おしゃぶりとは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2023/07/21 07:13 UTC 版)


  1. ^ Design Patent number D33,212 C.W.Meinecke Sep 18 1900
  2. ^ S. Levin, MB(RAND) VLR.C.P.(EDNN.) DCH, in South African Medical Journal 1971
  3. ^ New York Times 1909年6月30日. 原文: the "menace to health" of "the persistent, and, among poorer classes, the universal sucking of a rubber nipple sold as a 'pacifier'.
  4. ^ British Journal of Nursing: The Midwife Aug 7 1915
  5. ^ According to trademark registration documents 1948
  6. ^ Oxford English Dictionary
  7. ^ Cecilia Viets Jamieson Ropes of Sand Chapter 2: Top's baby (1873)
  8. ^ Madonna and Siskin
  9. ^ S. Levin
  10. ^ Norfolk Museums
  11. ^ OED
  12. ^ Victoria & Albert Museum of Childhood
  13. ^ the journal Pediatrics in September 2000.
  14. ^ a b c d 『ひよこくらぶ』2012年5月号、221-225頁
  15. ^ http://allabout.co.jp/children/ikujinow/closeup/CU20060126B/
  16. ^ a b http://www.jspd.or.jp/public/about_pediatrics_04.htm
  17. ^ a b 『ひよこくらぶ』2012年5月号、204-205頁
  18. ^ [1] BMJ
  19. ^ Report in Science Daily
  20. ^ A meta-analytic study published in Pediatrics in October 2005 supports this benefit to 1 year of age
  21. ^ Gale CR, Martyn CN. :Breastfeeding, dummy use, and adult intelligence. Lancet. 1996 ;347:1072-5.
  22. ^ Levy, S.M. et al.:Association of pacifier use, digit sucking, and child care attendance with cessation of breastfeeding, J Fam Pract, 51:465, 2002.
  23. ^ Benis, M.M. :Are pacifiers associated with early weaning from breastfeeding, Adv Neonatal Care, 2 :259-266, 2002.
  24. ^ Howard, C.R. et al. :Randomized clinical trial of pacifier use breastfeeding, Pediatrics, 111:511-518, 2003.
  25. ^ Gorbe, E. et al.:The relationship between pacifier use, bottle feeding and breast feeding, J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med, 12:127-131, 2002.
  26. ^ Niemela, M. et al.:Pacifiers and dental structure as risk factors for Otitis Media, Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol, 29:121-127, 1994.
  27. ^ Jackson, J. et al.:Pacifier use and Otitis Media in infants twelve months of age or younger, Pediatr Dent, 21:255-260, 1999.
  28. ^ Warren, J.F. et al.:Pacifier yse and the occurrence of Otitis Media in the first year of life, Pediatr Dent, 23:103-107, 2001.
  29. ^ Mattos-Graner, R.O. et al.:Relation of oral yeast infection in Brazillian infants and use of a pacifier, J Dent child, 68, 33-36, 2001.
  30. ^ Ollila, P. et al.:Risk factors for colonization of salivary lactobacilli and candida in children, Acta Odontol Scand, 55:9-13, 1997.
  31. ^ North, S.K. et al.:Pacifier use and morbidity in the first six months of life, Pediatrics, 103(3):E34, 1999.
  32. ^ North, S.K. et al.:Socio-demographic associations with digit and pacifier sucking at 15 months of age and possible associations with infant infection, The ALSPAC study team. Avon longitudinal study of pregnancy and childhood,Early Hun Dev, 60:137-148, 2000.
  33. ^ Ollila, P. et al.:Prolonged pacifier-sucking and use of a nursing bottle at night:possible risk factors for dental caries in children, Acta Odontol Scand, 56:233-237, 1998.
  34. ^ 牛田永子、米津卓郎ほか:1歳6か月児の吸てつ行動とう蝕罹患状態との関連性に関する累年的研究、歯科学報、103:534, 2003.
  35. ^ 秋山一男:気管支喘息における真菌アレルギーをめぐって、真菌誌、41:149-155, 2000.
  36. ^ Barros, F.C. et al.:Breast feeding, pacifier use and infant development at 12 months of age:a birth cohort study in Brazil, Paediatr Perinat Epideiol, 11:441-450, 1997.
  37. ^ a b c 亀山孝將 おしゃぶり誘発顎顔面変形症PFDS)(1)、(2)、(3)、(4)、 月刊保団連;2006.11 No918、2006.12 No920、2007.3 No927、2007.4 No932
  38. ^ 亀山孝將 「おしゃぶり訴訟」が和解 月刊保団連;2008.9 No978 


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2022/04/26 16:15 UTC 版)




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