Bayesian networkとは? わかりやすく解説

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(Bayesian network から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2023/12/18 14:13 UTC 版)

ベイジアンネットワーク: Bayesian network)は、因果関係確率により記述するグラフィカルモデルの1つで、複雑な因果関係の推論有向非巡回グラフ構造により表すとともに、個々の変数の関係を条件つき確率で表す確率推論のモデルである。ネットワークとは重み付けグラフのこと。

  1. ^ "A graph comprises nodes ... connected by links ... . In a probabilistic graphical model, each node represents a random variable ... and the links express probabilistic relationships between these variables." PRML. p.360.
  2. ^ ネットワーク(重み付けグラフ)
  3. ^ "diagrammatic representations of probability distributions, called probabilistic graphical models." PRML p.359
  4. ^ "Directed graphical models are a type of probabilistic models where all the variables are topologically organized into a directed acyclic graph." Kingma. (2019). An Introduction to Variational Autoencoders. Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning.
  5. ^ a b "Bayesian networks, also known as directed graphical models" PRML. p.360.
  6. ^ a b "We work with directed probabilistic models, also called directed probabilistic graphical models (PGMs), or Bayesian networks." Kingma. (2019). An Introduction to Variational Autoencoders. Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning.
  7. ^ "The joint distribution over the variables of such models factorizes as a product of prior and conditional distributions" Kingma. (2019). An Introduction to Variational Autoencoders. Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning.
  8. ^ 逆(向きから因果関係を決定すること)は一般に成り立たない。
  9. ^ シュピーゲルハルター他、1989年
  10. ^ Booker、Hota、1986年
  11. ^ Charniak、Goldman、1989年
  12. ^ ハンソン、マイヤー、1989年
  13. ^ Fully Observed Models という
  14. ^ "If all variables in the directed graphical model are observed in the data, then we can compute and differentiate the log-probability of the data under the model, leading to relatively straightforward optimization." Kingma. (2019). An Introduction to Variational Autoencoders. Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning.
  15. ^ Pearl, Judea (8 1985). “Bayesian Networks: a Model of Self-Activated Memory for Evidential Reasoning”. Proceedings, Cognitive Science Society: 329-334. 


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