平良修 高等弁務官就任式での祈り(全文)

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2023/12/26 13:49 UTC 版)



一九六六年私は予定通り沖縄キリスト教短期大学の学長に就任した。 そしてその年の十一月、「沖縄の帝王」と呼ばれていた高等弁務官就任式での祈りに招かれたのである。それはフェルディナンド・T・アンガー陸軍中将の第五代高等弁務官就任式での祈りであった。









"Our dear God, we thank thee for this opportunity to come together before Thee at the investiture of our new High Commissioner.  During the past 20 years,  wars and threats of wars have caused a situation which has caused many to be unnaturally separated from their homes and loved ones and has caused Okinawa to be separated from her Mother Country.  Dear Lord,  we earnestly pray that

peace may come quickly to our world in order that the New High Commissioner might be the last High Commissioner it would be necessary to send us.

However, we should not escape from the reality that we see at this ceremony.

Let us not escape from it, nor be crushed by it.  Let us, on the contrary, accept the reality decisively and courageously.  And let us work hopefully and fruitfully together with our High Commissioner to achieve our long-cherished goal of world peace and normal relationships between our nations.

  Our Father, there are a million citizens in the Ryukyus that Thy beloved Son Jesus Christ died for.  Make the new High Commissioner bow deeply before the dignity of the people for whom he has  been sent and thus make him obey Thee. Jesus Christ, with all authority in heaven and on earth, exercised His authority only in such a way as to wash people’s feet.  Show our High Commissioner the same way of exercising his authority.

  Dear God, give us and the High Commissioner strength to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed.  Give us courage to change the things that can and should be changed.  And give us wisdom to distinguish one from the other . In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen."

  1. ^ 『沖縄にこだわりつづけて』新教出版社、2002年、著者紹介。
  2. ^ 『こころの時代・イエスと歩む沖縄』NHK教育テレビ、2013年12月22日放送
  3. ^ 『沖縄教区・新議長に平良修氏 三役一新』日本基督教団教団新報、2016年7月4843号
  4. ^ https://ryukyushimpo.jp/news/entry-1029192.html 琉球新報
  5. ^ https://digital.asahi.com/articles/ASMCP5TVTMCPUEHF00B.html 朝日新聞
  6. ^ https://www.archives.pref.okinawa.jp/search_materials/photo/searchpics/picsdetail?pid=47874 沖縄県公文書館「写真が語る沖縄」分類名:B0103 写真番号:46-02-3
  7. ^ https://www.archives.pref.okinawa.jp/search_materials/photo/searchpics/picsdetail?pid=47991 沖縄県公文書館「写真が語る沖縄」分類名:B0103 写真番号:49-36-3


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