モリムシクイとは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2021/11/27 00:47 UTC 版)

モリムシクイ(Wood warbler)は、北ヨーロッパ、温帯ヨーロッパからロシアの極西、ウラル山脈南まで、広く分布するメボソムシクイ属の鳥である。

  1. ^ BirdLife International. (2016). Phylloscopus sibilatrix. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T22715260A87668662. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-3.RLTS.T22715260A87668662.en. https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22715260/87668662 2021年10月7日閲覧。. 
  2. ^ Jobling, James A (2010). The Helm Dictionary of Scientific Bird Names. London: Christopher Helm. pp. 305, 355. ISBN 978-1-4081-2501-4. https://archive.org/details/Helm_Dictionary_of_Scientific_Bird_Names_by_James_A._Jobling 
  3. ^ Saunders, Howard (1889). An illustrated manual of British birds. London: Gurney and Jackson. pp. 65f. OCLC 4671598 (全ての版). https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/13498361 
  4. ^ Maziarz, M.; Grendelmeier, A.; Wesołowski, T.; Arlettaz, R.; Broughton, R.K.; Pasinelli, G. (2019). “Patterns of predator behaviour and Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix nest survival in a primaeval forest”. Ibis 161 (4): 854–866. doi:10.1111/ibi.12679. http://nora.nerc.ac.uk/id/eprint/521098/1/N521098PP.pdf. 
  5. ^ Perry, Kenneth W. "The Annual Report of the Irish Rare Birds Breeding Panel 2102" Irish Birds Vol.9 p.572
  6. ^ Huber, N.; Kéry, M.; Pasinelli, G. (2017). “Occupancy dynamics of the Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix assessed with habitat and remote sensing data”. Ibis 159 (3): 623–637. doi:10.1111/ibi.12472. 
  7. ^ Mallord, J.W.; Orsman, C.J.; Roberts, J.T.; Boafo, K.; Skeen, R.Q.; Sheehan, D.K.; Vickery, J.A. (2018). “Apparent resilience of a declining Afro‐Palaearctic migrant to forest loss on the wintering grounds”. Ibis 160 (4): 805–815. doi:10.1111/ibi.12572. 
  8. ^ Buchanan, Graeme M.; Mallord, John W.; Orsman, Christopher J.; Roberts, Japheth T.; Boafo, Kwame; Skeen, Roger Q.; Whytock, Robin C.; Hulme, Mark F. et al. (2020). “Changes in the area of optimal tree cover of a declining Afro-Palaearctic migrant across the species' wintering range” (英語). Ibis 162 (1): 175–186. doi:10.1111/ibi.12690. ISSN 1474-919X. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/ibi.12690. 




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