学業不正とは? わかりやすく解説

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学業不正(がくぎょうふせい、: Academic dishonesty)とは、初等教育中等教育高等教育、街のカルチャースクール自動車学校などを含め、生徒学生試験レポート調査研究等の報告書や学校で課題として提出する小論文)などでする不正行為の総称である。具体的行為は、カンニング賄賂捏造改竄盗用なりすまし、論文代行、破壊活動教員側の不正などであるが、定義、規則、実態は、時代、国、教育の場(例:カルチャースクール - 大学)、教育の段階(例:幼稚園 - 大学院)でかなり異なる。

  1. ^ a b Bushway, A.; Nash, W. R. (1977). “School Cheating Behavior”. Review of Educational Research 47 (4): 623-632. doi:10.3102/00346543047004623. ISSN 0034-6543. 
  2. ^ a b Sue Carter Simmons, "Competing Notions of Authorship: A Historical Look at Students and Textbooks on Plagiarism and Cheating", in Perspectives on Plagiarism and Intellectual Property in the Postmodern World ed. Lise Buranen and Alice M. Roy (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1999)
  3. ^ Stephens, Jason M.. “Psychology Through Ecology: Academic Motivation, Moral Aptitudes, and Cheating Behavior in Middle and High School Settings”. 2014年8月22日閲覧。
  4. ^ Wilfried Decoo 2002, p. 23.
  5. ^ a b Patrzek, Justine; Sattler, Sebastian; van Veen, Floris; Grunschel, Carola; Fries, Stefan (2014). “Investigating the effect of academic procrastination on the frequency and variety of academic misconduct: a panel study”. Studies in Higher Education: 1-16. doi:10.1080/03075079.2013.854765. ISSN 0307-5079. 
  6. ^ a b Brian Aaron Jacob & Steven D. Levitt (2003) Catching Cheating Teachers: The Results of an Unusual Experiment in Implementing Theory", available at Project Muse.
  7. ^ a b William J. Bowers 1964, p. 155.
  8. ^ LaBeff, Emily E.; Clark, Robert E.; Haines, Valerie J.; Diekhoff, George M. (1990). “Situational Ethics and College Student Cheating”. Sociological Inquiry 60 (2): 190-198. doi:10.1111/j.1475-682X.1990.tb00138.x. ISSN 0038-0245. 
  9. ^ Donald L. McCabe and Linda Klebe Trevino, "Academic Dishonesty: Honor Codes and Other Contextual Influences", The Journal of Higher Education 64, no. 5, (September-October 1993), 522-538. http://library.uvm.edu/~pmardeus/honors/honorcode.pdf
  10. ^ Justin Pope, 'Higher education sees rise in dishonesty', Associated Press, May 19, 2007
  11. ^ The Ethics of American Youth: 2008”. Report Card on the Ethics of American Youth. Josephson Institute. 2012年11月14日閲覧。
  12. ^ a b c Maclean, Phil (Fall 2009). “Cheating goes high tech”. Ohiomatyc News. オリジナルの2013年11月10日時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20131110202253/http://www.ohiomatyc.org/web_documents/newsletter_fall_09.pdf 2014年8月16日閲覧。 
  13. ^ L.M. Dryden, "A Distant Mirror or Through the Looking Glass?: Plagiarism and Intellectual Property in Japanese Education", in Perspectives on Plagiarism and Intellectual Property in the Postmodern World, ed. Lise Buranen and Alice M. Roy (Albany: SUNY Press, 1999), 75.
  14. ^ 初等中等教育と高等教育との接続の改善に関する小委員会(第4回)議事録”. 文部科学省 中央教育審議会 (1999年2月10日). 2014年8月20日閲覧。
  15. ^ a b UK universities in ‘plagiarism epidemic’as almost 50,000 students caught cheating over last 3 years”. Independent (2016年1月4日). 2016年9月1日閲覧。
  16. ^ Perry, B. (2010). “Exploring academic misconduct: Some insights into student behaviour”. Active Learning in Higher Education 11 (2): 97-108. doi:10.1177/1469787410365657. ISSN 1469-7874. 
  17. ^ a b Ireland, Chris and English, John (2011年3月31日). “Plagiarism: Let's start as we don't mean to go on”. The Higher Education Academy. 2014年8月22日閲覧。
  18. ^ 一般論として T. Markus Funk, "Don't Pay for the Misdeeds of Others: Intro to Avoiding Third-Party FCPA Liability," 6 BNA White Collar Crime Report 33 (January 14, 2011) (discussing bribery in the context of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act)
  19. ^ この本に引用されている Stepchyshyn, Vera; Robert S. Nelson (2007). Library plagiarism policies. Assoc of College & Resrch Libraries. p. 65. ISBN 0-8389-8416-9. https://books.google.es/books?id=OHamIn5dPR8C 
  20. ^ Pennycook, Alastair. Borrowing Others' Words: Text, Ownership, Memory, and Plagiarism (1996)201-230 http://www.jstor.org/stable/3588141
  21. ^ a b Lynch, Jack (2002) The Perfectly Acceptable Practice of Literary Theft: Plagiarism, Copyright, and the Eighteenth Century, in Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation 24, no. 4 (Winter 2002-3), pp. 51-54.
  22. ^ Will, Frederic (1963). “Publica materies”. Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics (Trustees of Boston University) 2: 131-142. http://www.jstor.org/pss/20162879 2014年8月18日閲覧。. 
  23. ^ Royal Shakespeare Company (2007) The RSC Shakespeare - William Shakespeare Complete Works, Introduction to the Comedy of Errors, p. 215 quote:

    while we applaud difference, Shakespeare's first audiences fovoured likeness: a work was good not because it was original, but because it resembled an admired classical exemplar, which in the case of comedy meant a play by Terence or Plautus

  24. ^ Lindey, Alexander (1952) Plagiarism and Originality
  25. ^ Edward Young (1759) Conjectures on Original Composition
  26. ^ Alfrey, Penelope Petrarch's Apes: Originality, Plagiarism and Copyright Principles within Visual Culture
  27. ^ Green, Stuart P. (2002-2003). “Plagiarism, Norms, and the Limits of Theft Law: Some Observations on the Use of Criminal Sanctions in Enforcing Intellectual Property Rights” (PDF). Hastings Law Journal (University of California) 54: 167-242. http://www.english.illinois.edu/-people-/faculty/debaron/380/380reading/greenplagiarism.pdf 2013年8月8日閲覧。. 
  28. ^ Macdonald, Ranald; Carroll, Jude (2006). “Plagiarism? a complex issue requiring a holistic institutional approach”. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 31 (2): 233-245. doi:10.1080/02602930500262536. ISSN 0260-2938. 
  29. ^ 代返とは”. コトバンク. VOYAGE GROUP. 2021年10月24日閲覧。
  30. ^ 代返 受検・進学・入試用語集”. 進学ナビ. インフォクレスト&キッズ・コーポレーション. 2021年10月24日閲覧。
  31. ^ 学生の窓口編集部 (2016年5月6日). “今ではシステム的に不可能?! 「代返」頼んだことがある現役大学生の割合は……”. マイナビ 学生の窓口. マイナビ. 2021年10月24日閲覧。
  32. ^ Thirunavukkarasu Arun Babu, Noyal Mariya Joseph & Vijayan Sharmila (2011). “Academic dishonesty among undergraduates from private medical schools in India. Are we on the right track?”. Medical Teacher 33: 759-761. doi:10.3109/0142159X.2011.576717. 
  33. ^ Mahera Abdulrahman, Shahd Alsalehi, Zahra S. M. Husain, Satish C. Nair & Frederick Robert Carrick (2017). “Professionalism among multicultural medical students in the United Arab Emirates”. Medical Education Online (Taylor & Francis) 22 (1): 1-7. doi:10.1080/10872981.2017.1372669. 
  34. ^ Clarke, Robert; Lancaster, Thomas (2006-06-19). Eliminating the successor to plagiarism? Identifying the usage of contract cheating sites. CiteSeerx10. 
  35. ^ Contract Cheating in UK Higher Education: promoting a proactive approach (Jun 2009) Archived 2012年3月3日, at the Wayback Machine.
  36. ^ Aviv, Rachel (2014年7月21日). “Wrong Answer: In an era of high-stakes testing, a struggling school made a shocking choice.”. The New Yorker. 2014年8月22日閲覧。
  37. ^ 愛知県立西春高等学校校則 - 西春高校の生徒指導 -” (2010年1月). 2014年8月23日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2016年9月1日閲覧。
  38. ^ 後藤文彦. “カンニング処分規定”. 2014年8月20日閲覧。
  39. ^ Board of Trustees (2006年8月). “ACADEMIC HONESTY”. Anaheim Union High School District. 2014年8月20日閲覧。
  40. ^ Definitions of academic honesty violations”. Western Michigan University. 2014年8月20日閲覧。
  41. ^ Student Advocacy. “Academic Honesty Quiz”. University of Manitoba. 2014年8月21日閲覧。
  42. ^ Code of Practice on Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty - Academic Affairs - The University of Dundee”. The University of Dundee. 2014年8月21日閲覧。
  43. ^ Regulations for the Conduct of Examinations - Academic Affairs - The University of Dundee”. The University of Dundee. 2014年8月21日閲覧。
  44. ^ Richard A. Fass, "By Honor Bound: Encouraging Academic Honesty", Educational Record 67, no. 4 (Fall 1986), 32.
  45. ^ William J. Bowers 1964, p. 70.
  46. ^ Landon Tomas Jr., "On Wall Street, a Rise in Dismissals over Ethics", New York Times, 29 March 2005 late ed., A1.
  47. ^ a b c B.E. Whitley Jr. & P. Keith-Spiegel 2002, p. 35.
  48. ^ William J. Bowers 1964, p. 74.
  49. ^ Donald L. McCabe and Linda Klebe Trevino, "Individual and Contextual Influences on Academic Dishonesty: A Multicampus Investigation", Research in Higher Education 38, no. 2, (1997), 380.
  50. ^ Jude Carroll, A Handbook for Deterring Plagiarism in Higher Education(Oxford: The Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development, 2002), 18.
  51. ^ Kenneth J. Smith, Jeanette A. Davy, and Debbie Easterling, "An Examination of Cheating and its Antecedents Among Marketing and Management Majors", The Journal of Business Ethics50, no. 1, (March 2004), 66.
  52. ^ Tim West, Sue Ravenscroft, and Charles Shrader, "Cheating and Moral Judgment in the College Classroom: A Natural Experiment", Journal of Business Ethics 54, no. 2, (October 2004), 181.
  53. ^ William J. Bowers 1964, p. 207.
  54. ^ Jude Carroll 2002, p. 21.
  55. ^ Wilfried Decoo 2002, p. 25.
  56. ^ a b Joe Kerkvliet and Charles L. Sigmund (1999). “ICan We Control Cheating in the Classroom?”. The Journal of Economic Education 30: 331. 
  57. ^ LaBeff, Emily E.; Clark, Robert E.; Haines, Valerie J.; Diekhoff, George M. (1990). “Situational Ethics and College Student Cheating”. Sociological Inquiry 60 (2): 192. doi:10.1111/j.1475-682X.1990.tb00138.x. ISSN 0038-0245. 
  58. ^ Jude Carroll 2002, p. 61.
  59. ^ Douglas N. Bunn, Steven B. Caudill, and Daniel M. Gropper, "Crime in the Classroom: An Economic Analysis of Undergraduate Student Cheating Behavior", The Journal of Economic Education 23, no. 3, (Summer 1992), 205.
  60. ^ a b Emich.edu
  61. ^ Bushway, A.; Nash, W. R. (1977). “School Cheating Behavior”. Review of Educational Research 47 (4): 628. doi:10.3102/00346543047004623. ISSN 0034-6543. 
  62. ^ Bernard E. Whitley, "Factors Associated with Cheating Among College Students: A Review", Research in Higher Education 39, no. 3, (June, 1998), 252.
  63. ^ Anderman, E., & Midgley, C. (2004). Changes in self-reported academic cheating across the transition from middle school to high school. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 29, 499-517.
  64. ^ Jude Carroll 2002, p. 18.
  65. ^ Donald L. McCabe and Linda Klebe Trevino, "Individual and Contextual Influences on Academic Dishonesty: A Multicampus Investigation", Research in Higher Education 38, no. 2, (1997), p382.
  66. ^ William J. Bowers 1964, p. 104.
  67. ^ F. Clark Power, Ann Higgins, and Lawrence Kohlberg, Lawrence Kohlberg's Approach to Moral Education (New York: Columbia University Press, 1989), 214.
  68. ^ McCabe and Trevino, "Honor Codes and Other Contextual Influences", 532.
  69. ^ Bunn, Caudill, and Gropper, 204.
  70. ^ William J. Bowers 1964, p. 199.
  71. ^ Donald L. McCabe, Linda Klebe Trevino, and Donald L. Butterfield, "Honor Code and Other Contextual Influences on Academic Integrity: A Replication and Extension to Modified Honor Code Settings" Research in Higher Education 43, no. 3, (June 2002), 368.
  72. ^ William J. Bowers 1964, p. 72.
  73. ^ Richard A. Bernardi, Rene L. Metzger, Ryann G. Scofield Bruno, Marisa A. Wade Hoogkamp, Lillian E. Reyes, and Gary H. Barnaby, "Examining the Decision Process of Students' Cheating Behavior: An Empirical Study" Journal of Business Ethics 50, no. 1, (2004), 399.
  74. ^ Kenneth J. Smith, Jeanette A. Davy, and Debbie Easterling, "An Examination of Cheating and its Antecedents Among Marketing and Management Majors", Journal of Business Ethics 50, no. 1, (March 2004), 66.
  75. ^ LaBeff, Emily E.; Clark, Robert E.; Haines, Valerie J.; Diekhoff, George M. (1990). “Situational Ethics and College Student Cheating”. Sociological Inquiry 60 (2): 191. doi:10.1111/j.1475-682X.1990.tb00138.x. ISSN 0038-0245. 
  76. ^ Donald L. McCabe, "The Influence of Situational Ethics on Cheating Among College Students", Sociological Inquiry 62, no. 3, (August 1992), 368.
  77. ^ "Richard J. Hardy and David Burch, "What Political Science Professors Should Know in Dealing with Academic Dishonesty", Teaching Political Science 9, no. 2 (Fall 1981), 6.
  78. ^ Joseph Roy Geiger, The Honor System in Colleges (Williamsburg, VA: College of William and Mary, 1937), 5.
  79. ^ Donald L. McCabe, Linda Klebe Trevino, and Kenneth D. Butterfield, "Academic Integrity in Honor Code and Non-Honor Code Environments: A Qualitative Investigation", The Journal of Higher Education 70, no. 2 (March-April 1999), 213.
  80. ^ B.E. Whitley Jr. & P. Keith-Spiegel 2002, p. 8.
  81. ^ Alison Schneider 1999, p. A8.
  82. ^ Donald L. McCabe, Kenneth D. Butterfield, and Linda Klebe Trevino, "Faculty and Academic Integrity: The Influence of Current Honor Codes and Past Honor Code Experiences," Research in Higher Education 44, no. 3 (June 2003), 368.
  83. ^ B.E. Whitley Jr. & P. Keith-Spiegel 2002, p. 11.
  84. ^ a b Alison Schneider 1999, p. A9.
  85. ^ Ron Robin, Scandals and Scoundrels: Seven Cases that Shook the Academy. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2004), 222.
  86. ^ Kevin Davis, "Student Cheating: A Defensive Essay," The English Journal 81, no. 6 (October 1992), 72.
  87. ^ S.H. McLeod quoted in B.E. Whitley Jr.and P. Keith-Spiegel (2002)、p.20
  88. ^ Wilfried Decoo 2002, p. 152.
  89. ^ eTBLAST: a text-similarity based search engine  ”. 2014年4月10日閲覧。
  90. ^ Deja vu: Medline duplicate publication database。2014年4月13日閲覧。


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