不定積分とは? わかりやすく解説

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関数 f(x) に対して微分するf(x) になる関数を、f(x) の不定積分あるいは原始関数といい、記号f(x)dx で表す。


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/03/10 07:57 UTC 版)



  1. ^ 不定積分あるいは原始関数を求めることを積分するという


  1. ^ a b 黒木哲徳『なっとくする数学記号』講談社〈ブルーバックス〉、2021年、79,216頁。ISBN 9784065225509 


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2022/03/16 00:12 UTC 版)


sinc( x ) d x = S i ( x ) = ∫ 0 x sint t d t = ∑ k = 0 ∞ ( − 1 ) k x 2 k + 1 ( 2 k + 1 ) ( 2 k + 1 ) ! + C {\displaystyle \int _{}^{}\operatorname {sinc} (x)\,dx=\mathrm {Si} (x)=\int _{0}^{x}{\frac {\sin t}{t}}\,dt=\sum _{k=0}^{\infty }{\frac {(-1)^{k}x^{2k+1}}{(2k+1)(2k+1)!}}+C} (非正規化)sinc関数の不定積分を正弦積分呼びSi( x ) {\displaystyle \operatorname {Si} (x)} で表す。 Si( x ) {\displaystyle \operatorname {Si} (x)} は特殊関数である。



出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2020/05/08 21:47 UTC 版)


n!! は二重階乗である。 ∫ ϕ ( x ) d x = Φ ( x ) + C {\displaystyle \int \phi (x)\,dx=\Phi (x)+C} ∫ x ϕ ( x ) d x = − ϕ ( x ) + C {\displaystyle \int x\phi (x)\,dx=-\phi (x)+C} ∫ x 2 ϕ ( x ) d x = Φ ( x ) − x ϕ ( x ) + C {\displaystyle \int x^{2}\phi (x)\,dx=\Phi (x)-x\phi (x)+C} ∫ x 2 k + 1 ϕ ( x ) d x = − ϕ ( x ) ∑ j = 0 k ( 2 k ) ! ! ( 2 j ) ! ! x 2 j + C {\displaystyle \int x^{2k+1}\phi (x)\,dx=-\phi (x)\sum _{j=0}^{k}{\frac {(2k)!!}{(2j)!!}}x^{2j}+C} ∫ x 2 k + 2 ϕ ( x ) d x = − ϕ ( x ) ∑ j = 0 k ( 2 k + 1 ) ! ! ( 2 j + 1 ) ! ! x 2 j + 1 + ( 2 k + 1 ) ! ! Φ ( x ) + C {\displaystyle \int x^{2k+2}\phi (x)\,dx=-\phi (x)\sum _{j=0}^{k}{\frac {(2k+1)!!}{(2j+1)!!}}x^{2j+1}+(2k+1)!!\,\Phi (x)+C} ∫ ϕ ( x ) 2 d x = 1 2 π Φ ( x 2 ) + C {\displaystyle \int \phi (x)^{2}\,dx={\frac {1}{2{\sqrt {\pi }}}}\Phi \left(x{\sqrt {2}}\right)+C} ∫ ϕ ( x ) ϕ ( a + b x ) d x = 1 t ϕ ( a t ) Φ ( t x + a b t ) + C , t = 1 + b 2 {\displaystyle \int \phi (x)\phi (a+bx)\,dx={\frac {1}{t}}\phi \left({\frac {a}{t}}\right)\Phi \left(tx+{\frac {ab}{t}}\right)+C,\qquad t={\sqrt {1+b^{2}}}} ∫ x ϕ ( a + b x ) d x = − 1 b 2 ( ϕ ( a + b x ) + a Φ ( a + b x ) ) + C {\displaystyle \int x\phi (a+bx)\,dx=-{\frac {1}{b^{2}}}\left(\phi (a+bx)+a\Phi (a+bx)\right)+C} ∫ x 2 ϕ ( a + b x ) d x = 1 b 3 ( ( a 2 + 1 ) Φ ( a + b x ) + ( a − b x ) ϕ ( a + b x ) ) + C {\displaystyle \int x^{2}\phi (a+bx)\,dx={\frac {1}{b^{3}}}\left((a^{2}+1)\Phi (a+bx)+(a-bx)\phi (a+bx)\right)+C} ∫ ϕ ( a + b x ) n d x = 1 b n ( 2 π ) n − 1 Φ ( n ( a + b x ) ) + C {\displaystyle \int \phi (a+bx)^{n}\,dx={\frac {1}{b{\sqrt {n(2\pi )^{n-1}}}}}\Phi \left({\sqrt {n}}(a+bx)\right)+C} ∫ Φ ( a + b x ) d x = 1 b ( ( a + b x ) Φ ( a + b x ) + ϕ ( a + b x ) ) + C {\displaystyle \int \Phi (a+bx)\,dx={\frac {1}{b}}\left((a+bx)\Phi (a+bx)+\phi (a+bx)\right)+C} ∫ x Φ ( a + b x ) d x = 1 2 b 2 ( ( b 2 x 2 − a 2 − 1 ) Φ ( a + b x ) + ( b x − a ) ϕ ( a + b x ) ) + C {\displaystyle \int x\Phi (a+bx)\,dx={\frac {1}{2b^{2}}}\left((b^{2}x^{2}-a^{2}-1)\Phi (a+bx)+(bx-a)\phi (a+bx)\right)+C} ∫ x 2 Φ ( a + b x ) d x = 1 3 b 3 ( ( b 3 x 3 + a 3 + 3 a ) Φ ( a + b x ) + ( b 2 x 2 − a b x + a 2 + 2 ) ϕ ( a + b x ) ) + C {\displaystyle \int x^{2}\Phi (a+bx)\,dx={\frac {1}{3b^{3}}}\left((b^{3}x^{3}+a^{3}+3a)\Phi (a+bx)+(b^{2}x^{2}-abx+a^{2}+2)\phi (a+bx)\right)+C} ∫ x n Φ ( x ) d x = 1 n + 1 ( ( x n + 1n x n − 1 ) Φ ( x ) + x n ϕ ( x ) + n ( n − 1 ) ∫ x n − 2 Φ ( x ) d x ) + C {\displaystyle \int x^{n}\Phi (x)\,dx={\frac {1}{n+1}}\left(\left(x^{n+1}-nx^{n-1}\right)\Phi (x)+x^{n}\phi (x)+n(n-1)\int x^{n-2}\Phi (x)\,dx\right)+C} ∫ x ϕ ( x ) Φ ( a + b x ) d x = b t ϕ ( a t ) Φ ( x t + a b t ) − ϕ ( x ) Φ ( a + b x ) + C , t = 1 + b 2 {\displaystyle \int x\phi (x)\Phi (a+bx)\,dx={\frac {b}{t}}\phi \left({\frac {a}{t}}\right)\Phi \left(xt+{\frac {ab}{t}}\right)-\phi (x)\Phi (a+bx)+C,\qquad t={\sqrt {1+b^{2}}}} ∫ Φ ( x ) 2 d x = x Φ ( x ) 2 + 2 Φ ( x ) ϕ ( x ) − 1 π Φ ( x 2 ) + C {\displaystyle \int \Phi (x)^{2}\,dx=x\Phi (x)^{2}+2\Phi (x)\phi (x)-{\frac {1}{\sqrt {\pi }}}\Phi \left(x{\sqrt {2}}\right)+C} ∫ e c x ϕ ( b x ) n d x = e c 2 2 n b 2 b n ( 2 π ) n − 1 Φ ( b 2 x nc b n ) + C , b ≠ 0 , n > 0 {\displaystyle \int e^{cx}\phi (bx)^{n}\,dx={\frac {e^{\frac {c^{2}}{2nb^{2}}}}{b{\sqrt {n(2\pi )^{n-1}}}}}\Phi \left({\frac {b^{2}xn-c}{b{\sqrt {n}}}}\right)+C,\qquad b\neq 0,n>0}



出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2020/03/12 00:59 UTC 版)


以下は不定積分の一覧である。右辺につく積分定数省略している。 ∫ e x d x = e x {\displaystyle \int e^{x}\;\mathrm {d} x=e^{x}} ∫ f ′ ( x ) e f ( x ) d x = e f ( x ) {\displaystyle \int f'(x)e^{f(x)}\;\mathrm {d} x=e^{f(x)}} ∫ e c x d x = 1 c e c x {\displaystyle \int e^{cx}\;\mathrm {d} x={\frac {1}{c}}e^{cx}} ∫ a c x d x = 1 c ⋅ lna a c x {\displaystyle \int a^{cx}\;\mathrm {d} x={\frac {1}{c\cdot \ln a}}a^{cx}} ( a > 0 ,   a ≠ 1 {\displaystyle a>0,\ a\neq 1} ) ∫ x e c x d x = e c x c 2 ( c x − 1 ) {\displaystyle \int xe^{cx}\;\mathrm {d} x={\frac {e^{cx}}{c^{2}}}(cx-1)} ∫ x 2 e c x d x = e c x ( x 2 c2 x c 2 + 2 c 3 ) {\displaystyle \int x^{2}e^{cx}\;\mathrm {d} x=e^{cx}\left({\frac {x^{2}}{c}}-{\frac {2x}{c^{2}}}+{\frac {2}{c^{3}}}\right)} ∫ x n e c x d x = 1 c x n e c xn cx n1 e c x d x = ( ∂ ∂ c ) n e c x c {\displaystyle \int x^{n}e^{cx}\;\mathrm {d} x={\frac {1}{c}}x^{n}e^{cx}-{\frac {n}{c}}\int x^{n-1}e^{cx}\mathrm {d} x=\left({\frac {\partial }{\partial c}}\right)^{n}{\frac {e^{cx}}{c}}} ∫ e c x x d x = ln ⁡ | x | + ∑ n = 1 ∞ ( c x ) n nn ! {\displaystyle \int {\frac {e^{cx}}{x}}\;\mathrm {d} x=\ln |x|+\sum _{n=1}^{\infty }{\frac {(cx)^{n}}{n\cdot n!}}} ∫ e c x x n d x = 1 n − 1 ( − e c x x n − 1 + c ∫ e c x x n1 d x ) ( n ≠ 1 ) {\displaystyle \int {\frac {e^{cx}}{x^{n}}}\;\mathrm {d} x={\frac {1}{n-1}}\left(-{\frac {e^{cx}}{x^{n-1}}}+c\int {\frac {e^{cx}}{x^{n-1}}}\,\mathrm {d} x\right)\qquad {\mbox{(}}n\neq 1{\mbox{)}}} ∫ e c x lnx d x = 1 c ( e c x ln ⁡ | x | − Ei ( c x ) ) {\displaystyle \int e^{cx}\ln x\;\mathrm {d} x={\frac {1}{c}}\left(e^{cx}\ln |x|-\operatorname {Ei} \,(cx)\right)} ∫ e c x sinb x d x = e c x c 2 + b 2 ( c sinb x − b cosb x ) {\displaystyle \int e^{cx}\sin bx\;\mathrm {d} x={\frac {e^{cx}}{c^{2}+b^{2}}}(c\sin bx-b\cos bx)} ∫ e c x cosb x d x = e c x c 2 + b 2 ( c cosb x + b sinb x ) {\displaystyle \int e^{cx}\cos bx\;\mathrm {d} x={\frac {e^{cx}}{c^{2}+b^{2}}}(c\cos bx+b\sin bx)} ∫ e c x sin nx d x = e c x sin n − 1 ⁡ x c 2 + n 2 ( c sin ⁡ x − n cos ⁡ x ) + n ( n − 1 ) c 2 + n 2e c x sin n − 2 ⁡ x d x {\displaystyle \int e^{cx}\sin ^{n}x\;\mathrm {d} x={\frac {e^{cx}\sin ^{n-1}x}{c^{2}+n^{2}}}(c\sin x-n\cos x)+{\frac {n(n-1)}{c^{2}+n^{2}}}\int e^{cx}\sin ^{n-2}x\;\mathrm {d} x} ∫ e c x cos nx d x = e c x cos n − 1 ⁡ x c 2 + n 2 ( c cos ⁡ x + n sin ⁡ x ) + n ( n − 1 ) c 2 + n 2e c x cos n − 2 ⁡ x d x {\displaystyle \int e^{cx}\cos ^{n}x\;\mathrm {d} x={\frac {e^{cx}\cos ^{n-1}x}{c^{2}+n^{2}}}(c\cos x+n\sin x)+{\frac {n(n-1)}{c^{2}+n^{2}}}\int e^{cx}\cos ^{n-2}x\;\mathrm {d} x} ∫ x e c x 2 d x = 1 2 c e c x 2 {\displaystyle \int xe^{cx^{2}}\;\mathrm {d} x={\frac {1}{2c}}\;e^{cx^{2}}} ∫ e − c x 2 d x = π 4 c erf ⁡ ( c x ) {\displaystyle \int e^{-cx^{2}}\;\mathrm {d} x={\sqrt {\frac {\pi }{4c}}}\operatorname {erf} ({\sqrt {c}}x)} ( erf {\displaystyle \operatorname {erf} } は誤差関数) ∫ x ec x 2 d x = − 1 2 c ec x 2 {\displaystyle \int xe^{-cx^{2}}\;\mathrm {d} x=-{\frac {1}{2c}}e^{-cx^{2}}} ∫ e − x 2 x 2 d x = − e − x 2 x − π e r f ( x ) {\displaystyle \int {\frac {e^{-x^{2}}}{x^{2}}}\;\mathrm {d} x=-{\frac {e^{-x^{2}}}{x}}-{\sqrt {\pi }}\mathrm {erf} (x)} ∫ 1 σ 2 π e − 1 2 ( x − μ σ ) 2 d x = 1 2 ( erf x − μ σ 2 ) {\displaystyle \int {{\frac {1}{\sigma {\sqrt {2\pi }}}}e^{-{\frac {1}{2}}\left({\frac {x-\mu }{\sigma }}\right)^{2}}}\;\mathrm {d} x={\frac {1}{2}}\left(\operatorname {erf} \,{\frac {x-\mu }{\sigma {\sqrt {2}}}}\right)} ∫ e x 2 d x = e x 2 ( ∑ j = 0 n − 1 c 2 j 1 x 2 j + 1 ) + ( 2 n − 1 ) c 2 n − 2 ∫ e x 2 x 2 n d x ( n > 0 ) {\displaystyle \int e^{x^{2}}\,\mathrm {d} x=e^{x^{2}}\left(\sum _{j=0}^{n-1}c_{2j}\,{\frac {1}{x^{2j+1}}}\right)+(2n-1)c_{2n-2}\int {\frac {e^{x^{2}}}{x^{2n}}}\;\mathrm {d} x\quad {\mbox{(}}n>0{\mbox{)}}} ここで c 2 j = 1 ⋅ 3 ⋅ 5 ⋯ ( 2 j − 1 ) 2 j + 1 = ( 2 j ) ! j ! 2 2 j + 1 {\displaystyle c_{2j}={\frac {1\cdot 3\cdot 5\cdots (2j-1)}{2^{j+1}}}={\frac {(2j)\,!}{j!\,2^{2j+1}}}} とする。 ∫ x x ⋅ ⋅ x ⏟ m d x = ∫ x ↑↑ m d x = ∫ x → m → 2 d x = ∑ n = 0 m ( − 1 ) n ( n + 1 ) n − 1 n ! Γ ( n + 1 , − ln ⁡ x ) + ∑ n = m + 1 ∞ ( − 1 ) n a m n Γ ( n + 1 , − ln ⁡ x ) (for  x > 0 ) {\displaystyle {\int \underbrace {x^{x^{\cdot ^{\cdot ^{x}}}}} _{m}\,dx=\int x\uparrow \uparrow m\,dx=\int x\to m\to 2\,dx=\sum _{n=0}^{m}{\frac {(-1)^{n}(n+1)^{n-1}}{n!}}\Gamma (n+1,-\ln x)+\sum _{n=m+1}^{\infty }(-1)^{n}a_{mn}\Gamma (n+1,-\ln x)\qquad {\mbox{(for }}x>0{\mbox{)}}}} ここで a m n = { 1 n = 0 , 1 n ! m = 1 , 1 n ∑ j = 1 n j a m , n − j a m − 1 , j − 1 otherwise {\displaystyle a_{mn}={\begin{cases}1&n=0,\\{\frac {1}{n!}}m=1,\\{\frac {1}{n}}\sum _{j=1}^{n}ja_{m,n-j}a_{m-1,j-1}&{\text{otherwise}}\end{cases}}} Γ ( x , y ) {\displaystyle \Gamma (x,y)} はガンマ関数、 ↑ {\displaystyle \uparrow } はクヌースの矢印表記、 → {\displaystyle \to } はコンウェイのチェーン表記1 a e λ x + b d x = x b − 1 b λ ln ⁡ ( a e λ x + b ) {\displaystyle \int {\frac {1}{ae^{\lambda x}+b}}\;\mathrm {d} x={\frac {x}{b}}-{\frac {1}{b\lambda }}\ln \left(ae^{\lambda x}+b\right)\,} ( b ≠ 0 {\displaystyle b\neq 0} , λ ≠ 0 {\displaystyle \lambda \neq 0} , かつ a e λ x + b > 0 {\displaystyle ae^{\lambda x}+b>0\,} ) ∫ e 2 λ x a e λ x + b d x = 1 a 2 λ [ a e λ x + bb ln ⁡ ( a e λ x + b ) ] {\displaystyle \int {\frac {e^{2\lambda x}}{ae^{\lambda x}+b}}\;\mathrm {d} x={\frac {1}{a^{2}\lambda }}\left[ae^{\lambda x}+b-b\ln \left(ae^{\lambda x}+b\right)\right]\,} ( a ≠ 0 {\displaystyle a\neq 0} , λ ≠ 0 {\displaystyle \lambda \neq 0} , かつ a e λ x + b > 0 . {\displaystyle ae^{\lambda x}+b>0\,.} )


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