暗黒大陸中国の真実とは? わかりやすく解説

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暗黒大陸中国の真実(あんこくたいりくちゅうごくのしんじつ、原題 Ways That Are Dark: The Truth About China)は、ラルフ・タウンゼントの1933年のノンフィクション本で、当時の中国の状況についてのタウンゼントの観察を紹介している。この本は反中国本と考えられている。

  1. ^ Edward Martell et al., Who Was Who Among English and European Authors, 1931-1949 (Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1978), 1411.
  2. ^ The Department of State, Foreign Service List 1932 (Washington DC: United States Government Printing Office, 1932), 62, 79.
  3. ^ "Consulates Will Close," New York Times, 5 February 1933, N1.
  4. ^ a b New York Times, 10 November 1933, 19.
  5. ^ a b Townsend 1933, pp. ii–xiv.
  6. ^ Townsend 1933, pp. 3–11.
  7. ^ Townsend 1933, pp. 41–43.
  8. ^ Townsend 1933, pp. 26.
  9. ^ Townsend 1933, pp. 88.
  10. ^ Townsend 1933, pp. 90–100.
  11. ^ Townsend 1933, pp. 51–52.
  12. ^ Townsend 1933, pp. 53–59.
  13. ^ Townsend 1933, pp. 73–80, 102–115.
  14. ^ Townsend 1933, pp. 57, 81, 87.
  15. ^ Townsend 1933, pp. 82.
  16. ^ Townsend 1933, pp. 192.
  17. ^ Townsend 1933, pp. 149–150.
  18. ^ Townsend 1933, pp. 169–180.
  19. ^ Townsend 1933, pp. 167–168.
  20. ^ Townsend 1933, pp. 131–147.
  21. ^ Townsend 1933, pp. 190–196.
  22. ^ Townsend 1933, pp. 197–198.
  23. ^ Townsend 1933, pp. 199–202, 208.
  24. ^ Townsend 1933, pp. 224.
  25. ^ Townsend 1933, pp. 244.
  26. ^ Townsend 1933, pp. 249–250, 255–256.
  27. ^ Townsend 1933, pp. 251–254, 265–267.
  28. ^ Townsend 1933, pp. 271–274.
  29. ^ Townsend 1933, pp. 291–295.
  30. ^ Townsend 1933, pp. 279–280.
  31. ^ Townsend 1933, pp. 303.
  32. ^ Townsend 1933, pp. 287.
  33. ^ Townsend 1933, pp. 322.
  34. ^ Townsend 1933, pp. 311, 317, 331.
  35. ^ Townsend 1933, pp. 315.
  36. ^ Townsend 1933, pp. 310, 323–327.
  37. ^ Townsend 1933, pp. 307–309.
  38. ^ "Best Sellers Here and Elsewhere," New York Times, 3 September 1934, 11.
  39. ^ a b "American's Book Banned in China," Berkeley Daily Gazette, 26 January 1935, 5.
  40. ^ "Native of Robeson Well Known Author, Lecturer," The Robesonian, 1 February 1934, 4.
  41. ^ William L. Langer, "Some Recent Books on International Relations," Foreign Affairs, April 1934, 535.
  42. ^ E. Francis Brown, "Books of the Month: National and International Problems - The Truth About China," Current History, January 1934, 8.
  43. ^ Willis J. Abbot, "Ways That Are Oriental," Christian Science Monitor, 16 December 1933, 8.
  44. ^ Douglas Jerrold, "Current Comments," The English Review, September 1934, 269.
  45. ^ Lewis S. Gannett, "The 'Truth' About China," The Nation, 20 December 1933, 715.
  46. ^ a b "Townsend and the Ways That Are Dark," The China Weekly Review, 2 June 1934, 1-2.
  47. ^ "The Two Worst Books on China and Japan Since 1931," The China Weekly Review, 13 January 1934, 266-267.
  48. ^ "Chinese 'Ways That Are Dark'," The Republican, 24 December 1933, 10.
  49. ^ Owen Lattimore, "A Long Way From The Whole Truth About China," New York Times, 10 December 1933, BR9.
  50. ^ Nathaniel Peffer, "Book Review," Books, 3 December 1933, 36.
  51. ^ John Otway Percy Bland, "Ways That Are Dark," The Times Literary Supplement, 2 August 1934, 534.
  52. ^ Frank Rawlinson, "Our Book Table - Ways That Are Dark," The Chinese Recorder, March 1934, 185-187.
  53. ^ "Our Missionary Bookshelf - Ways That Are Dark," The Missionary Review of the World, December 1934, 603.
  54. ^ National Christian Council of China, The China Christian Year Book 1933 (Shanghai: Christian Literature Society, 1934), 395.
  55. ^ "Book Chat - The Real Truth About China?!," The Missionary Herald at Home and Abroad, February 1934, 63.
  56. ^ Frank P. Mintz, Revisionism and the Origins of Pearl Harbor (Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, 1985), 13.
  57. ^ Yong Chen, Chinese San Francisco, 1850-1943: A Trans-Pacific Community (Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 2000), 240.
  58. ^ a b Gregory Clark (2004年10月11日). “New mindset is the only salve”. The Japan Times. http://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2004/10/11/commentary/new-mindset-is-the-only-salve 2014年12月3日閲覧。 
  59. ^ "Book Notes," New York Times, 4 September 1933, BR10.
  60. ^ Nattie Vest, "Books," Jefferson Herald, 2 July 1936, 2.
  61. ^ Gary Scharnhorst, "'Ways That Are Dark': Appropriations of Bret Harte's 'Plain Language from Truthful James'," Nineteenth-Century Literature, December 1996, 377–399.
  62. ^ Post Office Department, United States Official Postal Guide: Part II International Postal Service (Washington DC: United States Government Printing Office, 1940), 118.
  63. ^ George Moorad, Lost Peace in China (New York: EP Dutton, 1949), 193.
  64. ^ Limin Chu, "China and Sino-US Relations, 1900-1930: The Overland Monthly," Sino-American Relations: An International Quarterly, Summer 2001, 88.
  65. ^ "Writer Guilty As Jap Agent," The Washington Post, 28 March 1942, 13.
  66. ^ a b Hideo Tanaka, "ラルフ・タウンゼントの思想が現代にうったえてくるもの," in 暗黒大陸中国の真実, (Tokyo: Fuyo Shobo, 2007), 307-311.
  67. ^ a b Yoshiyuki Kasai, "外交官が見た戦前の中国," Yomiuri Shimbun, 22 August 2004, 17.
  68. ^ Hideo Tanaka, "暗黒大陸中国の真実," Shokun!, October 2004, 240-241.
  69. ^ Kenkichi Sakita (2004年). “中国の実態を知る必読の書”. Association for Advancement of Unbiased View of History. 2014年12月3日閲覧。


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