トルコ人 概要


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  1. ^ http://twistedsifter.com/2015/06/proportional-pie-chart-of-the-most-spoken-languages/
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  8. ^ Kötter et al. 2003, 55.
  9. ^ Haviland et al. 2010, 675.
  10. ^ Leveau & Hunter 2002, 6.
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  22. ^ King Baudouin Foundation 2008, 5.
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  31. ^ 2011 census
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  36. ^ http://www.istat.it/it/archivio/129854
  37. ^ Council of Europe 2007, 131.
  38. ^ Turkish Embassy in Algeria 2008, 4.
  39. ^ Oxford Business Group 2008, 10.
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  41. ^ Park 2005, 37.
  42. ^ Phillips 2006, 112.
  43. ^ Taylor 2004, 28.
  44. ^ a b c d Akar 1993, 95.
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  48. ^ Özkaya 2007, 112.
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  52. ^ Karpat 2004, 12.
  53. ^ Baedeker 2000, lviii.
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  61. ^ Whitman 1990, i.
  62. ^ http://www.stat.gov.mk/pdf/kniga_13.pdf
  63. ^ Republic of Macedonia State Statistical Office 2005, 34.
  64. ^ Knowlton 2005, 66.
  65. ^ Abrahams 1996, 53.
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  67. ^ Phinnemore 2006, 157.
  68. ^ Constantin, Goschin & Dragusin 2008, 59.
  69. ^ 2011 census in the Republic of Kosovo
  70. ^ 2010 Russia census
  71. ^ Ryazantsev 2009, 172.
  72. ^ Агентство Республики Казахстан по статистике. Этнодемографический сборник Республики Казахстан 2014.
  73. ^ a b c Aydıngün et al. 2006, 13.
  74. ^ Kyrgyz 2009 census
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  76. ^ Переписи населения Азербайджана 1979, 1989, 1999, 2009 годов
  77. ^ UNHCR 1999, 14.
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  84. ^ 35,000 Moslems convert into Christianity each year in Turkey.
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  88. ^ Ephesos im Spiegel seiner Inschriften,23p



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