Β-ラクトグロブリンとは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2013/10/07 21:31 UTC 版)

β-ラクトグロブリン(Beta-lactoglobulin)は、牛乳や羊乳に含まれる主要な(~3 g/l)乳清タンパク質の1つで、他の多くの哺乳類にも含まれる。ただし、ヒトの母乳には含まれない。構造、性質、生物学的役割等について、多くの研究がなされている[1][2][3]

  1. ^ Hambling, S. G., A. S. McAlpine, and L. Sawyer. 1992. Advanced Dairy Chemistry: 1. Proteins, chapter: Beta-lactoglobulin. Elsevier Applied Science, 141-190.
  2. ^ Sawyer, L., and G. Kontopidis. 2000. The core lipocalin, bovine beta-lactoglobulin. Biochim Biophys Acta 1482:136-48.
  3. ^ Kontopidis, G., C. Holt, and L. Sawyer. 2004. Invited review: beta-lactoglobulin: binding properties, structure, and function. J Dairy Sci 87:785-96.
  4. ^ Jost, R. 1993. Functional characteristics of dairy proteins. Trends in Food Science & Technology 4:283-288.
  5. ^ Uhrinova, S., M. H. Smith, G. B. Jameson, D. Uhrin, L. Sawyer, and P. N. Barlow. 2000. Structural changes accompanying ph-induced dissociation of the beta-lactoglobulin dimer. Biochemistry 39:3565-74.
  6. ^ Bromley, E. H. C., M. R. H. Krebs, and A. M. Donald. 2005. Aggregation across the length scales in beta-lactoglobulin. Faraday Discussions. 128:13-27.
  7. ^ Kuwajima K., Yamaya H. & Sugai S. 1996. The Burst-phase Intermediate in the Refolding of beta-Lactoglobulin Studied by Stopped-flow Circular Dichroism and Absorption Spectroscopy. Journal of Molecular Biology, 264:806-822.


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