CodeAttributeArgumentCollection クラスとは? わかりやすく解説

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CodeAttributeArgumentCollection クラス

CodeAttributeArgument オブジェクトコレクション表します

名前空間: System.CodeDom
アセンブリ: System (system.dll 内)

<SerializableAttribute> _
<ClassInterfaceAttribute(ClassInterfaceType.AutoDispatch)> _
<ComVisibleAttribute(True)> _
Public Class CodeAttributeArgumentCollection
    Inherits CollectionBase
Dim instance As CodeAttributeArgumentCollection
public class CodeAttributeArgumentCollection
 : CollectionBase
public ref class CodeAttributeArgumentCollection
 : public CollectionBase
/** @attribute SerializableAttribute() */ 
/** @attribute ClassInterfaceAttribute(ClassInterfaceType.AutoDispatch) */ 
/** @attribute ComVisibleAttribute(true) */ 
public class CodeAttributeArgumentCollection
 extends CollectionBase
public class CodeAttributeArgumentCollection
 extends CollectionBase

CodeAttributeArgumentCollection クラスは、CodeAttributeArgument オブジェクトセット格納するために使用できる単純なコレクション オブジェクト提供します

' Creates an empty CodeAttributeArgumentCollection.
Dim collection As New CodeAttributeArgumentCollection()

' Adds a CodeAttributeArgument to the collection.
collection.Add(New CodeAttributeArgument("Test
 Boolean Argument", New CodePrimitiveExpression(True)))

' Adds an array of CodeAttributeArgument objects to the collection.
Dim arguments As CodeAttributeArgument() =
 {New CodeAttributeArgument(), New CodeAttributeArgument()}

' Adds a collection of CodeAttributeArgument objects to the collection.
Dim argumentsCollection As New
argumentsCollection.Add(New CodeAttributeArgument("TestBooleanArgument",
 New CodePrimitiveExpression(True)))
argumentsCollection.Add(New CodeAttributeArgument("TestIntArgument",
 New CodePrimitiveExpression(1)))

' Tests for the presence of a CodeAttributeArgument in 
' the collection, and retrieves its index if it is found.
Dim testArgument As New
 CodeAttributeArgument("Test Boolean Argument", New
Dim itemIndex As Integer
 = -1
If collection.Contains(testArgument) Then
    itemIndex = collection.IndexOf(testArgument)
End If

' Copies the contents of the collection beginning at index 0,
' to the specified CodeAttributeArgument array.
' 'arguments' is a CodeAttributeArgument array.
collection.CopyTo(arguments, 0)

' Retrieves the count of the items in the collection.
Dim collectionCount As Integer
 = collection.Count

' Inserts a CodeAttributeArgument at index 0 of the collection.
collection.Insert(0, New CodeAttributeArgument("Test
 Boolean Argument", New CodePrimitiveExpression(True)))

' Removes the specified CodeAttributeArgument from the collection.
Dim argument As New CodeAttributeArgument("Test
 Boolean Argument", New CodePrimitiveExpression(True))

' Removes the CodeAttributeArgument at index 0.
// Creates an empty CodeAttributeArgumentCollection.
CodeAttributeArgumentCollection collection = new CodeAttributeArgumentCollection();

// Adds a CodeAttributeArgument to the collection.
collection.Add( new CodeAttributeArgument("Test Boolean Argument",
 new CodePrimitiveExpression(true)) );

// Adds an array of CodeAttributeArgument objects to the collection.
CodeAttributeArgument[] arguments = { new CodeAttributeArgument(),
 new CodeAttributeArgument() };
collection.AddRange( arguments );

// Adds a collection of CodeAttributeArgument objects to 
// the collection.
CodeAttributeArgumentCollection argumentsCollection = new CodeAttributeArgumentCollection();
argumentsCollection.Add( new CodeAttributeArgument("TestBooleanArgument",
 new CodePrimitiveExpression(true)) );
argumentsCollection.Add( new CodeAttributeArgument("TestIntArgument",
 new CodePrimitiveExpression(1)) );
collection.AddRange( argumentsCollection );

// Tests for the presence of a CodeAttributeArgument 
// within the collection, and retrieves its index if it is found.
CodeAttributeArgument testArgument = new CodeAttributeArgument("Test
 Boolean Argument", new CodePrimitiveExpression(true));
int itemIndex = -1;
if( collection.Contains( testArgument ) )
    itemIndex = collection.IndexOf( testArgument );

// Copies the contents of the collection beginning at index 0,
// to the specified CodeAttributeArgument array.
// 'arguments' is a CodeAttributeArgument array.
collection.CopyTo( arguments, 0 );

// Retrieves the count of the items in the collection.
int collectionCount = collection.Count;

// Inserts a CodeAttributeArgument at index 0 of the collection.
collection.Insert( 0, new CodeAttributeArgument("Test Boolean
 Argument", new CodePrimitiveExpression(true))

// Removes the specified CodeAttributeArgument from the collection.
CodeAttributeArgument argument = new CodeAttributeArgument("Test
 Boolean Argument", new CodePrimitiveExpression(true));
collection.Remove( argument );

// Removes the CodeAttributeArgument at index 0.
// Creates an empty CodeAttributeArgumentCollection.
CodeAttributeArgumentCollection^ collection = gcnew CodeAttributeArgumentCollection;

// Adds a CodeAttributeArgument to the collection.
collection->Add( gcnew CodeAttributeArgument( "Test Boolean Argument",gcnew
 CodePrimitiveExpression( true ) ) );

// Adds an array of CodeAttributeArgument objects to the collection.
array<CodeAttributeArgument^>^arguments = {gcnew CodeAttributeArgument,gcnew
collection->AddRange( arguments );

// Adds a collection of CodeAttributeArgument objects to 
// the collection.
CodeAttributeArgumentCollection^ argumentsCollection = gcnew CodeAttributeArgumentCollection;
argumentsCollection->Add( gcnew CodeAttributeArgument( "TestBooleanArgument",gcnew
 CodePrimitiveExpression( true ) ) );
argumentsCollection->Add( gcnew CodeAttributeArgument( "TestIntArgument",gcnew
 CodePrimitiveExpression( 1 ) ) );
collection->AddRange( argumentsCollection );

// Tests for the presence of a CodeAttributeArgument 
// within the collection, and retrieves its index if it is found.
CodeAttributeArgument^ testArgument = gcnew CodeAttributeArgument( "Test Boolean
 Argument",gcnew CodePrimitiveExpression( true ) );
int itemIndex = -1;
if ( collection->Contains( testArgument ) )
   itemIndex = collection->IndexOf( testArgument );

// Copies the contents of the collection beginning at index 0,
// to the specified CodeAttributeArgument array.
// 'arguments' is a CodeAttributeArgument array.
collection->CopyTo( arguments, 0 );

// Retrieves the count of the items in the collection.
int collectionCount = collection->Count;

// Inserts a CodeAttributeArgument at index 0 of the collection.
collection->Insert( 0, gcnew CodeAttributeArgument( "Test Boolean Argument",gcnew
 CodePrimitiveExpression( true ) ) );

// Removes the specified CodeAttributeArgument from the collection.
CodeAttributeArgument^ argument = gcnew CodeAttributeArgument( "Test Boolean
 Argument",gcnew CodePrimitiveExpression( true ) );
collection->Remove( argument );

// Removes the CodeAttributeArgument at index 0.
collection->RemoveAt( 0 );
// Creates an empty CodeAttributeArgumentCollection.
CodeAttributeArgumentCollection collection = new 
// Adds a CodeAttributeArgument to the collection.
collection.Add(new CodeAttributeArgument("Test Boolean Argument"
    new CodePrimitiveExpression(System.Convert.ToString(true))));
// Adds an array of CodeAttributeArgument objects to the collection.
CodeAttributeArgument arguments[] = {
    new CodeAttributeArgument(), new CodeAttributeArgument()
// Adds a collection of CodeAttributeArgument objects to 
// the collection.
CodeAttributeArgumentCollection argumentsCollection = new 
argumentsCollection.Add(new CodeAttributeArgument("TestBooleanArgument"
    new CodePrimitiveExpression(System.Convert.ToString(true))));
argumentsCollection.Add(new CodeAttributeArgument("TestIntArgument"
    new CodePrimitiveExpression(new Integer(1))));
// Tests for the presence of a CodeAttributeArgument 
// within the collection, and retrieves its index if it is found.
CodeAttributeArgument testArgument = new CodeAttributeArgument("Test
    + "Boolean Argument", 
    new CodePrimitiveExpression(System.Convert.ToString(true)));
int itemIndex = -1;
if (collection.Contains(testArgument)) {
    itemIndex = collection.IndexOf(testArgument);
// Copies the contents of the collection beginning at index 0,
// to the specified CodeAttributeArgument array.
// 'arguments' is a CodeAttributeArgument array.
collection.CopyTo(arguments, 0);
// Retrieves the count of the items in the collection.
int collectionCount = collection.get_Count();
// Inserts a CodeAttributeArgument at index 0 of the collection.
collection.Insert(0, new CodeAttributeArgument("Test Boolean
    new CodePrimitiveExpression(System.Convert.ToString(true))));
// Removes the specified CodeAttributeArgument from the collection.
CodeAttributeArgument argument = new CodeAttributeArgument("Test
    + "Boolean Argument", new 
// Removes the CodeAttributeArgument at index 0.
スレッド セーフスレッド セーフ
この型の public static (Visual Basic では Shared) メンバはすべて、スレッド セーフです。インスタンス メンバ場合は、スレッド セーフであるとは限りません。
CodeAttributeArgumentCollection メンバ
System.CodeDom 名前空間
CodeAttributeArgument クラス

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