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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/06/12 14:49 UTC 版)

ウェイソン選択課題英語: Wason selection task4枚カード問題)とは、ペーター・カスカート・ウェイソン英語版が1966年に考案したロジックパズル[1][2][3]演繹的思考を学ぶための有名なタスクである[4]

  1. ^ Wason, P. C. (1968). “Reasoning about a rule”. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 20 (3): 273–281. doi:10.1080/14640746808400161. 
  2. ^ Wason, P. C. (1966). “Reasoning”. In Foss, B. M.. New horizons in psychology. 1. Harmondsworth: Penguin. LCCN 66-5291 
  3. ^ Wason, P. C.; Shapiro, Diana (1971). “Natural and contrived experience in a reasoning problem”. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 23: 63–71. doi:10.1080/00335557143000068. 
  4. ^ Manktelow, K. I. (1999). Reasoning and Thinking. Psychology Press. p. 8. ISBN 978-0-86377-708-0. https://books.google.com/books?id=6XpBCZDcCtIC&pg=PA8. "The Wason selection task has often been claimed to be the single most investigated experimental paradigm in the psychology of reasoning." 
  5. ^ Wason, P. C. (1977). “Self-contradictions”. In Johnson-Laird, P. N.; Wason, P. C.. Thinking: Readings in cognitive science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521217563 
  6. ^ Evans, Jonathan St. B. T.; Newstead, Stephen E.; Byrne, Ruth M. J. (1993). Human Reasoning: The Psychology of Deduction. Psychology Press. ISBN 978-0-86377-313-6. https://books.google.com/books?id=iFMhZ4dl1KcC 
  7. ^ Oaksford, M.; Chater, N. (1994). “A rational analysis of the selection task as optimal data selection”. Psychological Review 101 (4): 608–631. doi:10.1037/0033-295X.101.4.608. 
  8. ^ Stenning, K.; van Lambalgen, M. (2004). “A little logic goes a long way: basing experiment on semantic theory in the cognitive science of conditional reasoning”. Cognitive Science 28 (4): 481–530. doi:10.1016/j.cogsci.2004.02.002. 
  9. ^ a b c d e f Cosmides, L.; Tooby, J. (1992). “Cognitive Adaptions for Social Exchange”. In Barkow, J.. The adapted mind: Evolutionary psychology and the generation of culture. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 163–228. ISBN 978-0-19-506023-2. http://www.cep.ucsb.edu/papers/Cogadapt.pdf 
  10. ^ Davies, Paul Sheldon; Fetzer, James H.; Foster, Thomas R. (1995). “Logical reasoning and domain specificity”. Biology and Philosophy 10 (1): 1–37. doi:10.1007/BF00851985. 
  11. ^ von Sydow, M. (2006). Towards a Flexible Bayesian and Deontic Logic of Testing Descriptive and Prescriptive Rules. Göttingen: Göttingen University Press. https://ediss.uni-goettingen.de/handle/11858/00-1735-0000-0006-AC29-9 
  12. ^ Beller, S. (2001). “A model theory of deontic reasoning about social norms”. In Moore, J.D.. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Mahwah, NJ.: Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 63–68 
  13. ^ Sperber, D.; Girotto, V. (2002). “Use or misuse of the selection task?”. Cognition 85: 277–290.. doi:10.1016/s0010-0277(02)00125-7. 
  14. ^ Kanazawa, Satoshi (May–June 2010). “Evolutionary Psychology and Intelligence Research”. American Psychologist (American Psychological Association) 65 (4): 279–289. doi:10.1037/a0019378. http://personal.lse.ac.uk/Kanazawa/pdfs/AP2010.pdf 2018年2月16日閲覧。. 
  15. ^ Kaufman, Scott Barry; DeYoung, Colin G.; Reis, Deidre L.; Gray, Jeremy R. (May–June 2010). “General intelligence predicts reasoning ability even for evolutionarily familiar content”. Intelligence (Elsevier) 39 (5): 311–322. doi:10.1016/j.intell.2011.05.002. https://scottbarrykaufman.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Kaufman-DeYoung-Reis-Gray-2011.pdf 2018年2月16日閲覧。. 
  16. ^ Kaufman, Scott Barry (2011年7月2日). “Is General Intelligence Compatible with Evolutionary Psychology?”. Sussex Publishers. 2018年2月16日閲覧。



出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2022/05/11 03:55 UTC 版)




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