シャンモル修道院とは? わかりやすく解説


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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2022/03/28 13:44 UTC 版)

シャンモル修道院(シャンモルしゅうどういん(: Charteuse de Champmol))はディジョン郊外に位置するカルトジオ会修道院。現在のディジョンはフランス中部の都市だが、15世紀ブルゴーニュ公国の首都だった。シャンモル修道院はブルゴーニュ公フィリップ2世(フィリップ豪胆公)がヴァロワ=ブルゴーニュ公爵家の墓所として1383年に建設し[1]フランス革命のさなかに接収されるまで歴代ブルゴーニュ公爵の墓が置かれていた。「悪評高き壮大な浪費」といわれるほど[2]、数々の美術品が惜しみなく使われており、後世に修道院から散逸したそれらの美術品のコレクションは依然として当時の芸術を理解するための非常に重要な遺産となっている[3]

  1. ^ a b Vaughan, 202
  2. ^ Sherry C. M. Lindquist, "Accounting for the Status of Artists at the Chartreuse de Champmol" Gesta 41.1, "Artistic Identity in the Late Middle Ages" (2002:15-28 p. 15.
  3. ^ Some works formerly at Champmol and documentation, were assembled for the exhibition "Chartreuse de Champmol", Dijon, 1960, with a catalogue containing essays by scholars of the calibre of Millard Meiss and Colin Eisler.
  4. ^ Vaughan, 202. The complex and unwieldy bureaucratic structure, providing "a rare view into artistic production at a major centre" (p 15), was analyzed from copious surviving accounts by Sherry C. M. Lindquist, "Accounting for the Status of Artists at the Chartreuse de Champmol" Gesta 41.1, "Artistic Identity in the Late Middle Ages" (2002), pp. 15-28.
  5. ^ Dossier, p. 10
  6. ^ Quoted by Lindquist (2002), p. 177
  7. ^ Gelfand (2005), 571
  8. ^ Lindquist, 2002
  9. ^ Warnke, The Court Artist: On the Ancestry of the Modern Artist (Cambridge University Press), 1993.
  10. ^ Warnke 1993:xiii.
  11. ^ Dossier, p. 11
  12. ^ Dossier, p. 12
  13. ^ Dossier, p. 13 has an 18th century print of them in their original setting
  14. ^ Dossier, 17
  15. ^ Page 235 in this online edition.
  16. ^ Dossier, p. 13-14
  17. ^ Dossier, p. 15-16
  18. ^ a b Dossier, p. 17
  19. ^ funerary crown
  20. ^ Photo - Encyclopædia Universalis France
  21. ^ Dossier, p. 19
  22. ^ Snyder, pp. 72-3 and 292-3
  23. ^ NGA, Washington See Provenance; the identification is now certain.
  24. ^ Images of the Madonna
  25. ^ Snyder, 70. The Berlin Madonna is described in detail in: Gelfand (1994), pp. 41-47. The work was originally published, attributed and proposed as half a diptych in: Meiss, Millard, and Colin Eisler. "A New French Primitive." The Burlington Magazine 102 (1960): 234 ff. (not seen). Gelfand (p.44) prefers the theory that a portrait of Philip the Bold sighted there in 1791 was the companion to the Berlin Madonna.
  26. ^ Cleveland Beaumetz
  27. ^ Cleveland pleurant
  28. ^ Snyder, 72-73;One of the Baltimore panels - the first photo is the Annunciation - the Baptism of Christ is shown in the enlarged view. All the panels (bottom of page).



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