichten, Vol. 91, No. 2161 (17 October 1877), pp. 11/12-13/14
  24. ^ Hall, Asaph; The Discovery of the Satellites of Mars (signed 28 December 1877), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 38, No. 4 (8 February 1878), pp. 205-209
  25. ^ Barnard, Edward E.; Discovery and Observations of a Fifth Satellite to Jupiter (signed 17 September 1892), Astronomical Journal, Vol. 12, No. 11 (whole No. 275, 4 October 1892), pp. 81-85
  26. ^ Pickering, Edward C.; A New Satellite of Saturn, Harvard College Observatory Bulletin, No. 49 (17 March 1899), p. 1
  27. ^ Pickering, Edward C.; A New Satellite of Saturn (signed 10 April 1899), Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 9, No. 4 (April 1899), pp. 274-276
  28. ^ Campbell, William W.;Sixth Satellite of Jupiter, Harvard College Observatory Bulletin, No. 173 (6 January 1905), p. 1
  29. ^ Perrine, Charles D.; Discovery of a Sixth Satellite to Jupiter (signed 30 January 1905), Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Vol. 17, No. 100 (10 February 1905), pp. 22-23
  30. ^ Aitken, Robert G.; Visual Observation of Satellite VI to Jupiter (signed 30 January 1905), Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Vol. 17, No. 100 (10 February 1905), pp. 23-24
  31. ^ Discovery of a Sixth Satellite of Jupiter, Astronomical Journal, Vol. 24, No. 19 (whole No. 571, 28 March 1905), p. 160
  32. ^ a b Perrine, Charles D.; Orbits of the sixth and seventh satellites of Jupiter (signed 28 May 1905), Astronomische Nachrichten, Vol. 169, No. 4035 (24 July 1905), p. 43/44
  33. ^ Campbell, William W.; A Seventh Satellite of Jupiter, Harvard College Observatory Bulletin, No. 178 (27 February 1905), p. 1
  34. ^ The Seventh Satellite of Jupiter (signed 30 March 1905), Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Vol. 17, No. 101 (10 April 1905), pp. 56-57
  35. ^ Perrine, Charles D.; Recent Observations of the Moving Object near Jupiter, Discovered at Greenwich by Mr. J. Melotte (signed 21 May 1908), Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Vol. 20, No. 120 (10 June 1908), p. 184
  36. ^ Cowell, Philip H.; Note on the discovery of a Moving Object near Jupiter (1908 CJ), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 68, No. 5 (13 March 1908), p. 373
  37. ^ Nicholson, Seth B.; Discovery of the Ninth Satellite of Jupiter (signed 17 September 1914), Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Vol. 26, No. 155 (October 1914), pp. 197-198
  38. ^ Tombaugh, Clyde W.; The Search for the Ninth Planet, Pluto, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Leaflets, Vol. 5, No. 209 (July 1946), pp. 73-80
  39. ^ Nicholson, Seth B.; Two New Satellites of Jupiter (signed August 1938), Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Vol. 50, No. 297 (October 1938), pp. 292-293
  40. ^ Kuiper, Gerard P.; The Fifth Satellite of Uranus, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Vol. 61, No. 360 (June 1949), p. 129
  41. ^ Kuiper, Gerard P.; The Second Satellite of Neptune, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Vol. 61, No. 361 (August 1949), pp. 175-176
  42. ^ Vinter Hansen, Julie M.; Object Near Neptune, IAUC 1212 (1 April 1949)
  43. ^ Nicholson, Seth B.; An Unidentified Object Near Jupiter, Probably a New Satellite, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Vol. 63, No. 375 (December 1951), pp. 297-299
  44. ^ Gingerich, Owen; Probable New Satellite of Saturn, IAUC 1987 (3 January 1967)
  45. ^ Gingerich, Owen; Saturn X (Janus), IAUC 1995 (1 February 1967)
  46. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; New Ring and Satellites of Saturn, IAUC 3417 (25 October 1979)
  47. ^ a b c Marsden, Brian G.; Saturn, IAUC 3454 (25 February 1980)
  48. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; 1980 S 2, IAUC 3456 (29 February 1980)
  49. ^ a b c Marsden, Brian G.; Saturn, IAUC 3497 (4 August 1980)
  50. ^ Gingerich, Owen; Possible New Satellite of Saturn, IAUC 1991 (6 January 1967)
  51. ^ Kowal, Charles T.; Thirteenth satellite of Jupiter, Astronomical Journal, Vol. 80, No. 6 (June 1975), pp. 460-464
  52. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; Probable New Satellite of Jupiter, IAUC 2702 (20 September 1974)
  53. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; Probable New Satellite of Jupiter, IAUC 2703 (1 October 1974)
  54. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; Jupiter XIII, IAUC 2711 (24 October 1974)
  55. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; Probable New Satellite of Jupiter, IAUC 2845 (3 October 1975)
  56. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; Probable New Satellite of Jupiter, IAUC 2855 (23 October 1975)
  57. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; Probable New Satellite of Jupiter, IAUC 2899 (9 January 1976)
  58. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; 1978 P 1, IAUC 3241 (7 July 1978)
  59. ^ Christy, James W.; Harrington, Robert S.; The satellite of Pluto, Astronomical Journal, Vol. 83, No. 8 (August 1978), pp. 1005-1008
  60. ^ Jewitt, David C., Danielson, G. Edward, Synnott, Stephen P.; Discovery of a new Jupiter satellite, Science, Vol. 206, No. 4421 (23 November 1979), p. 951
  61. ^ a b Marsden, Brian G.; Satellites of Jupiter, IAUC 3470 (28 April 1980)
  62. ^ a b c Marsden, Brian G.; Satellites of Jupiter, IAUC 3507 (26 August 1980)
  63. ^ Hamilton, Calvin J.; Discovery Image of Adrastea, Views of the Solar System (1995-2007)
  64. ^ Jovian System Data Analysis Program; Voyager 2 Jupiter Image 20630.53 Archived 2004年8月13日, at the Wayback Machine., NASA Planetary Data System Rings Node (20 February 1997)
  65. ^ a b Marsden, Brian G.; Saturn, IAUC 3457 (6 March 1980)
  66. ^ a b c Marsden, Brian G.; Satellites of Saturn, IAUC 3483 (6 June 1980)
  67. ^ a b c d Marsden, Brian G.; Satellites of Saturn, IAUC 3496 (31 July 1980)
  68. ^ a b c d e Marsden, Brian G.; Satellites of Saturn, IAUC 3534 (7 November 1980)
  69. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; Satellites of Saturn, IAUC 3466 (10 April 1980)
  70. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; Satellites of Saturn, IAUC 3532 (31 October 1980)
  71. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; 1980 S 28, IAUC 3539 (13 November 1980)
  72. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; 1981 N 1, IAUC 3608 (29 May 1981)
  73. ^ a b Marsden, Brian G.; Satellites of Neptune, IAUC 4824 (2 August 1989)
  74. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; Satellites of Uranus and Neptune, IAUC 4159 (9 January 1986)
  75. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; Satellites of Uranus, IAUC 4164 (16 January 1986)
  76. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; Satellites of Uranus, IAUC 4165 (17 January 1986)
  77. ^ a b Marsden, Brian G.; Satellites and Rings of Uranus, IAUC 4168 (27 January 1986)
  78. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; 1989 N 1, IAUC 4806 (7 July 1989)
  79. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; Neptune, IAUC 4867 (29 September 1989)
  80. ^ Green, Daniel W. E.; Saturn, IAUC 5052 (16 July 1990)
  81. ^ Green, Daniel W. E.; Possible Satellites of Saturn, IAUC 6162 (14 April 1995)
  82. ^ Gordon, Mitchell K.; Murray, Carl D.; and Beurle, Kevin; Further Evidence for the Existence of Additional Small Satellites of Saturn, Icarus, Vol. 121, No. 1, (May 1996), pp. 114-125
  83. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; Satellites of Uranus, IAUC 6764 (31 October 1997)
  84. ^ a b Green, Daniel W. E.; S/1986 U 10, IAUC 7171 (18 May 1999)
  85. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; Probable New Satellites of Uranus, IAUC 7230 (27 July 1999)
  86. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; Probable New Satellites of Uranus, IAUC 7248 (4 September 1999)
  87. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/1999 J 1, IAUC 7460 (20 July 2000)
  88. ^ New Outer Satellite of Jupiter Discovered, Joint press release, Minor Planet Center and the Spacewatch Project (2000?)
  89. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2000 S 1 and S/2000 S 2, IAUC 7512 (25 October 2000)
  90. ^ a b Marsden, Brian G.; S/2000 S 1, S/2000 S 2, S/2000 S 7, S/2000 S 8, S/2000 S 9, MPEC 2000-Y15 (19 December 2000)
  91. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2000 S 3 and S/2000 S 4, IAUC 7513 (25 October 2000)
  92. ^ a b c d Marsden, Brian G.; S/2000 S 3, S/2000 S 4, S/2000 S 5, S/2000 S 6, S/2000 S 10, MPEC 2000-Y14 (19 December 2000)
  93. ^ a b Marsden, Brian G.; S/2000 S 5 and S/2000 S 6, IAUC 7521 (18 November 2000)
  94. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/1975 J 1 = S/2000 J 1, IAUC 7525 (25 November 2000)
  95. ^ S/1975 J 1 = S/2000 J 1, S/1999 J 1, MPEC 2000-Y16 (19 December 2000)
  96. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2000 S 7, S/2000 S 8, S/2000 S 9, IAUC 7538 (7 December 2000)
  97. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2000 S 10, IAUC 7539 (7 December 2000)
  98. ^ Green, Daniel W. E.; S/2000 S 11, IAUC 7545 (19 December 2000)
  99. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2000 S 11, MPEC 2000-Y13 (19 December 2000)
  100. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2000 S 12, IAUC 7548 (23 December 2000)
  101. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2000 S 12, MPEC 2000-Y33 (22 December 2000)
  102. ^ a b Green, Daniel W. E.; Satellites of Jupiter, IAUC 7555 (5 January 2001)
  103. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2000 J 2, S/2000 J 3, S/2000 J 4, S/2000 J 5, S/2000 J 6, MPEC 2001-A28 (5 January 2001)
  104. ^ a b Marsden, Brian G.; S/2000 J 7, S/2000 J 8, S/2000 J 9, S/2000 J 10, S/2000 J 11, MPEC 2001-A29 (5 January 2001)
  105. ^ Green, Daniel W. E.; Satellites of Jupiter, IAUC 7900 (16 May 2002)
  106. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; Eleven New Satellites of Jupiter, MPEC 2002-J54 (15 May 2002)
  107. ^ Green, Daniel W. E.; S/2001 U 1, IAUC 7980 (30 September 2002)
  108. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2001 U 1, MPEC 2002-S64 (30 September 2002)
  109. ^ Green, Daniel W. E.; S/2002 J 1, IAUC 8035 (18 December 2002)
  110. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2002 J 1, MPEC 2002-Y22 (18 December 2002)
  111. ^ Green, Daniel W. E.; Satellites of Neptune, IAUC 8047 (13 January 2003)
  112. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2002 N 1, 2002 N 2, 2002 N3, MPEC 2003-A75 (13 January 2003)
  113. ^ Green, Daniel W. E.; Satellites of Jupiter, IAUC 8087 (4 March 2003)
  114. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2003 J 1, 2003 J 2, 2003 J 3, 2003 J 4, 2003 J 5, 2003 J 6, 2003 J 7, MPEC 2003-E11 (4 March 2003)
  115. ^ Green, Daniel W. E.; S/2003 J 8, IAUC 8088 (6 March 2003)
  116. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2003 J 8, MPEC 2003-E15 (6 March 2003)
  117. ^ Green, Daniel W. E.; Satellites of Jupiter, IAUC 8089 (7 March 2003)
  118. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2003 J 9, 2003 J 10, 2003 J 11, 2003 J 12; S/2003 J 1, 2003 J 6, MPEC 2003-E29 (7 March 2003)
  119. ^ a b c d e f g Green, Daniel W. E.; Satellites of Jupiter and Saturn, IAUC 8116 (11 April 2003)
  120. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2003 J 13, MPEC 2003-G09 (2 April 2003)
  121. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2003 J 14, MPEC 2003-G10 (3 April 2003)
  122. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2003 J 15, MPEC 2003-G17 (3 April 2003)
  123. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2003 J 16, MPEC 2003-G18 (3 April 2003)
  124. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2003 J 17, MPEC 2003-G19 (3 April 2003)
  125. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2003 J 18, MPEC 2003-G20 (4 April 2003)
  126. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2003 S 1, MPEC 2003-G39 (8 April 2003)
  127. ^ a b Green, Daniel W. E.; S/2003 J 19 and S/2003 J 20, IAUC 8125 (30 April 2003)
  128. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2003 J 19, MPEC 2003-G64 (12 April 2003)
  129. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2003 J 20, MPEC 2003-G67 (14 April 2003)
  130. ^ Green, Daniel W. E.; S/2003 J 21, IAUC 8138 (30 May 2003)
  131. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2003 J 21, MPEC 2003-K45 (29 May 2003)
  132. ^ Green, Daniel W. E.; Satellites of Uranus, IAUC (3 September 2003)
  133. ^ Green, Daniel W. E.; Satellites of Neptune, IAUC 8193 (3 September 2003)
  134. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2003 N 1, MPEC 2003-G64 (3 September 2003)
  135. ^ Green, Daniel W. E.; S/2003 U 1 and S/2003 U 2, IAUC 8209 (25 September 2003)
  136. ^ a b Green, Daniel W. E.; S/2001 U 2 and S/2002 N 4, IAUC 8213 (1 October 2003)
  137. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2001 U 2, MPEC 2003-S105 (30 September 2003)
  138. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2002 N 4, MPEC 2003-S107 (30 September 2003)
  139. ^ Green, Daniel W. E.; S/2001 U 3, IAUC 8216 (8 October 2003)
  140. ^ Green, Daniel W. E.; S/2003 U 3, IAUC 8217 (9 October 2003)
  141. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2003 U 3, MPEC 2003-T58 (9 October 2003)
  142. ^ Green, Daniel W. E.; S/2003 J 22, IAUC (25 January 2004)
  143. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2003 J 22, MPEC 2004-B41 (24 January 2004)
  144. ^ Green, Daniel W. E.; S/2003 J 23, IAUC 8281 (4 February 2004)
  145. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2003 J 23, MPEC 2004-B81 (31 January 2004)
  146. ^ Whitney Clavin, NASA (2004年3月15日). “Planet-Like Body Discovered at Fringes of Our Solar System”. 2008年12月30日閲覧。
  147. ^ Martinez, Carolina; Savage, Donald; and Finn, Heidi; Out from the Shadows: Two New Saturnian Moons Archived 2008年8月8日, at the Wayback Machine., JPL Cassini-Huygens News Release 2004-202 (16 August 2004)
  148. ^ Green, Daniel W. E.; S/2004 S 1 and S/2004 S 2, IAUC 8389 (16 August 2004)
  149. ^ Martinez, Carolina; Ormrod, Gill; and Finn, Heidi; Cassini Discovers Ring and One, Possibly Two, Objects at Saturn, JPL Cassini-Huygens News Release 2004-222 (9 September 2004)
  150. ^ Green, Daniel W. E.; S/2004 S 3, S/2004 S 4, and R/2004 S 1, IAUC 8401 (9 september 2004)
  151. ^ Green, Daniel W. E.; Satellites and Rings of Saturn, IAUC 8432 (8 November 2004)
  152. ^ Lakdawalla, Emily; Twelve New Moons for Saturn, The Planetary Society, Planetary News: Moon Discoveries (2005)
  153. ^ Jewitt, David C.; Twelve New Moons for Saturn (3 May 2005)
  154. ^ Green, Daniel W. E.; New Satellites of Saturn, IAUC 8523 (4 May 2005)
  155. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; Twelve New Satellites of Saturn, MPEC 2005-J13 (3 May 2005)
  156. ^ Green, Daniel W. E.; S/2005 S 1, IAUC 8524 (6 May 2005)
  157. ^ Michael E. Brown (2006年). “The discovery of 2003 UB313 Eris, the largest known dwarf planet”. 2007年5月3日閲覧。
  158. ^ JPL Small-Body Database Browser: 136472 Makemake (2005 FY9)”. NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (2008年4月5日). 2008年6月11日閲覧。
  159. ^ Michael E. Brown (2006年). “Dysnomia, the moon of Eris”. 2007年9月1日閲覧。
  160. ^ Green, Daniel W. E.; S/2005 P 1 and S/2005 P 2, IAUC 8625 (31 October 2005) (also as a pdf)
  161. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2004 S 19, MPEC 2006-M44 (26 June 2006)
  162. ^ a b Green, Daniel W. E.; Satellites of Saturn, IAUC 8727 (30 June 2006)
  163. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; Eight New Satellites of Saturn, MPEC 2006-M45 (26 June 2006)
  164. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2007 S 1, MPEC 2007-G38 (13 April 2007)
  165. ^ a b Green, Daniel W. E.; S/2007 S 1, S/2007 S 2, and S/2007 S 3, IAUC 8836 (11 May 2007)
  166. ^ Marsden, Brian G.; S/2007 S 2, S/2007 S 3, MPEC 2007-J09 (1 May 2007)
  167. ^ Green, Daniel W. E.; S/2007 S 4, IAUC 8857 (18 July 2007)
  168. ^ Green, Daniel W. E.; S/2008 S 1, IAUC 9023 (03 March 2009) subscription required (freely available copy)
  169. ^ Green, Daniel W. E.; S/2009 S 1, IAUC 9091 (2 November 2009)


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