ジョージ・アンドリューズとは? わかりやすく解説

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ジョージ・アンドリューズ英語: George Andrews1938年12月4日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国の数学者。専門は、特殊関数数論(特に自然数の分割など)。

  1. ^ Andrews, G. E. (2004). On a partition function of Richard Stanley. The electronic journal of combinatorics, 11(2).
  2. ^ Ishikawa, M., & Zeng, J. (2009). The Andrews–Stanley partition function and Al-Salam–Chihara polynomials. Discrete Mathematics, 309(1), 151-175.
  3. ^ Yee, A. J. (2004). On partition functions of Andrews and Stanley. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 107(2), 313-321.
  4. ^ Sills, A. V. (2004). A combinatorial proof of a partition identity of Andrews and Stanley. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 2004(47), 2495-2501.
  5. ^ Berkovich, A., & Garvan, F. (2006). On the Andrews-Stanley refinement of Ramanujan’s partition congruence modulo 5 and generalizations. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 358(2), 703-726.
  6. ^ Swisher, H. (2011). The Andrews-Stanley partition function and : congruences. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 139(4), 1175-1185.
  7. ^ Wang, M. (2008). A remark on Andrews–Askey integral. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 341(2), 1487-1494.
  8. ^ Cao, J. (2014). A note on generalized -difference equations for -beta and Andrews–Askey integral. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 412(2), 841-851.
  9. ^ Liu, Z. G. (2016). Extensions of Ramanujan's reciprocity theorem and the Andrews–Askey integral. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 443(2), 1110-1129.
  10. ^ Bressoud, D., & Zeilberger, D. (1985). A proof of Andrews' -Dyson conjecture. NUMBER THEORY AND RELATED TOPICS, 35.
  11. ^ Kadell, K. W. (1985). A proof of Andrews’ -Dyson conjecture for 𝑛= 4. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 290(1), 127-144.
  12. ^ Capparelli, S., Lepowsky, J., & Milas, A. (2006). The Rogers–Selberg recursions, the Gordon–Andrews identities and intertwining operators. The Ramanujan Journal, 12(3), 379-397.
  13. ^ Melzer, E. (1994). Supersymmetric analogs of the Gordon-Andrews identities, and related TBA systems. arXiv preprint hep-th/9412154.
  14. ^ Warnaar, S. O. (1997). The Andrews–Gordon identities and -multinomial coefficients. Communications in mathematical physics, 184(1), 203-232.
  15. ^ Richmond, B., & Szekeres, G. (1981). Some formulas related to dilogarithms, the zeta function and the Andrews-Gordon identities. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 31(3), 362-373.
  16. ^ Berkovich, A., & Paule, P. (2001). Variants of the Andrews-Gordon identities. The Ramanujan Journal, 5(4), 391-404.
  17. ^ Hikami, K. (2006). -series and -functions related to half-derivatives of the Andrews-Gordon identity. The Ramanujan Journal, 11(2), 175-197.
  18. ^ Berkovich, A., & Paule, P. (2001). Lattice paths, -multinomials and two variants of the Andrews-Gordon identities. The Ramanujan Journal, 5(4), 409-425.


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