Control.FindForm メソッドとは? わかりやすく解説

Control.FindForm メソッド


名前空間: System.Windows.Forms
アセンブリ: System.Windows.Forms ( 内)


コントロールParent プロパティ値は、FindForm メソッドによって返されForm と同じではない場合あります。たとえば、RadioButton コントロールが GroupBox コントロール内に格納されていて、GroupBoxForm 上にある場合RadioButton コントロールParentGroupBox で、GroupBox コントロールParentForm です。



' This example uses the Parent property and the Find method of Control
 to set
' properties on the parent control of a Button and its Form. The example
' that a Button control named button1 is located within a GroupBox control.
' example also assumes that the Click event of the Button control is
 connected to
' the event handler method defined in the example.
Private Sub button1_Click(sender As
 Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles
   ' Get the control the Button control is located in. In this case
 a GroupBox.
   Dim control As Control = button1.Parent
   ' Set the text and backcolor of the parent control.
   control.Text = "My Groupbox"
   control.BackColor = Color.Blue
   ' Get the form that the Button control is contained within.
   Dim myForm As Form = button1.FindForm()
   ' Set the text and color of the form containing the Button.
   myForm.Text = "The Form of My Control"
   myForm.BackColor = Color.Red
End Sub
// This example uses the Parent property and the Find method of Control
 to set
// properties on the parent control of a Button and its Form. The example
// that a Button control named button1 is located within a GroupBox
 control. The 
// example also assumes that the Click event of the Button control is
 connected to
// the event handler method defined in the example.
private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs
   // Get the control the Button control is located in. In this case
 a GroupBox.
   Control control = button1.Parent;
   // Set the text and backcolor of the parent control.
   control.Text = "My Groupbox";
   control.BackColor = Color.Blue;
   // Get the form that the Button control is contained within.
   Form myForm = button1.FindForm();
   // Set the text and color of the form containing the Button.
   myForm.Text = "The Form of My Control";
   myForm.BackColor = Color.Red;
   // This example uses the Parent property and the Find method of Control
 to set
   // properties on the parent control of a Button and its Form. The example
   // that a Button control named button1 is located within a GroupBox
 control. The 
   // example also assumes that the Click event of the Button control is
 connected to
   // the event handler method defined in the example.
   void button1_Click( Object^ /*sender*/, System::EventArgs^
 /*e*/ )
      // Get the control the Button control is located in. In this case
 a GroupBox.
      Control^ control = button1->Parent;
      // Set the text and backcolor of the parent control.
      control->Text = "My Groupbox";
      control->BackColor = Color::Blue;
      // Get the form that the Button control is contained within.
      Form^ myForm = button1->FindForm();
      // Set the text and color of the form containing the Button.
      myForm->Text = "The Form of My Control";
      myForm->BackColor = Color::Red;
// This example uses the Parent property and the Find method of Control
// set properties on the parent control of a Button and its Form. The
// example assumes that a Button control named button1 is located within
// GroupBox control. The example also assumes that the Click event of
// Button control is connected to the event handler method defined in
// example.
private void button1_Click(Object sender, System.EventArgs
    // Get the control the Button control is located in. 
    // In this case a GroupBox.
    Control control = button1.get_Parent();

    // Set the text and backcolor of the parent control.
    control.set_Text("My Groupbox");

    // Get the form that the Button control is contained within.
    Form myForm = button1.FindForm();

    // Set the text and color of the form containing the Button.
    myForm.set_Text("The Form of My Control");
} //button1_Click
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