inventionとは? わかりやすく解説

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An invention is a unique or novel device, method, composition, or process that is created through human ingenuity and creativity. It can be a completely new idea or an improvement on an existing one, and it often results in a tangible product or a new way of doing things. Inventions can be found in various fields, such as science, technology, and arts, and they often contribute to the advancement of human knowledge and society.




「invention」に関連する用語表現には、patent特許)、inventor発明家)、prototype試作品)、research and development研究開発)などがある。これらの用語は、発明プロセス成果保護評価するために用いられることが多い。


1. The invention of the telephone revolutionized the way people communicate.(電話発明人々コミュニケーション方法革命的に変えた。) 2. Thomas Edison is known for his many inventions, including the light bulb.(トーマス・エジソンは、電球はじめとする多く発明知られている。) 3. The company is investing in research and development to create new inventions.(その企業新し発明生み出すために研究開発投資している。) 4. The inventor applied for a patent to protect his invention.(発明家は、自分発明保護するために特許申請した。) 5. The invention of the internet has had a profound impact on society.(インターネット発明社会に深い影響与えている。) 6. The prototype of the new invention is currently being tested.(新し発明試作品が現在テストされている。) 7. The invention of the printing press greatly increased the availability of books.(印刷機発明によって、本の入手可能性大幅に向上した。) 8. The invention of the airplane changed the way people travel long distances.(飛行機発明は、人々長距離移動する方法変えた。) 9. The scientist was awarded a prize for his groundbreaking invention.(その科学者は、画期的な発明に対して賞を受賞した。) 10. The invention of the refrigerator made food preservation much easier.(冷蔵庫発明によって、食品の保存はるかに容易になった。)









(invention から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/06/22 01:44 UTC 版)

発明(はつめい、: invention)は、従来みられなかった新規な物や方法を考え出すことである。作られた新規なもの自体を指すこともあり、新規なものを作る行為自体をさすこともある。既存のモデルや観念から派生する発明もあれば、まったく独自に考案される発明もあり、後者は大きな飛躍を生む。社会の風習や慣習の革新も一種の発明である[1]当業者にとって新規性進歩性が認められる発明は、特許を取得することで法的に守ることができる。

  1. ^ Artificial Mythologies: A Guide to Cultural Invention by Craig J. Saper (1997); Review of Artificial Mythologies. A Guide to Cultural Invention, Kirsten Ostherr (1998)
  2. ^ 参考文献:志村幸雄『誰が本当の発明者か』講談社
  3. ^ a b 小林 聡「江戸時代における発明・創作と権利保護」 パテント2008 Vol.61 No.5、2020年6月10日閲覧。
  4. ^ The Lemelson Center's website, Invention at Play: Inventors' Stories, ; and Juice: The Creative Fuel That Drives World-Class Inventors (2004), p.14-15 by Evan I. Schwartz.
  5. ^ Einstein: A Life by Denis Brian p.159 (1996)
  6. ^, The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2000
  7. ^ 特許を検索すれば無数の実例が容易に見つかる。例えば
  8. ^ Forks, Phonographs, and Hot Air Balloons: A Field Guide to Inventive Thinking p. 8 (1992), by Robert J. Weber, also from Juice: The Creative Fuel That Drives World-Class Inventors, p. 13 (2004) by Evan I. Schwartz
  9. ^ The Inventor's Notebook by Fred Grissom and David Pressman (2005); Leonardo da Vinci: Artist, Scientist, Inventor by Simona Cremante (2005),;
  10. ^
  11. ^ White, Lynn: The Invention of the Parachute, Technology and Culture, Vol. 9, No. 3, (Jul., 1968), pp. 462-467
  12. ^ See US Patent #5,461,114 and D11,023 as well as Leonardo da Vinci: Artist, Scientist, Inventor by Simona Cremante (2005)
  13. ^ a b Leonardo da Vinci: Artist, Scientist, Inventor by Simona Cremante (2005)
  14. ^ Patent It Yourself by David Pressman (2000), particularly section 9/2, as a specific example refer to 1879, F. Auguste Bartholdi U.S. Patent D11,023
  15. ^ Invention at Play: Inventors' Stories at the Smithsonian Institution's Lemelson Center for Invention and Innovation
  16. ^ Juice: The Creative Fuel That Drives World-Class Inventors (2004) by Evan I. Schwartz (download an interview with this author about his book at
  17. ^ Notebooks of the Mind: Explorations of Thinking (1985) by Vera John-Steiner
  18. ^ American article "How Did the Heroic Inventors Do It?" by Thomas P. Hughes
  19. ^ History of Plastics and Plastic Packaging Products — Polyethylene, Polypropylene, and More
  20. ^ Detailed Guide To All Plastics Processes, British Plastics Federation
  21. ^ Plastics Historical Society
  22. ^ Finding quotations was never this easy
  23. ^, and see
  24. ^ Picasso and the Invention of Cubism by Pepe Karmel (2003)
  25. ^ 1879, F. Auguste Bartholdi U.S. Patent D11,023
  26. ^ a b c d e Patenting Art and Entertainment by Gregory Aharonian and Richard Stim
  27. ^
  28. ^ The History of the Tuba
  29. ^
  30. ^ Newman says he's done with acting
  31. ^ Creating Minds: An Anatomy of Creativity Seen Through the Lives of Freud, Einstein, Picasso, Stravinsky, Eliot, Graham, and Gandhi by Howard Gardner (1993)
  32. ^ Inventors Assistance League
  33. ^ License Your Invention by Richard Stim (2002)
  34. ^ InventorSpot
  35. ^ United Inventors Association
  36. ^ The Inventor's Bible: How to Market and License Your Brilliant Ideas by Ronald Louis Docie (2004)
  37. ^ Diffusion of Innovations, 5th Edition by Everett Rogers (2003)
  38. ^ Les lois de l'imitation Gabriel Tarde (1890)

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