GacIdentityPermissionAttribute クラスとは? わかりやすく解説

Weblio 辞書 > コンピュータ > .NET Framework クラス ライブラリ リファレンス > GacIdentityPermissionAttribute クラスの意味・解説 

GacIdentityPermissionAttribute クラス

メモ : このクラスは、.NET Framework version 2.0新しく追加されたものです。

宣言セキュリティ使用して、GacIdentityPermission のセキュリティ アクションコード適用できるようにします。このクラス継承できません。

名前空間: System.Security.Permissions
アセンブリ: mscorlib (mscorlib.dll 内)

<SerializableAttribute> _
<AttributeUsageAttribute(AttributeTargets.Assembly Or AttributeTargets.Class
 Or AttributeTargets.Struct Or AttributeTargets.Constructor
 Or AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple:=True, Inherited:=False)> _
<ComVisibleAttribute(True)> _
Public NotInheritable Class
    Inherits CodeAccessSecurityAttribute
Dim instance As GacIdentityPermissionAttribute
 AllowMultiple=true, Inherited=false)] 
public sealed class GacIdentityPermissionAttribute
 : CodeAccessSecurityAttribute
 AllowMultiple=true, Inherited=false)] 
public ref class GacIdentityPermissionAttribute
 sealed : public CodeAccessSecurityAttribute
/** @attribute SerializableAttribute() */ 
/** @attribute AttributeUsageAttribute(AttributeTargets.Assembly|AttributeTargets.Class|AttributeTargets.Struct|AttributeTargets.Constructor|AttributeTargets.Method,
 AllowMultiple=true, Inherited=false) */ 
/** @attribute ComVisibleAttribute(true) */ 
public final class GacIdentityPermissionAttribute
 extends CodeAccessSecurityAttribute
 AllowMultiple=true, Inherited=false) 
public final class GacIdentityPermissionAttribute
 extends CodeAccessSecurityAttribute


' To run this sample you must create a strong-name key named snkey.snk
' using the Strong Name tool (sn.exe).  Both the library assembly and
' application assembly that calls it must be signed with that key. 
' To run successfully, the application assembly must be in the global
' assembly cache.
' This console application can be created using the following code.

'Imports System
'Imports System.Security
'Imports System.Security.Policy
'Imports System.Security.Principal
'Imports System.Security.Permissions
'Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
'Imports ClassLibraryVB
'Class [MyClass]
'    Overloads Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
'        Try
'           Dim myLib As New Class1
'            myLib.DoNothing()
'            Console.WriteLine("Exiting the sample.")
'        Catch e As Exception
'            Console.WriteLine(e.Message)
'        End Try
'    End Sub 'Main
'End Class '[MyClass
Imports System
Imports System.Security.Permissions
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

' Demand that the calling program be in the global assembly cache.
<GacIdentityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand)> _
Public Class Class1
    Public Sub DoNothing()
        Console.WriteLine("Exiting the library program.")
    End Sub 'DoNothing
End Class 'Class1 

// To run this sample you must create a strong-name key named snkey.snk
// using the Strong Name tool (sn.exe).  Both the library assembly and
// application assembly that calls it must be signed with that key.
// To run successfully, the application assembly must be in the global
// assembly cache.
// This console application can be created using the following code.

//using System;
//using System.Security;
//using System.Reflection;
//using ClassLibrary1;
//[assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.555.0")]
//[assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("snKey.snk")]
//class MyClass
//    static void Main(string[] args)
//    {
//        try
//        {
//            Class1 myLib = new Class1();
//            myLib.DoNothing();
//            Console.WriteLine("Exiting the sample.");
//        }
//        catch (Exception e)
//        {
//        Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
//        }
//    }
using System;
using System.Security.Permissions;

namespace ClassLibrary1
    // Demand that the calling program be in the global assembly cache.
    public class Class1
        public void DoNothing()
            Console.WriteLine("Exiting the library program.");

// To run this sample you must create a strong-name key named snkey.snk
// using the Strong Name tool (sn.exe).  Both the library assembly and
// application assembly that calls it must be signed with that key.
// To run successfully, the application assembly must be in the global
// assembly cache.
// This console application can be created using the following code.

//#using <mscorlib.dll>
//#using <ClassLibrary1.dll>
//using namespace System;
//using namespace System::Security;
//using namespace System::Reflection;
//using namespace ClassLibrary1;
//[assembly: AssemblyVersion(S"1.0.555.0")]
//[assembly: AssemblyKeyFile(S"snKey.snk")];
//int main()
//    try
//    {
//        Class1* myLib = new Class1();
//        myLib->DoNothing();
//        Console::WriteLine(S"Exiting the sample.");
//    }
//    catch (Exception* e)
//    {
//        Console::WriteLine(e->Message);
//    }
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Security::Permissions;

namespace ClassLibrary1
   // Demand that the calling program be in the global assembly cache.
   public ref class Class1
      void DoNothing()
         Console::WriteLine( "Exiting the library program." );

package ClassLibrary1 ; 
// To run this sample you must create a strong-name key named snkey.snk
// using the Strong Name tool (sn.exe).  Both the library assembly and
// application assembly that calls it must be signed with that key.
// To run successfully, the application assembly must be in the global
// assembly cache.
// This console application can be created using the following code.

//import System .* ;
//import System.Security .* ;
//import System.Reflection .* ;
//import ClassLibrary1 .* ;
/** @assembly AssemblyVersion("1.0.555.0")
/** @assembly AssemblyKeyFile("snKey.snk")
//class MyClass
//    static void main(String[] args)
//    {
//        try 
//        {
//            Class1 myLib =  new Class1();
//            myLib.DoNothing();
//            Console.WriteLine("Exiting the sample.");
//        }
//        catch(System.Exception e) 
//        {
//            Console.WriteLine(e.get_Message());
//        }
//    } //main
//} //MyClass

import System.*;
import System.Security.Permissions.*;

// Demand that the calling program be in the global assembly cache.
/** @attribute GacIdentityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand)

public class Class1
    public void DoNothing()
        Console.WriteLine("Exiting the library program.");
    } //DoNothing
} //Class1
スレッド セーフスレッド セーフ
この型の public static (Visual Basic では Shared) メンバはすべて、スレッド セーフです。インスタンス メンバ場合は、スレッド セーフであるとは限りません。
GacIdentityPermissionAttribute メンバ
System.Security.Permissions 名前空間

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「GacIdentityPermissionAttribute クラス」の関連用語

GacIdentityPermissionAttribute クラスのお隣キーワード



GacIdentityPermissionAttribute クラスのページの著作権
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