サイクリンAとは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/05/18 16:35 UTC 版)

サイクリンA: cyclin A)はサイクリンファミリーのメンバーで、細胞周期の進行を調節する機能を持つタンパク質である[1]。細胞が正しく分裂と複製を行うことは生存に必須であり、いくつかの要素が緊密な調節を行うことで、細胞周期の効率的な誤りのない進行が保証されている。そのような調節機構の構成要素の1つがサイクリンAであり、細胞周期の2つの異なる段階で調節の役割を果たす[1][2]

  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k “Cyclin A2 mutagenesis analysis: a new insight into CDK activation and cellular localization requirements”. PLoS ONE 6 (7): e22879. (2011). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0022879. PMC 3145769. PMID 21829545. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3145769/. 
  2. ^ a b c d e f g “Structure and cell cycle-regulated transcription of the human cyclin A gene”. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 91 (12): 5490–4. (June 1994). doi:10.1073/pnas.91.12.5490. PMC 44021. PMID 8202514. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC44021/. 
  3. ^ “Cyclin: a protein specified by maternal mRNA in sea urchin eggs that is destroyed at each cleavage division”. Cell 33 (2): 389–96. (June 1983). doi:10.1016/0092-8674(83)90420-8. PMID 6134587. 
  4. ^ a b “Cyclin A expression is under negative transcriptional control during the cell cycle”. Mol. Cell. Biol. 16 (7): 3789–98. (July 1996). PMC 231375. PMID 8668196. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC231375/. 
  5. ^ a b c d e f “Cyclin A is required at two points in the human cell cycle”. EMBO J. 11 (3): 961–71. (March 1992). PMC 556537. PMID 1312467. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC556537/. 
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o “Cyclin A in cell cycle control and cancer”. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 59 (8): 1317–26. (August 2002). doi:10.1007/s00018-002-8510-y. PMID 12363035. 
  7. ^ a b c d Weinberg RE (2007). The biology of cancer. New York: Garland Science. ISBN 0-8153-4076-1 
  8. ^ a b c d e “Cyclin A/cdk2 coordinates centrosomal and nuclear mitotic events”. Oncogene 27 (31): 4261–8. (July 2008). doi:10.1038/onc.2008.74. PMID 18372919. 
  9. ^ a b c d “Deregulated expression of E2F-1 induces cyclin A- and E-associated kinase activities independently from cell cycle position”. Oncogene 14 (19): 2251–7. (May 1997). doi:10.1038/sj.onc.1201061. PMID 9178900. 
  10. ^ a b “Mechanism of CDK activation revealed by the structure of a cyclinA-CDK2 complex”. Nature 376 (6538): 313–20. (July 1995). doi:10.1038/376313a0. PMID 7630397. 
  11. ^ a b c “Distinct roles for cyclins E and A during DNA replication complex assembly and activation”. Nat. Cell Biol. 4 (7): 523–8. (July 2002). doi:10.1038/ncb813. PMID 12080347. 
  12. ^ a b c d “Cyclin-dependent kinases and S phase control in mammalian cells”. Cell Cycle 2 (4): 316–24. (2003). doi:10.4161/cc.2.4.468. PMID 12851482. 
  13. ^ a b c Levine AJ (February 1997). “p53, the cellular gatekeeper for growth and division”. Cell 88 (3): 323–31. doi:10.1016/S0092-8674(00)81871-1. PMID 9039259. 


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