ヘモレオロジーとは? わかりやすく解説

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ヘモレオロジー: hemorheology) または 血液レオロジー: blood rheology)とは、血液とその構成要素(血漿血球など)の流体としての性質を研究するレオロジーの一分野である。血液の適切な組織灌流は、血液の流動学的性質が適正な範囲内にあることにより得られる。これら流動学的性質の変動は疾患の病態生理において重要な役割を果たしている[1]。血液の粘度を決定する要因は、血漿の粘度、ヘマトクリット、そして赤血球の力学的性質である。赤血球は、その変形能英語版凝集能英語版の観点から,力学的に特有の振る舞いを示すことで知られている[2]。そのため、血液は非ニュートン流体として振る舞う。

  1. ^ Baskurt, OK; Hardeman M, Rampling MW, Meiselman HJ (2007). Handbook of Hemorheology and Hemodynamics. Amsterdam, Netherlands: IOS Press. p. 455. ISBN 1586037714. ISSN 0929-6743. 
  2. ^ a b Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ (2003). “Blood rheology and hemodynamics”. Seminars in Thrombosis and Haemostasis 29: 435–450. doi:10.1055/s-2003-44551. PMID 14631543. 
  3. ^ a b Késmárky G, Kenyeres P, Rábai M, Tóth K (2008). “Plasma viscosity: a forgotten variable”. Clin. Hemorheol. Microcirc. 39 (1-4): 243–6. PMID 18503132. http://iospress.metapress.com/openurl.asp?genre=article&issn=1386-0291&volume=39&issue=1&spage=243. 
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  6. ^ Kwon O, Krishnamoorthy M, Cho YI, Sankovic JM, Banerjee RK (February 2008). “Effect of blood viscosity on oxygen transport in residual stenosed artery following angioplasty”. J Biomech Eng 130 (1): 011003. doi:10.1115/1.2838029. PMID 18298179. 
  7. ^ Jeong, Seul-Ki, et al. (April 2010). “Cardiovascular risks of anemia correction with erythrocyte stimulating agents: should blood viscosity be monitored for risk assessment?”.  Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy 24 (2): 151–60. doi:10.1007/s10557-010-6239-7. PMID 20514513. 
  8. ^ Viscosity. The Physics Hypertextbook. by Glenn Elert
  9. ^ Baskurt OK, Boynard M, Cokelet GC, et al (2009). “New Guidelines for Hemorheological Laboratory Techniques”. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 42 (2): 75–97. doi:10.3233/CH-2009-1202. PMID 19433882. 
  10. ^ A. Burton (1965). Physiology and Biophysics of Circulation. Chicago (USA): Year Book Medical Publisher Inc.. p. 53. 
  11. ^ G. Thurston and Nancy M. Henderson (2006). “Effects of flow geometry on blood Viscoelasticity”. Biorheology 43: 729–746. PMID 17148856. 
  12. ^ G. Thurston (1989). “Plasma Release – Cell Layering Theory for Blood Flow”. Biorheology 26: 199–214. PMID 2605328. 
  13. ^ G. Thurston (1979). “Rheological Parameters for the Viscosity, Viscoelasticity, and thixotropy of Blood”. Biorheology 16 (3): 149–162. PMID 508925. 
  14. ^ L. Pirkl and T. Bodnar, Numerical Simulation of Blood Flow Using Generalized Oldrroyd-B Model, European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2010
  15. ^ T. How, Advances in Hemodynamics and Hemorheology, Vol. 1, JAI Press LTD., 1996, 1–32.
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  18. ^ V. Lubarda and A. Marzani, Viscoelastic response of thin membranes with application to red blood cells, Acta Mechanica, 2009, 202, 1–16
  19. ^ D. Fedosov, B. Caswell, and G. Karniadakis, Coarse-Grained Red Blood Cell Model with Accurate Mechanical Properties, Rheology and Dynamics, 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2009
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  21. ^ M. Marinkovic, K. Turner, J. Butler, J. Fredberg, and S. Suresh, Viscoelasticity of the Human Red Blood Cell, American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology 2007, 293, 597-605.
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  23. ^ S. Canic, J. Tambaca, G. Guidoboni, A. Mikelic, C Hartley, and D Rosenstrauch, Modeling Viscoelastic Behavior of Arterial Walls and their Interaction with Pulsatile Blood Flow, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2006, 67, 164–193
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