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John Adams

John Adams
(2) John Adams

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ジョン・アダムズJohn Adams1735年10月30日 - 1826年7月4日)は、アメリカ合衆国政治家副大統領(初代、1789年から1797年の2期)、第2代大統領(第2代、1797年-1801年)を務めた。また、アメリカ海軍の創設者である。アメリカ合衆国建国の父の中でも最も影響力があった者の1人とされている。


  1. ^ 1782年2月、フリースラント州がアメリカ合衆国を認知した最初のオランダの州になった。ただし、フランスは1778年に外交的認知をした最初のヨーロッパ国家となっていた。
  2. ^ 1794年までに合計11件のアメリカ合衆国の借款がアムステルダムで承認され、総額は2,900万ギルダーに上った。


  1. ^ The height differences between all the US presidents and first ladies ビジネス・インサイダー
  2. ^ Chambers Biographical Dictionary, ISBN 0-550-18022-2, page 8
  3. ^ From David McCullough, John Adams, 直ぐ下の弟はピーター、一番下の弟はエリフである。エリフは1775年のボストン包囲戦中に戦病死した。
  4. ^ Ancestors of John ADAMS
  5. ^ Ferling (1992) ch 1
  6. ^ Brookhiser, Richard. America’s First Dynasty. The Adamses, 1735-1918. The Free Press, 2002, p.13
  7. ^ ibid, p. 13
  8. ^ Timeline:Education and the Law - The John Adams Library
  9. ^ Ferling (1992) ch 2
  10. ^ This Day in History in 1828 Archived 2009年2月25日, at the Wayback Machine.,, retrieved 3-13-2008
  11. ^ Ferling (1992) p 117
  12. ^ Rev. Jonathan Mayhew, "Discourse Concerning Unlimited Submission and Non-resistance to the Higher Powers," January 30, 1750. On Adams's attribution to Rev. Mayhew refer to the
  13. ^ Ferling (1992) pp 53-63
  14. ^ Zobel, The Boston Massacre, W.W. Norton and Co.(1970), 199-200.
  15. ^ McCullough, John Adams, pg. 66
  16. ^ Adams, John, Diary and Autobiography of John Adams,L.H. Butterfield, Editor.(Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1961.)
  17. ^ John Adams, 1st Vice President (1789-1797)”. United States Senate. 2007年8月1日閲覧。
  18. ^ In 1775 he was also appointed the chief judge of the Massachusetts Superior Court.
  19. ^ Ferling (1992) ch 8 p 146
  20. ^ Wood, The Radicalism of the American Revolution (1993)
  21. ^ Ferling (1992) pp 155-7, 213-5
  22. ^ Thoughts on Government, Works of John Adams, IV:195
  23. ^ Ferling (1992) ch 8.
  24. ^ TO WILLIAM P. GARDNER, Thomas Jefferson, The Works of Thomas Jefferson, Federal Edition (New York and London, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1904-5). Vol. 11.
  25. ^ Who Was Who in America, Historical Volume, 1607-1896. Chicago: Marquis Who's Who. (1963) 
  26. ^ Adams Autobiography, entry March 10, 1778.
  27. ^ McCullough, David. John Adams. pg 179
  28. ^ Fiske, John (1896). Critical Period Of American History, 1783-89. Cambridge, MA: The Riverside Press. pp. 22-24. ISBN 0781228484. OCLC 232657364. オリジナルの2007年8月29日時点におけるアーカイブ。. 2009年7月20日閲覧。 
  29. ^ Ferling (1992) ch 11-12
  30. ^ Dutch American Friendship Day / Heritage Day - U.S. Embassy The Hague, Netherlands
  31. ^ Stockdale, E. (2005). 'Tis Treason, My Good Man! Four Revolutionary Presidents and a Piccadilly Bookshop. London: The British Library. pp. p.148. ISBN 0712306994 
  32. ^ The Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States of America
  33. ^ See
  34. ^ Gordon, Lyndall (2005). “Chapter 3: New Life at Newington”. Vindication : a life of Mary Wollstonecraft. New York: HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0060198022 
  35. ^ Ronald M. Peters. The Massachusetts Constitution of 1780: A Social Compact (1978) p 13 says Adams was its "principal architect."
  36. ^ John Adams: Defence of the Constitutions, 1787
  37. ^ Turgot to Richard Price, March 22, 1778, in Works of John Adams, IV:279
  38. ^ Wood, Revolutionary Characters: What Made the Founders Different (2006) pp 173-202; see also Wood, The Radicalism of the American Revolution (1993).
  39. ^ Thompson,1999
  40. ^ Works of John Adams, IV:557
  41. ^ Madison, James. “The Federalist No. 51”. 10-02-16閲覧。
  42. ^ Littlefield, Daniel C. "John Jay, the Revolutionary Generation, and Slavery." New York History 2000 81(1): p 91-132. ISSN 0146-437X
  43. ^ Ferling (1992) pp 172-3
  44. ^ Ferling (1992) ch 15
  45. ^ Ferling (1992) p 311
  46. ^ Ferling (1992) pp 316-32
  47. ^ Biography of John Adams
  48. ^ Elkins and McKitrick, The Age of Federalism (1993), pp 513-37
  49. ^ Arthur Meier Schlesinger, ed. History of American Presidential Elections, 1789-1984 (Vol 1) (1986), essay and primary sources on 1796
  50. ^ Ferling (1992) ch 16, p 333.
  51. ^ McCullough p 471
  52. ^ Ellis (1998) p 57
  53. ^ Kurtz, The Presidency of John Adams (1957) ch 12
  54. ^ Gordon S. Wood, Empire of Liberty: A history of the Early Republic, 1789-1815 (2009)
  55. ^ William Chambers, The First Party System: Federalists and Republicans (1972)
  56. ^ Kurtz, The Presidency of John Adams (1957) ch 13; Miller, The Federalist Era (1960), ch. 12
  57. ^ Kurtz, The Presidency of John Adams (1957) ch 13; Miller, The Federalist Era (1960), ch. 13
  58. ^ Elkins and McKitrick, The Age of Federalism (1993) ch. 15
  59. ^ James Morton Smith, Freedom's Fetters: The Alien and Sedition Laws and American Civil Liberties (1967)
  60. ^ Ferling (1992) ch 17
  61. ^ Elkins and McKitrick, The Age of Federalism (1993) pp. 714-19
  62. ^ Kurtz (1967) p 331
  63. ^ Ferling (1992) ch 18
  64. ^ Elkins and McKitrick The Age of Federalism pp 696-700; Paul Douglas Newman, ''Fries's Rebellion: The Enduring Struggle for the American Revolution (2004).
  65. ^ Ferling (1992) ch 19; Ferling (2004)
  66. ^ Overview of the White House”. White House Museum. 2008年7月16日閲覧。
  67. ^ a b Ferling (1992) ch 20
  68. ^ Ferling (1992) p. 429
  69. ^ a b Cappon (1988)
  70. ^ Cappon, ed., 387
  71. ^ Cappon, ed. 400
  72. ^ Hakim. Joy. The New Nation, page 97 (Oxford University Press 2003).
  73. ^ Jefferson Still Survives. Retrieved on 2006-12-26.
  74. ^ Robert B. Everett, "The Mature Religious Thought of John Adams," Proceedings of the South Carolina Historical Association (1966), p 49-57; [ISSN 0361-6207].
  75. ^ Howard Ioan Fielding, "John Adams: Puritan, Deist, Humanist," Journal of Religion, Vol. 20, No. 1 (Jan., 1940), pp. 33-46 in JSTOR
  76. ^ See " A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law", John Adams, 1765
  77. ^ The Works of John Adams (1854), vol III, p 421, diary entry for July 26, 1796.
  78. ^ a b Unitarian Universalist Historical Society Biography”. 2007年12月11日閲覧。


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