ゴニオフォリス科とは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2021/07/26 15:10 UTC 版)


  1. ^ a b c 小林快次『ワニと恐竜の共存 巨大ワニと恐竜の世界』北海道大学出版会、2013年7月25日、28-30頁。ISBN 978-4-8329-1398-1
  2. ^ Steel R. 1973. Crocodylia. Handbuch der Paläoherpetologie, Teil 16. Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer Verlag, 116 pp.
  3. ^ Maisch MW, Matzke AT, Stohr H. 2003. Sunosuchus (Archosauria, Crocodyliformes) from the Toutunhe Formation (Middle Jurassic) of the Southern Junggar Basin (Xinjiang, NW-China). Geobios 36 (4): 391-400.
  4. ^ Lauprasert, K.; Cuny, G.; Buffetaut, E.; Suteethorn, V.; Thirakhupt, K. (2007). “Siamosuchus phuphokensis, a new goniopholidid from the Early Cretaceous (ante-Aptian) of northeastern Thailand”. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France 178 (3): 201–216. doi:10.2113/gssgfbull.178.3.201. 
  5. ^ Salisbury, S. W. & Frey, E. 2000. A biomechanical transformation model for the evolution of semi-spheroidal articulations between adjoining vertebral bodies in crocodilians. In Grigg, G. C., Seebacher, F. & Franklin, C. E. (eds) Crocodilian Biology and Evolution. Surry Beatty & Sons (Chipping Norton, Aus.), pp. 85-134.
  6. ^ Salisbury, S. W. & Naish, D. (2011). Crocodilians. In Batten, D. J. (ed.) English Wealden Fossils. The Palaeontological Association (London), pp. 305-369.
  7. ^ Marco Brandalise de Andrade; Richard Edmonds; Michael J. Benton; Remmert Schouten (2011). “A new Berriasian species of Goniopholis (Mesoeucrocodylia, Neosuchia) from England, and a review of the genus”. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 163 (s1): S66–S108. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.2011.00709.x. 


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