DaylightTime クラスとは? わかりやすく解説

DaylightTime クラス


名前空間: System.Globalization
アセンブリ: mscorlib (mscorlib.dll 内)

<SerializableAttribute> _
<ComVisibleAttribute(True)> _
Public Class DaylightTime
public class DaylightTime
public ref class DaylightTime
/** @attribute SerializableAttribute() */ 
/** @attribute ComVisibleAttribute(true) */ 
public class DaylightTime
public class DaylightTime

夏時間とは、1 年のうちで、時計を (通常1 時間) 進めて日中時間多く利用する期間のことです。その期間の終わりに、時間標準時間戻されます。

DaylightTime クラスは、System.TimeZone クラスメンバによって幅広く使用されます。


TimeZone.GetDaylightChanges メソッド使用して選択した年の夏時間の期間とオフセット返すコード例次に示します

' Example of the TimeZone.GetDaylightChanges( Integer ) method.
Imports System
Imports System.Globalization
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Module DaylightChangesDemo

    ' Get the local time zone and a base local time.
    Dim localZone As TimeZone = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone

    Sub CreateDaylightTime( year As Integer

        ' Create a DaylightTime object for the specified year.
        Dim daylight As DaylightTime = _
            localZone.GetDaylightChanges( year )

        ' Display the start and end dates and the time change.
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-7}{1,-20:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm}"
 & _
            "{2,-20:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm}{3}", _
            year, daylight.Start, daylight.End, daylight.Delta )
    End Sub 

    Sub Main( )

        Const headFmt As String
 = "{0,-7}{1,-20}{2,-20}{3}"

        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of TimeZone.GetDaylightChanges( "
 & _
            "Integer ) generates the " & vbCrLf
 & "following " & _
            "output, which varies depending on the time zone "
 & _
            "in which " & vbCrLf & "it
 is run. The example " & _
            "creates DaylightTime objects for specified "
 & _
            vbCrLf & "years and displays the start and end
 dates " & _
            "and time change for " & vbCrLf &
  "daylight " & _
            "saving time." & vbCrLf )

        ' Write a message explaining that start dates prior to 1986
        ' in the en-US culture may not be correct.
        If CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name = "en-US"

            Console.WriteLine( _
                "Note: In the [en-US] culture, all start dates
 " & _
                "are calculated from " & vbCrLf
 & "the first " & _
                "Sunday in April, based on a standard set in "
 & _
                "1986. For " & vbCrLf & "dates
 prior to 1986, " & _
                "the calculated start date may not be accurate."
        End If

        Console.WriteLine( vbCrLf & "Local time: {0}"
 & vbCrLf, _
            localZone.StandardName )

        Console.WriteLine( headFmt, "Year", "Start",
 "End", "Change" )
        Console.WriteLine( headFmt, "----", "-----",
 "---", "------" )

        CreateDaylightTime( 1960 )
        CreateDaylightTime( 1970 )
        CreateDaylightTime( 1980 )
        CreateDaylightTime( 1990 )
        CreateDaylightTime( 2000 )
        CreateDaylightTime( 2001 )
        CreateDaylightTime( 2002 )
        CreateDaylightTime( 2003 )
        CreateDaylightTime( 2004 )
        CreateDaylightTime( 2005 )
        CreateDaylightTime( 2020 )
        CreateDaylightTime( 2040 )
    End Sub 
End Module 

' This example of TimeZone.GetDaylightChanges( Integer ) generates the
' following output, which varies depending on the time zone in which
' it is run. The example creates DaylightTime objects for specified
' years and displays the start and end dates and time change for
' daylight saving time.
' Note: In the [en-US] culture, all start dates are calculated from
' the first Sunday in April, based on a standard set in 1986. For
' dates prior to 1986, the calculated start date may not be accurate.
' Local time: Pacific Standard Time
' Year   Start               End                 Change
' ----   -----               ---                 ------
' 1960   1960-04-03 02:00    1960-10-30 02:00    01:00:00
' 1970   1970-04-05 02:00    1970-10-25 02:00    01:00:00
' 1980   1980-04-06 02:00    1980-10-26 02:00    01:00:00
' 1990   1990-04-01 02:00    1990-10-28 02:00    01:00:00
' 2000   2000-04-02 02:00    2000-10-29 02:00    01:00:00
' 2001   2001-04-01 02:00    2001-10-28 02:00    01:00:00
' 2002   2002-04-07 02:00    2002-10-27 02:00    01:00:00
' 2003   2003-04-06 02:00    2003-10-26 02:00    01:00:00
' 2004   2004-04-04 02:00    2004-10-31 02:00    01:00:00
' 2005   2005-04-03 02:00    2005-10-30 02:00    01:00:00
' 2020   2020-04-05 02:00    2020-10-25 02:00    01:00:00
' 2040   2040-04-01 02:00    2040-10-28 02:00    01:00:00
// Example of the TimeZone.GetDaylightChanges( int ) method.
using System;
using System.Globalization;

class DaylightChangesDemo
    // Get the local time zone and a base local time.
    static TimeZone localZone = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone;

    static void CreateDaylightTime( int
 year )
        // Create a DaylightTime object for the specified year.
        DaylightTime daylight = 
            localZone.GetDaylightChanges( year );

        // Display the start and end dates and the time change.
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-7}{1,-20:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm}" +
            "{2,-20:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm}{3}", 
            year, daylight.Start, daylight.End, daylight.Delta );

    static void Main( )
        const string headFmt = "{0,-7}{1

            "This example of TimeZone.GetDaylightChanges( int
 ) " +
            "generates the \nfollowing output, which varies " +
            "depending on the time zone in which \nit is
 run. The " +
            "example creates DaylightTime objects for specified
 \n" +
            "years and displays the start and end dates and time " +
            "change for \ndaylight saving time.\n" );

        // Write a message explaining that start dates prior to 1986
        // in the en-US culture may not be correct.
        if( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name == "en-US"
                "Note: In the [en-US] culture, all start dates are " +
                "calculated from \nthe first Sunday in April,
 " +
                "based on a standard set in
 1986. For \ndates " +
                "prior to 1986, the calculated start date may not " +
                "be accurate." );

        Console.WriteLine( "\nLocal time: {0}\n", 
            localZone.StandardName );

        Console.WriteLine( headFmt, "Year", "Start", "End",
 "Change" );
        Console.WriteLine( headFmt, "----", "-----", "---",
 "------" );

        CreateDaylightTime( 1960 );
        CreateDaylightTime( 1970 );
        CreateDaylightTime( 1980 );
        CreateDaylightTime( 1990 );
        CreateDaylightTime( 2000 );
        CreateDaylightTime( 2001 );
        CreateDaylightTime( 2002 );
        CreateDaylightTime( 2003 );
        CreateDaylightTime( 2004 );
        CreateDaylightTime( 2005 );
        CreateDaylightTime( 2020 );
        CreateDaylightTime( 2040 );

This example of TimeZone.GetDaylightChanges( int ) generates the
following output, which varies depending on the time zone in which
it is run. The example creates DaylightTime objects for specified
years and displays the start and end dates and time change for
daylight saving time.

Note: In the [en-US] culture, all start dates are calculated from
the first Sunday in April, based on a standard set
 in 1986. For
dates prior to 1986, the calculated start date may not be accurate.

Local time: Pacific Standard Time

Year   Start               End                 Change
----   -----               ---                 ------
1960   1960-04-03 02:00    1960-10-30 02:00    01:00:00
1970   1970-04-05 02:00    1970-10-25 02:00    01:00:00
1980   1980-04-06 02:00    1980-10-26 02:00    01:00:00
1990   1990-04-01 02:00    1990-10-28 02:00    01:00:00
2000   2000-04-02 02:00    2000-10-29 02:00    01:00:00
2001   2001-04-01 02:00    2001-10-28 02:00    01:00:00
2002   2002-04-07 02:00    2002-10-27 02:00    01:00:00
2003   2003-04-06 02:00    2003-10-26 02:00    01:00:00
2004   2004-04-04 02:00    2004-10-31 02:00    01:00:00
2005   2005-04-03 02:00    2005-10-30 02:00    01:00:00
2020   2020-04-05 02:00    2020-10-25 02:00    01:00:00
2040   2040-04-01 02:00    2040-10-28 02:00    01:00:00
// Example of the TimeZone::GetDaylightChanges( int ) method.
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
void CreateDaylightTime( int year, TimeZone^
 localZone )
   // Create a DaylightTime object for the specified year.
   DaylightTime^ daylight = localZone->GetDaylightChanges( year );
   // Display the start and end dates and the time change.
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-7}{1,-20:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm}"
   "{2,-20:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm}{3}", year, daylight->Start, daylight->End,
 daylight->Delta );

int main()
   String^ headFmt = "{0,-7}{1,-20}{2,-20}{3}";
   // Get the local time zone.
   TimeZone^ localZone = TimeZone::CurrentTimeZone;
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of TimeZone::GetDaylightChanges( int
 ) "
   "generates the \nfollowing output, which varies "
   "depending on the time zone in which \nit is run. The
   "example creates DaylightTime objects for specified \n"
   "years and displays the start and end dates and time "
   "change for \ndaylight saving time.\n" );
   // Write a message explaining that start dates prior to 1986 
   // in the en-US culture may not be correct.
   // ( CultureInfo::CurrentCulture->Name == S"en-US" )
 returns False.
   if ( CultureInfo::CurrentCulture->Name->CompareTo( "en-US"
 ) == 0 )
      Console::WriteLine( "Note: In the [en-US] culture, all start dates are
      "calculated from \nthe first Sunday in April, based
 on "
      "a standard set in 1986. For \ndates
 prior to 1986, "
      "the calculated start date may not be accurate." );

   Console::WriteLine( "\nLocal time: {0}\n", localZone->StandardName
   Console::WriteLine( headFmt, "Year", "Start", "End",
 "Change" );
   Console::WriteLine( headFmt, "----", "-----", "---",
 "------" );
   CreateDaylightTime( 1960, localZone );
   CreateDaylightTime( 1970, localZone );
   CreateDaylightTime( 1980, localZone );
   CreateDaylightTime( 1990, localZone );
   CreateDaylightTime( 2000, localZone );
   CreateDaylightTime( 2001, localZone );
   CreateDaylightTime( 2002, localZone );
   CreateDaylightTime( 2003, localZone );
   CreateDaylightTime( 2004, localZone );
   CreateDaylightTime( 2005, localZone );
   CreateDaylightTime( 2020, localZone );
   CreateDaylightTime( 2040, localZone );

This example of TimeZone::GetDaylightChanges( int ) generates
following output, which varies depending on the time zone in which
it is run. The example creates DaylightTime objects for specified
years and displays the start and end dates and time change for
daylight saving time.

Note: In the [en-US] culture, all start dates are calculated from
the first Sunday in April, based on a standard set
 in 1986. For
dates prior to 1986, the calculated start date may not be accurate.

Local time: Pacific Standard Time

Year   Start               End                 Change
----   -----               ---                 ------
1960   1960-04-03 02:00    1960-10-30 02:00    01:00:00
1970   1970-04-05 02:00    1970-10-25 02:00    01:00:00
1980   1980-04-06 02:00    1980-10-26 02:00    01:00:00
1990   1990-04-01 02:00    1990-10-28 02:00    01:00:00
2000   2000-04-02 02:00    2000-10-29 02:00    01:00:00
2001   2001-04-01 02:00    2001-10-28 02:00    01:00:00
2002   2002-04-07 02:00    2002-10-27 02:00    01:00:00
2003   2003-04-06 02:00    2003-10-26 02:00    01:00:00
2004   2004-04-04 02:00    2004-10-31 02:00    01:00:00
2005   2005-04-03 02:00    2005-10-30 02:00    01:00:00
2020   2020-04-05 02:00    2020-10-25 02:00    01:00:00
2040   2040-04-01 02:00    2040-10-28 02:00    01:00:00
// Example of the TimeZone.GetDaylightChanges( int ) method.
import System.*;
import System.Globalization.*;

class DaylightChangesDemo
    // Get the local time zone and a base local time.
    private static TimeZone localZone = TimeZone.get_CurrentTimeZone();
    static void CreateDaylightTime(int
        // Create a DaylightTime object for the specified year.
        DaylightTime daylight = localZone.GetDaylightChanges(year);
         // Display the start and end dates and the time change.
        Console.WriteLine("{0,-7}{1,-20:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm}"
            + "{2,-20:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm}{3}", new Object[]
            (System.Int32)year, daylight.get_Start(), daylight.get_End(),
            daylight.get_Delta() } );
    } //CreateDaylightTime
    public static void main(String[]
        final String headFmt = "{0,-7}{1,-20}{2,-20}{3}";
        Console.WriteLine(("This example of TimeZone.GetDaylightChanges( int
            + " generates the \nfollowing output, which varies "
            + "depending on the time zone in which \nit is
 run. The " 
            + "example creates DaylightTime objects for specified
            + "years and displays the start and end dates and time " 
            + "change for \ndaylight saving time.\n"));
        // Write a message explaining that start dates prior to 1986
        // in the en-US culture may not be correct.
            .equalsIgnoreCase("en-US")) {
                Console.WriteLine(("Note: In the [en-US] culture, all"
                    + " start dates are calculated from \nthe first Sunday in
 April, "
                    + "based on a standard set in
 1986. For \ndates " 
                    + "prior to 1986, the calculated start date may not "
                    + "be accurate."));
        Console.WriteLine("\nLocal time: {0}\n", localZone.get_StandardName());
        Console.WriteLine(headFmt, new Object[] { "Year",
 "Start", "End",
            "Change" });
        Console.WriteLine(headFmt, new Object[] { "----",
 "-----", "---",
            "------" });
    } //main
} //DaylightChangesDemo

This example of TimeZone.GetDaylightChanges( int ) generates the
following output, which varies depending on the time zone in which
it is run. The example creates DaylightTime objects for specified
years and displays the start and end dates and time change for
daylight saving time.

Note: In the [en-US] culture, all start dates are calculated from
the first Sunday in April, based on a standard set
 in 1986. For
dates prior to 1986, the calculated start date may not be accurate.

Local time: Pacific Standard Time

Year   Start               End                 Change
----   -----               ---                 ------
1960   1960-04-03 02:00    1960-10-30 02:00    01:00:00
1970   1970-04-05 02:00    1970-10-25 02:00    01:00:00
1980   1980-04-06 02:00    1980-10-26 02:00    01:00:00
1990   1990-04-01 02:00    1990-10-28 02:00    01:00:00
2000   2000-04-02 02:00    2000-10-29 02:00    01:00:00
2001   2001-04-01 02:00    2001-10-28 02:00    01:00:00
2002   2002-04-07 02:00    2002-10-27 02:00    01:00:00
2003   2003-04-06 02:00    2003-10-26 02:00    01:00:00
2004   2004-04-04 02:00    2004-10-31 02:00    01:00:00
2005   2005-04-03 02:00    2005-10-30 02:00    01:00:00
2020   2020-04-05 02:00    2020-10-25 02:00    01:00:00
2040   2040-04-01 02:00    2040-10-28 02:00    01:00:00
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