トルトーサ包囲戦 (808年-809年)とは? わかりやすく解説

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トルトーサ包囲戦 (808年-809年)

(トゥルトーザ包囲戦 (808年-809年) から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2022/03/02 06:18 UTC 版)

9世紀のトルトーサ包囲戦英語:Siege of Tortosa)は、 808年から809年にかけて敬虔王ルートヴィヒ1世[注釈 1]が行った軍事作戦である。これは、ルートヴィヒがエブロ川下流域の後ウマイヤ朝に対して行った10年にわたる激しい軍事行動の一部であった。この作戦の記述は、ラテン語とアラビア語の資料から作成する必要があり、さまざまな解釈がなされている。


  1. ^ Bachrach 1974, p. 26.
  2. ^ a b c d e f Purton 2009, pp. 73–74.
  3. ^ Collins 2012, p. 224, but Bachrach 1974, p. 25, puts its capture in 803.
  4. ^ Collins 2012, p. 224.
  5. ^ Viguera, "Ṭurṭūsha", in Bearman et al. 2000.
  6. ^ Bachrach 1974, p. 25 n.119.
  7. ^ V.Hlud., §§14–16, in Noble 2009, pp. 238–241. See Purton 2009, pp. 73–74, and Chandler 2019, pp. 67–68.
  8. ^ Viguera, "Ṭarrakūna", in Bearman et al. 2000. According to Kennedy 1996, p. 54, "Arab sources mention expeditions in 808 and 809".
  9. ^ El-Hajji 1991, pp. 26–27 and nn.
  10. ^ Kennedy 1996, p. 54, gives the date range 804–807. Noble 2009, p. 239 n.65, suggests 802; Petersen 2013, p. 756, says 802 or 806; and Bachrach 1974, pp. 27–28, in his reconstruction, places it in 805, right after Louis conferred with Charles at Aachen over the winter and spring and before Charles summoned him to Thionville, possibly to report on the campaign. Chandler 2019, pp. 67–68, too, prefers 805.
  11. ^ a b Kennedy 1996, p. 54.
  12. ^ a b c d e f g h i Bachrach 1974, p. 27.
  13. ^ Chandler 2019, pp. 67–68, says they "destroyed the fortifications of Tarragona and burned much of the area". On the other hand, Collins 2012, p. 227, says that "attempts to occupy Tortosa and Tarragona in the years 808 to 810 were repulsed", implying that the attack on Tarragona took place in 810. According to Viguera, "Ṭarrakūna", in Bearman et al. 2000, Tarragona was occupied by Louis's forces shortly after the fall of Barcelona (801) and remained in Christian hands until the period 929–935, when it was reconquered by the Umayyads.
  14. ^ Bachrach 1974, p. 27. According to El-Hajji 1991, pp. 26–27 and nn, the Arabic sources do indicate Louis's personal leadership of the 808 campaign. They call him Ludhrīq or Rudhrīq, son of Qārloh, giving the same name as Roderic, the last Visigothic king.
  15. ^ V.Hlud., §15, at Noble 2009, p. 240, calls the wālī "Abaidun, duke of Tortosa".
  16. ^ Collins 2012, p. 224, refers to "two attempts to take Tortosa [that] failed in 808 and 809", while Bachrach 1974, p. 26, says that "Tortosa was besieged in 805 and then again over a two-year period from 808 through 809". According to Petersen 2013, p. 252, the Vita Hludovici dates Louis's siege to 808, but this should be corrected to 809, which is the year found in the Annales regni Francorum. Chandler 2019, pp. 67–68, however, dates the second and third expeditions to 809 and 810.
  17. ^ V.Hlud., §16, in Noble 2009, p. 241.
  18. ^ Purton 2009, p. 74, gives the Latin here as prostravit muralibus, while Petersen 2013, p. 760, has protrivit muralibus.
  19. ^ Petersen 2013, p. 252: arietibus, mangonibus, vineis et ceteris argumentis.
  20. ^ Noble 2009, p. 241.
  21. ^ Scholz & Rogers 1972, p. 89.
  22. ^ a b Noble 2009, p. 241 n.73.
  23. ^ Petersen 2013, p. 415.
  24. ^ Petersen 2013, pp. 759–760 ("resulted in formal submission but not an actual conquest"); Collins 2012, p. 224, and Bachrach 1974, p. 30, both refer to military failure. Even Purton 2009, p. 74, remarks that "oddly, this glorious success is not reported elsewhere".
  25. ^ Collins 2012, p. 217.
  26. ^ Chandler 2019, pp. 67–68.
  27. ^ Purton 2009, pp. 73–74, but Noble 2009, p. 241 n.75, has Charles sign the treaty in 810 before Louis took the initiative against Huesca.
  28. ^ Collins 2012, p. 224; Kennedy 1996, p. 55: "the frontier of 801 remained essentially unchanged in this area for the next 300 years"; Chandler 2019, p. 68: "thus ending the enterprise of establishing the frontier at the Ebro".
  29. ^ 池上 et al. 2001, p. 55.


  1. ^ ただし当時は即位前でありフランク王はカール大帝であった。
  2. ^ en:Siege of Barcelona (801)参照。
  3. ^ ヒジュラ暦の英字略称。太陰暦の為、当時ヨーロッパで使われていたユリウス暦と年始のタイミングや1年の長さが異なる。
  4. ^ トレビュシェットも日本語に訳すと「投石器」などである。取り分け中世の投石器を言う。

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