マッキンリー大統領暗殺事件とは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/02/22 00:32 UTC 版)

マッキンリー大統領暗殺事件(マッキンリーだいとうりょうあんさつじけん、英:William McKinley assassination)は、ニューヨーク州バッファローのテンプル・オブ・ミュージックで、1901年9月6日に発生した事件。

  1. ^ "Images of President McKinley at the Pan-American Exhibition
  2. ^ "Official Daily Program of the Pan-American Exposition, Sept. 5, 1901"
  3. ^ "William McKinley's Pan-American Address"
  4. ^ Olcott 313
  5. ^ a b Olcott 314
  6. ^ Bumgarner 44
  7. ^ Olcott 314-5
  8. ^ Goldman 289-91
  9. ^ New York Times, Sept. 11, 1901
  10. ^ Goldman 296-304
  11. ^ a b New York Times, Sept. 8, 1901
  12. ^ Townsend 465
  13. ^ a b Olcott 317
  14. ^ Olcott 315
  15. ^ "James B. Parker Revisited"
  16. ^ Townsend 464
  17. ^ a b "The Trial"
  18. ^ Olcott 316
  19. ^ a b c The Official Report on the Case of President McKinley
  20. ^ Kevles, Bettyann. Naked to the Bone: Medical Imaging in the Twentieth Century. Basic Books, 1998. ISBN 020132833X. p. 42-3
  21. ^ X-rays at the Exhibition
  22. ^ Olcott 319
  23. ^ "The Confession of Leon Czolgosz"
  24. ^ Olcott 320
  25. ^ "Medical and Surgical Report" by Dr. Presley M. Rixey
  26. ^ Olcott 321
  27. ^ Morris, Rise, 777
  28. ^ Morris, Rise, 778
  29. ^ Olcott 322
  30. ^ a b c "Medical and Surgical Report" by Dr. Presley M. Rixey
  31. ^ Olcott 323
  32. ^ Olcott 324
  33. ^ Olcott 325
  34. ^ Beschloss 128
  35. ^ Morris, Rise, 779
  36. ^ Morris, Rise, 780
  37. ^ Morris, Rise, 889, endnote 16
  38. ^ Morris, Rex, 3
  39. ^ Morris, Rex, 4-6
  40. ^ Morris, Rex, 7
  41. ^ Morris, Rex, 9-11
  42. ^ Morris, Rex, 11-15
  43. ^ "The Tragedy at Buffalo"
  44. ^ Goldman 311-319
  45. ^ a b "The Execution of Leon Czolgosz"
  46. ^ "Regrets His Crime"
  47. ^ Bumgarner 45
  48. ^ Bumgarner 46
  49. ^ History of the Secret Service Archived 2010年2月19日, at the Wayback Machine.
  50. ^ Buffalo Arts Commission - City of Buffalo
  51. ^ McKinley Monument
  52. ^ John Milburn
  53. ^ Buffalo Historical Markers and Monuments
  54. ^ Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural National Historic Site


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